All the windows have cleaned this week

help (again) with homework!! :D?

my english homework!

mi tarea de ingles!por hoy no pido nada mas!!

complete the sentences with a passive form of the verb in brackets.

Bread IS MADE (make) from flour

I was at school when these houses WERE BEING BUILT (was building)

Cakes . (make) from flour.

We lived in a caravan in the garden while our house . . (was building).

These letters. (must type) before 5 o’clock.

All the windows. (have cleaned) this week.

These cups. (broke) when we arrived.

Some money. (have stolen) from Tom’s jacket-

Thanks people. ♥ Gracias a los que puedan ayudarme con esta tarea de ingles!!

2 Answers

Cakes made from flour.

We lived ina caravan in the garden while our house was being built.

. what are you trying to say on the third one?

All the windows have been cleaned this week. OR all the windows WERE cleaned this week.

These cups were broken when we arrived.

Some money was stolen from tom’s jacket.

Idk if that’s passive form, but I’m from America and that’s how I’d say it.

while our house WAS BEING BUILT

these letters MUST BE TYPED

all the windows HAVE BEEN CLEANED

these cups WERE BROKEN

some money HAS BEEN STOLEN

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Spotlight 9, Grammar Check 3

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 9 из раздела Grammar Check, Module 3.

Exercise 1. Read the story and fill in the gaps with the past simple or the past continuous.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите рассказ и заполните пропуски глаголами в простом прошедшем времени или в простом продолженном времени.

Scary Sally

One cold, stormy afternoon, Harry’s dad (tell) him a ghost story called ‘Scary Sally’. “One day long ago,” he (say), “a man (walk) through the woods, when he (notice) that strange lights (shine) in the north, south, east and west. Suddenly, he also (see) a strange woman. Big, black crows (fly) above her head. Then, the crows (chase) the terrified man out of the woods! Nowadays, people still sometimes see the strange lights, the witch and the crows.” Harry (not/believe) his dad’s story!
That night, Harry (hear) a strange tapping sound at his bedroom window. Harry (look) out of the window and (scream) loudly! He (can) see some strange lights and big, black crows (circle) in the trees…

Scary Sally

One cold, stormy afternoon, Harry’s dad was telling him a ghost story called ‘Scary Sally’. “One day long ago,” he said, “a man was walking through the woods, when he noticed that strange lights were shining in the north, south, east and west. Suddenly, he also saw a strange woman. Big, black crows were flying above her head. Then, the crows chased the terrified man out of the woods! Nowadays, people still sometimes see the strange lights, the witch and the crows.” Harry didn’t believe his dad’s story!
That night, Harry heard a strange tapping sound at his bedroom window. Harry looked out of the window and screamed loudly! He could see some strange lights and big, black crows were circling in the trees…

Страшная Салли

Одним холодным грозовым днем отец Гарри рассказывал ему историю о привидении, которая называется “Страшная Салли”. “Однажды давным давно”, – сказал он, “через лес шел один человек и заметил, как на севере, юге, востоке и западе сияли странные огни. Вдруг он увидел странную женщину. Над ее головой летали большие черные вороны. Затем эти вороны погнали испуганного человека из леса! Сегодня люди иногда видят странные огни, ведьму и ворон.” Гарри не поверил в историю его отца!
В ту ночь Гарри услышал странный стук в окно его спальни. Гарри выглянул из окна и громко вскрикнул! Он увидел, как какие-то странные огни и большие черные вороны кружат над деревьями…

1) By the time Graham arrived at the train station, the train has already been leaving / had already left.

2) How long had you been trying / had you tried to call Tom before he finally answered the phone?

3) The children had been putting away / had put away their toys before their mum came back home.

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4) Alan had a headache because he had played / had been playing computer games all afternoon.

5) Simon had saved / had been saving money for many years before he bought his own house.

6) The football game had just been starting / had just started when it began to rain.

1) By the time Graham arrived at the train station, the train had already left. – К тому времени, как Грэхэм прибыл на вокзал, поезд уже отправился.

2) How long had you been trying to call Tom before he finally answered the phone? – Как долго вы пытались позвонить Тому, перед тем как он наконец ответил на телефон?

3) The children had put away their toys before their mum came back home. – Дети убрали свои игрушки, перед тем как вернулась мама.

4) Alan had a headache because he had been playing computer games all afternoon. – У Алана болела голова, потому что он весь день играл в компьютерные игры.

5) Simon had been saving money for many years before he bought his own house. – Саймон копил деньги в течение многих лет, до того как он купил свой собственный дом.

6) The football game had just started when it began to rain. – Футбольная команда только начала игру, как пошел дождь.

Exercise 3. Read and match. Then put the verbs in bold in the correct tense.
Упражнение 3. Соотнесите цифры и буквы. Потом поставьте глаголы в правильное время.

1) I / surf the Net
2) Mike / have lunch
3) Daniel / already get to the airport
4) Sarah’s clothes/ be wet
5) Julia / sleep

a) when he / realise he / leave his passport at home.
b) because she / walk in the rain.
с) when we suddenly / have a power cut.
d) and then do the washing-up.
e) when a loud noise / wake her up.

1) I was surfing the Net when we suddenly had had a power cut. – Я сидел в интернете, когда у нас внезапно вырубился свет.
2) Mike had lunch and then did the washing-up. – Майк пообедал и потом помыл посуду.
3) Daniel had already got to the airport when he realised he had left his passport at home. – Даниель уже прибыл в аэропорт, когда понял, что оставил свой паспорт дома.
4) Sarah’s clothes were wet because she had been walking in the rain. – Одежда Сары была мокрая, потому что она гуляла под дождем.
5) Julia was sleeping when a loud noise woke her up. – Джулия спала, когда ее разбудил громкий шум.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
Упражнение 4. поставьте глагол из скобок в правильное прошедшее время.

1. Yuri (work) on his computer for two hours before it (break down).

2. I (mop) the floor while my brother (cut) the grass.

3. (you/sleep) when the earthquake (start)?

4. This time last week, I (fly) to Paris.

5. Sam was really happy because he (pass) all his exams.

6. Sarah (clean) the house by the time her parents (come) back.

7. James (wait) for a while and then (open) the door to see who (make) that strange noise.

8. Marion (not/go) shopping because she (spend) the morning with her little brother that day.

1. Yuri had been working on his computer for two hours before it broke down. – Юрий два часа проработал за компьютером, перед тем как он сломался.

2. I was mopping the floor while my brother was cutting the grass. – Я мыл пол шваброй, пока мой друг подрезал траву.

3. Were you sleeping when the earthquake started? – Вы спали, когда началось землетрясение?

4. This time last week, I was flying to Paris. – В это время на пршолой неделе я летел в Париж.

5. Sam was really happy because he had passed all his exams. – Сэм был по-настоящему счастлив, потому что он сдал все свои экзамены.

6. Sarah had cleaned the house by the time her parents came back. – Сара сделала уборку в доме к тому моменту, как вернулись ее родители.

7. James waited for a while and then opened the door to see who was making that strange noise. – Джеймс немного подождал и потом открыл дверь, чтобы увидеть, кто так странно шумел.

8. Marion didn’t go shopping because she spent the morning with her little brother that day. – Марион не ходил за покупками, потому что он провел утро со своим маленьким братом в то время.

1. Carol was making a phone call and then left the office.
2. What did you do at 10 o’clock yesterday morning?
3. Rob was twisting his ankle, so he couldn’t play football.
4. When I was younger, I was living with my parents.
5. Bill was cooking dinner by the time I got home.

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1. Carol made (неправильно was making) a phone call and then left the office. – Кэрол сделала телефонный звонок и потом покинула офис.
2. What were you doing (неправильно did you do) at 10 o’clock yesterday morning? – Что вы делали в 10 часов вчера утром?
3. Rob had twisted (неправильно was twisting) his ankle, so he couldn’t play football. – Роб вывихнул лодыжку, поэтому он не мог играть в футбол.
4. When I was younger, I lived (неправильно was living) with my parents. – Когда я был моложе, я жил со своими родителями.
5. Bill had cooked (неправильно was cooking) dinner by the time I got home. – Билл приготовил обед к тому моменту, как я пришел домой.

Exercise 6. Read the email and put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
Упражнение 6. Прочтите электронное письмо и поставьте глаголы из скобок в правильное прошедшее время.

Last week we asked readers to send us descriptions of their funniest dreams. Here’s the winning email from Gerry in England.

I (study) for an exam the whole evening so I was quite tired when I went to bed. In the dream I was at school. I (enter) my classroom and (sit) at my desk when suddenly I realised that all my classmates (wear) masks of farm animals! My teacher entered the room. I tried to read the test paper she (hand out) but all the questions were in some strange animal language with moos and baas! The rest of the class (write) their answers without any problem. In the morning I woke up and heard some cows outside my window. They (break) through our gate during the night. The noises they (make) all night had probably caused my dream!

Last week we asked readers to send us descriptions of their funniest dreams. Here’s the winning email from Gerry in England.

I had been studying for an exam the whole evening so I was quite tired when I went to bed. In the dream I was at school. I entered my classroom and sat at my desk when suddenly I realised that all my classmates were wearing masks of farm animals! My teacher entered the room. I tried to read the test paper she handed out but all the questions were in some strange animal language with moos and baas! The rest of the class were writing their answers without any problem. In the morning I woke up and heard some cows outside my window. They had broken through our gate during the night. The noises they had been making all night had probably caused my dream!

На прошлой неделе мы попросили читателей прислать нам описания своей самой забавной мечты. Вот письмо-победитель от Джерри из Англии.

Весь вечер я готовился к экзамену, поэтому я был весьма уставшим, когда пошел спать. Мне приснилась школа. Я вошел в классную комнату и сел з свою парту, когда вдруг понял, что на всех моих одноклассниках были маски животных! Вошел в класс учитель. Я попытался прочесть тест, который он раздал, но все вопросы были даны на странном языке животных с мычанием и блеянием! Остальная часть класса писала свои ответы без проблем! Утро я проснулся и услушал коров за окном. В течение ночи они проломили наши ворота. Тот шум, который от них шел всю ночь, вероятно и вызвал мой сон!

Exercise 7. Use the phrases to prepare a short story. Tell the class. Use connectors (and, because, but) where the dashes (—) are.
Упражнение 7. Используйте фразы, чтобы подготовить короткий рассказ. Используйте связки (and, because, but) вместо прочерков (—).

A Coincidence

• It / be / Friday evening. Daniel / just arrive / Heathrow Airport / London, take / his luggage — get / a taxi go / his hall of residence.

• He arrive / flat — open / his suitcase, be surprised his suitcase / be full of women’s clothes, he / realise — he / take the wrong suitcase.

• He call / the Lost and Found Department at the airport — the officer / say / nobody / report / they / take / wrong suitcase. Daniel / be really upset.

• He go / kitchen — make dinner, the door / open — a girl / enter the fiat, she / hold his suitcase! he / go / his bedroom — return holding / her suitcase, show it to the girl they / start laughing.

• It was Friday evening. Daniel had just arrived at Heathrow Airport in London. – Был пятничный вечер. Даниель только что прибыл аэропорт Хитроу в Лондоне.

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• He arrived at his flat and opened his suitcase. He was surprised because his suitcase was full of women’s clothes. He realised that he had taken the wrong suitcase. – Он прибыл в свою квартиру и открыл чемодан. Он был удивлен, потому что его чемодан был полон женской одежды. Он понял, что он взял не тот чемодан.

• He called the Lost and Found Department at the airport but the officer said nobody had reported that they had also taken the wrong suitcase. Daniel was really upset. – Он позвонил в Бюро утерянный и найденный вещей в аэропорту, но служащий сказал, что никто не сообщал о том, что он тоже взял не тот чемодан.

• He went into the kitchen and made dinner. The door opened and a girl entered the flat. She was holding his suitcase! He went to his bedroom and returned holding her suitcase. He showed it to the girl and they started laughing. – Он отправился на кухню и приготовил обед. Открылась дверь и в квартиру вошла девушка. Она держала его чемодан! Он пошел в свою спальню и вернулся, держа ее чемодан. Он показал его девушке, и они начали смеяться.

1. Susan — “I eat a lot of salads now.”
2. David — “I don’t drive to work any more.”
3. Pete — “I go jogging every day now.”
4. Lisa — “I’ve got a rabbit now.”
5. The Johnsons — “We don’t live in a flat any more.”
6. Sarah — “I cook every day now.”

1. Susan — “I eat a lot of salads now.” (Сьюзан: “Сейчас я ем много салатов”.)
I didn’t use to eat a lot of salads. (Обычно я не ела много салатов.)

2. David — “I don’t drive to work any more.” (Давид: “Я больше не езжу на машине”.)
I used to drive to work. (Я обычно ездил на машине на работу.)

3. Pete — “I go jogging every day now.” (Пит: “Сейчас я каждый день хожу на пробежку”.)
I didn’t use to go jogging every day. (Я обычно не ходил на пробежку каждый день.)

4. Lisa — “I’ve got a rabbit now.” (Лиза: “Сейчас у меня есть кролик”.)
I didn’t use to have a rabbit. (У меня обычно не было кролика.)

5. The Johnsons — “We don’t live in a flat any more.” (Джонсоны: “Мы больше не живем в квартире”.)
We used to live in a flat. (Мы обычно жили в квартире.)

6. Sarah — “I cook every day now.” (Сара: “Сейчас я каждый день готовлю”.)
I didn’t use to cook every day. (Я обычно не готовила каждый день).

Exercise 9. Sarah Stevens won the lottery last year. Now she is a millionaire. Fill in the gaps using used to / didn’t use to and the verbs in brackets. Then say in which sentences you could also use would.
Упражнение 9. В прошлом году Сара Стивенс выиграла лотерею. Сейчас она миллионерша. Заполните пропуски, используя used to / didn’t use to с указанным глаголом. Скажите, в каких предложениях вы могли бы использовать would.

Before I was a millionaire, I…

• 1) (rent) a small flat but now I have bought my own house.

• 2) (take) the bus to work but now I have my own car.

• 3) (not/buy) new clothes but now I can go shopping every day.

• 4) (go) camping but now I stay in expensive hotels.

• 5) (not/have) enough money to help the poor, but now I often give money to charity.

Before I was a millionaire, I… – Перед тем, как я стала миллионершей, я…

• 1) used to rent a small flat but now I have bought my own house. – обычно снимала небольшую квартиру, но сейчас я купила свой собственный дом.

• 2) used to / would take the bus to work but now I have my own car. – обычно ездила на работу на автобусе, но сейчас у меня своя собственная квартира.

• 3) didn’t use to buy new clothes but now I can go shopping every day. – обычно не покупала новую одежду, но сейчас я могу ходить за покупками каждый день.

• 4) used to / would go camping but now I stay in expensive hotels. – обычно ходила в поход, но сейчас я останавливаюсь в дорогих отелях.

• 5) didn’t use to have enough money to help the poor, but now I often give money to charity. – обычно не имела денег, чтобы помогать бедным, но сейчас я часто даю деньги на благотворительность.

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