Как переводится clean windows

the windows are clean

1 windows could have done with a clean

2 (a) gadget to clean windows

3 clean

4 show a clean pair of heels

The next moment each of us had taken to his heels in a different direction. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘Treasure Island’, ch. XIX) — И в тот же миг мы оба бросились в разные стороны.

Men who smash windows do not remain to parley with the law’s minions. They take to their heels. (O. Henry, ‘The Four Million’, ‘The Cop and the Anthem’) — Люди, разбивающие окна, не останавливаются поговорить с полицейскими, а быстрее дают тягу.

It was evident that Captain Buller feared the worst, for he crowded on all canvas and it seemed for a time, that he would show the strange ship a clean pair of heels. (Gr. Greene, ‘The Heart of the Matter’, book II, part I, ch. I) — Капитан Буллер, видно, понял, что дело плохо; он приказал поднять все паруса, и некоторое время казалось, что им удастся уйти от погони.

Loraine. took to her heels and ran still clasping the brown paper packet. (A. Christie, ‘The Seven Dials Mystery’, ch. XX) — Лорен. пустилась бежать без оглядки, прижимая к себе пакет из коричневой бумаги.

5 операционная среда Windows

6 приложение Windows NT

7 приложение для Windows

8 программа для Windows

9 программа под Windows

10 ресурс Windows

11 файл инициализации Windows

12 Windows

13 Windows 95-based

14 Windows ABI

15 Windows API

16 Windows CE

17 Windows DNA

18 Windows NT Explorer

19 Windows NT Server

20 Windows NT Server Directory Services

См. также в других словарях:

clean — clean1 [ klin ] adjective *** ▸ 1 not dirty ▸ 2 not guilty/illegal/wrong ▸ 3 smooth/regular/neat ▸ 4 light and fresh ▸ 5 without writing/errors ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) not dirty: Go and put on a clean shirt. nice clean towels spotlessly clean:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Windows 2000 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family Screenshot of Windows 2000 Professional … Wikipedia

Windows Vista — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia

Windows 95 — Part of the Microsoft Windows family … Wikipedia

Clean Asia! — Title screen of Clean Asia! Developer(s) Jonatan Cactus Söderström Engine … Wikipedia

Clean (programming language) — Clean Paradigm(s) functional Appeared in 1987 Designed by Software Technology Research Group of Radboud University Nijmegen Stable release … Wikipedia

The Sims 2: Open for Business — Developer(s) Maxis[1] … Wikipedia

The Cleaner (TV series) — The Cleaner Intertitle Format Drama Starring Benjamin Bratt Brett DelBuono Liliana Mumy … Wikipedia

The Desert (Dragon Prince) — The Desert is a fictional Princedom (or country) in Melanie Rawn s fantasy novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies. It is the primary setting of these trilogies. For as long as the sands spawn fire. The Desert is Prince Rohan s… … Wikipedia

The Neverhood — Box art of The Neverhood Developer(s) The Neverhood, Inc. Publisher(s) … Wikipedia

The Neptunes discography — The Neptunes are a two member producing group consisting of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo. This discography lists the recorded performances as a duo and individuals. It also lists the writing and production credits as The Neptunes, as Williams… … Wikipedia

window cleaner

1 window cleaner

2 window cleaner

3 window cleaner

4 window cleaner

5 window cleaner

6 window cleaner

См. также в других словарях:

window cleaner — window .cleaner n someone whose job is to clean windows … Dictionary of contemporary English

window cleaner — window ,cleaner noun count someone whose job is to clean windows … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Window cleaner — A window cleaner (US slang; window washer) maintains the cleanliness of windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces. The work is mostly cleaning of exterior window panes interior panes are usually maintained by maids or janitors though many… … Wikipedia

window cleaner — noun someone who cleans windows for pay • Hypernyms: ↑cleaner * * * ˈwindow cleaner 7 [window cleaner window cleaners] noun a person whose job is to clean windows … Useful english dictionary

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window cleaner — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms window cleaner : singular window cleaner plural window cleaners someone whose job is to clean windows … English dictionary

window cleaner — noun a) A person whose job is to clean windows. b) A product, such as Windex, used to clean windows … Wiktionary

window cleaner — noun (C) someone whose job is to clean windows … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

WINDOW-CLEANER — … Useful english dictionary

Confessions of a Window Cleaner — Theatrical release poster Directed by Val Guest … Wikipedia

The Window Cleaner — (also known as When I m Cleaning Windows ) is a comedy song performed by Lancastrian comic, actor and ukulele player George Formby. It first appeared in the film Keep Your Seats Please and was an instant success, the song was banned from being… … Wikipedia

cleaner — [[t]kli͟ːnə(r)[/t]] cleaners 1) N COUNT A cleaner is someone who is employed to clean the rooms and furniture inside a building. 2) N COUNT: n N A cleaner is someone whose job is to clean a particular type of thing. He was a window cleaner. 3) N… … English dictionary

to clean a window

1 clean a window

2 clean room window

3 to clean a window

4 window

to close / shut a window — закрывать окно

to clean / wash a window — мыть окно

He stood at the window, moodily staring out. — Он стоял у окна, уныло глядя наружу.

That’s the second time I’ve had my car window smashed in the last two weeks. — За последние две недели мне уже во второй раз вдребезги разбивают стекло в машине.

window bills — «оконные плакаты» (с фотографиями кандидатов на выборах; обычно выставляются в окнах домов сторонников партии, кот. представляет данный кандидат)

window tax — ист.; брит. оконный налог (на каждое окно в доме, начиная с шестого, действовал в Великобритании с 1696 по 1851 гг.)

I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window. — Я на минутку остановился перед витриной ближайшего магазина.

The windows of heaven opened. поэт. — Разверзлись хляби небесные.

There will be tomorrow only a 10-minute window — the period in which the rocket must be launched to reach the appropriate orbit. — Завтра будет только десять минут на то, чтобы запустить ракету и вывести её на нужную орбиту.

5 window

окно билетной кассы bow

архит. окно с выступом, эркер data

вчт. окно дисассемблирования display

вчт. окно на экране дисплея edit

вчт. окно редактирования to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ to have all one’s goods in the (front)

быть поверхностным человеком to have all one’s goods in the (front)

выставлять все напоказ to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ human

вчт. информационное окно send

витрина window витрина

кратковременное улучшение рыночной конъюктуры

6 window

7 clean window

См. также в других словарях:

window — n. 1 a an opening in a wall, roof, or vehicle etc., usu. with glass in fixed, sliding, or hinged frames, to admit light or air etc. and allow the occupants to see out. b the glass filling this opening (have broken the window). 2 a space for… … Useful english dictionary

Clean Air Network — Formation July 2009 Type NGO Location Hong Kong Website www.hongkongcan.org Clean Air Network (CAN … Wikipedia

Window shutter hardware — Window Shutter Hardware> Overview A series of documents are provided here to further explain terms and terminology related to shutter hardware and blacksmithing, as well as the evolution of early hardware.A Brief History of Early Hardware In its… … Wikipedia

Clean Air act — se réfère, dans le monde anglophone, à une réglementation en matière de protection de l air, de diminution du smog et de la pollution de l air en général. Sommaire 1 Royaume Uni 2 États Unis 3 Action en justice … Wikipédia en Français

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Clean air act — se réfère, dans le monde anglophone, à une réglementation en matière de protection de l air, de diminution du smog et de la pollution de l air en général. Sommaire 1 Royaume Uni 2 États Unis 3 Action en justice … Wikipédia en Français

Clean (Film) — Clean Réalisation Olivier Assayas Acteurs principaux Maggie Cheung Nick Nolte Béatrice Dalle Jeanne Balibar Scénario Olivier Assayas Photographie Éric Gautier Montage Luc Barnier … Wikipédia en Français

Clean URLs — (dt. saubere URLs oder sprechende URLs) (bzw. URIs) sind URLs, die nichts über die genutzte Technologie preisgeben sondern nur die Ressource selbst beschreiben. Man sieht z. B. kein cgi bin oder cgi im Pfad und selbst die Dateiendungen (z. B. htm … Deutsch Wikipedia

window cleaner — window .cleaner n someone whose job is to clean windows … Dictionary of contemporary English

window cleaner — window ,cleaner noun count someone whose job is to clean windows … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

clean — <>I.<> noun Clean is used after these nouns: ↑spring <>II.<> verb ADVERB ▪ effectively, well ▪ This product cleans baths very effectively. ▪ easily … Collocations dictionary

Window cleaner — A window cleaner (US slang; window washer) maintains the cleanliness of windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces. The work is mostly cleaning of exterior window panes interior panes are usually maintained by maids or janitors though many… … Wikipedia

clean a window

1 clean a window

2 clean room window

3 clean window

См. также в других словарях:

window — n. 1 a an opening in a wall, roof, or vehicle etc., usu. with glass in fixed, sliding, or hinged frames, to admit light or air etc. and allow the occupants to see out. b the glass filling this opening (have broken the window). 2 a space for… … Useful english dictionary

Clean Air Network — Formation July 2009 Type NGO Location Hong Kong Website www.hongkongcan.org Clean Air Network (CAN … Wikipedia

Window shutter hardware — Window Shutter Hardware> Overview A series of documents are provided here to further explain terms and terminology related to shutter hardware and blacksmithing, as well as the evolution of early hardware.A Brief History of Early Hardware In its… … Wikipedia

Clean Air act — se réfère, dans le monde anglophone, à une réglementation en matière de protection de l air, de diminution du smog et de la pollution de l air en général. Sommaire 1 Royaume Uni 2 États Unis 3 Action en justice … Wikipédia en Français

Clean air act — se réfère, dans le monde anglophone, à une réglementation en matière de protection de l air, de diminution du smog et de la pollution de l air en général. Sommaire 1 Royaume Uni 2 États Unis 3 Action en justice … Wikipédia en Français

Clean (Film) — Clean Réalisation Olivier Assayas Acteurs principaux Maggie Cheung Nick Nolte Béatrice Dalle Jeanne Balibar Scénario Olivier Assayas Photographie Éric Gautier Montage Luc Barnier … Wikipédia en Français

Clean URLs — (dt. saubere URLs oder sprechende URLs) (bzw. URIs) sind URLs, die nichts über die genutzte Technologie preisgeben sondern nur die Ressource selbst beschreiben. Man sieht z. B. kein cgi bin oder cgi im Pfad und selbst die Dateiendungen (z. B. htm … Deutsch Wikipedia

window cleaner — window .cleaner n someone whose job is to clean windows … Dictionary of contemporary English

window cleaner — window ,cleaner noun count someone whose job is to clean windows … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

clean — <>I.<> noun Clean is used after these nouns: ↑spring <>II.<> verb ADVERB ▪ effectively, well ▪ This product cleans baths very effectively. ▪ easily … Collocations dictionary

Window cleaner — A window cleaner (US slang; window washer) maintains the cleanliness of windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces. The work is mostly cleaning of exterior window panes interior panes are usually maintained by maids or janitors though many… … Wikipedia

to clean a window

1 clean a window

2 clean room window

3 to clean a window

4 window

to close / shut a window — закрывать окно

to clean / wash a window — мыть окно

He stood at the window, moodily staring out. — Он стоял у окна, уныло глядя наружу.

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That’s the second time I’ve had my car window smashed in the last two weeks. — За последние две недели мне уже во второй раз вдребезги разбивают стекло в машине.

window bills — «оконные плакаты» (с фотографиями кандидатов на выборах; обычно выставляются в окнах домов сторонников партии, кот. представляет данный кандидат)

window tax — ист.; брит. оконный налог (на каждое окно в доме, начиная с шестого, действовал в Великобритании с 1696 по 1851 гг.)

I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window. — Я на минутку остановился перед витриной ближайшего магазина.

The windows of heaven opened. поэт. — Разверзлись хляби небесные.

There will be tomorrow only a 10-minute window — the period in which the rocket must be launched to reach the appropriate orbit. — Завтра будет только десять минут на то, чтобы запустить ракету и вывести её на нужную орбиту.

5 window

окно билетной кассы bow

архит. окно с выступом, эркер data

вчт. окно дисассемблирования display

вчт. окно на экране дисплея edit

вчт. окно редактирования to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ to have all one’s goods in the (front)

быть поверхностным человеком to have all one’s goods in the (front)

выставлять все напоказ to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

быть поверхностным человеком to have everything in the shop

, to have all one’s goods in the shop

выставлять все напоказ human

вчт. информационное окно send

витрина window витрина

кратковременное улучшение рыночной конъюктуры

6 window

7 clean window

См. также в других словарях:

window — n. 1 a an opening in a wall, roof, or vehicle etc., usu. with glass in fixed, sliding, or hinged frames, to admit light or air etc. and allow the occupants to see out. b the glass filling this opening (have broken the window). 2 a space for… … Useful english dictionary

Clean Air Network — Formation July 2009 Type NGO Location Hong Kong Website www.hongkongcan.org Clean Air Network (CAN … Wikipedia

Window shutter hardware — Window Shutter Hardware> Overview A series of documents are provided here to further explain terms and terminology related to shutter hardware and blacksmithing, as well as the evolution of early hardware.A Brief History of Early Hardware In its… … Wikipedia

Clean Air act — se réfère, dans le monde anglophone, à une réglementation en matière de protection de l air, de diminution du smog et de la pollution de l air en général. Sommaire 1 Royaume Uni 2 États Unis 3 Action en justice … Wikipédia en Français

Clean air act — se réfère, dans le monde anglophone, à une réglementation en matière de protection de l air, de diminution du smog et de la pollution de l air en général. Sommaire 1 Royaume Uni 2 États Unis 3 Action en justice … Wikipédia en Français

Clean (Film) — Clean Réalisation Olivier Assayas Acteurs principaux Maggie Cheung Nick Nolte Béatrice Dalle Jeanne Balibar Scénario Olivier Assayas Photographie Éric Gautier Montage Luc Barnier … Wikipédia en Français

Clean URLs — (dt. saubere URLs oder sprechende URLs) (bzw. URIs) sind URLs, die nichts über die genutzte Technologie preisgeben sondern nur die Ressource selbst beschreiben. Man sieht z. B. kein cgi bin oder cgi im Pfad und selbst die Dateiendungen (z. B. htm … Deutsch Wikipedia

window cleaner — window .cleaner n someone whose job is to clean windows … Dictionary of contemporary English

window cleaner — window ,cleaner noun count someone whose job is to clean windows … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

clean — <>I.<> noun Clean is used after these nouns: ↑spring <>II.<> verb ADVERB ▪ effectively, well ▪ This product cleans baths very effectively. ▪ easily … Collocations dictionary

Window cleaner — A window cleaner (US slang; window washer) maintains the cleanliness of windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces. The work is mostly cleaning of exterior window panes interior panes are usually maintained by maids or janitors though many… … Wikipedia

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