Mpssvc firewall do windows

Вики IT-KB

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Как корректно отключить и включить Брандмауэр Windows

Не рекомендуется полностью останавливать или отключать службу Брандмауэр Windows / Брандмауэр Защитника Windows (mpssvc). Если на время нужно отключить фильтрацию трафика то можно сделать это одним из перечисленных здесь методов.

Утилита netsh

Чтобы выключить все профили брандмауэра Windows с помощью утилиты netsh, с правами администратора выполним команду:

Чтобы включить обратно, выполним команду:

Командлеты PowerShell

Чтобы выключить все профили брандмауэра Windows с помощью PowerShell, с правами администратора выполним команду:

Чтобы включить обратно, выполним команду:

Обратите внимание на то, что если в домене Active Directory правила брандмауэра Windows настраиваются с помощью групповых политик, указанные выше команды могут не дать желаемого результата, не смотря на то, что отрабатывать они будут без ошибок.

Проверено на следующих конфигурациях:

Версия ОС
Windows 10 1803 (17134.345) Professional RU 64-bit

Автор первичной редакции:
Алексей Максимов
Время публикации: 16.10.2018 16:24

Mpssvc firewall do windows

Windows Defender Firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to your computer through the Internet or a network.

Default Settings

Startup type: Automatic
Display name: Windows Defender Firewall
Service name: mpssvc
Service type: share
Error control: normal
Group: NetworkProvider
Object: NT Authority\LocalService
Path: %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetworkFirewall -p
File: %SystemRoot%\system32\mpssvc.dll
Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mpssvc
  • SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
  • SeAuditPrivilege
  • SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
  • SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
  • SeImpersonatePrivilege
  • SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege

Default Behavior

Windows Defender Firewall is a Win32 service. In Windows 10 it is starting automatically when the operating system starts. Then the Windows Defender Firewall service is running as NT Authority\LocalService in a shared process of svchost.exe along with other services. If Windows Defender Firewall fails to start, the failure details are being recorded into Event Log. Then Windows 10 will start up and notify the user that the mpssvc service has failed to start due to the error.


Windows Defender Firewall cannot be started under any conditions, if the following services are disabled, deleted or working improperly:

Restore Default Startup Configuration for Windows Defender Firewall

1. Run the Command Prompt as an administrator.

2. Copy the commands below, paste them into the command window and press ENTER:

sc config mpssvc start= auto
sc start mpssvc

3. Close the command window and restart the computer.

Аудит изменения политики на уровне правил MPSSVC Audit MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

Область применения Applies to

  • Windows 10 Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016

Аудит изменения политики MPSSVC Rule-Level определяет, генерирует ли операционная система события аудита при внесении изменений в правила политики для службы защиты Майкрософт (MPSSVC.exe). Audit MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change determines whether the operating system generates audit events when changes are made to policy rules for the Microsoft Protection Service (MPSSVC.exe).

Служба Защиты (Майкрософт), используемая брандмауэром Windows, является неотъемлемой частью защиты компьютера от вредоносных программ. The Microsoft Protection Service, which is used by Windows Firewall, is an integral part of the computer’s threat protection against malware. К отслеживаемой активности относятся: The tracked activities include:

Активные политики при запускается служба брандмауэра Windows. Active policies when the Windows Firewall service starts.

Изменения правил брандмауэра Windows. Changes to Windows Firewall rules.

Изменения в списке исключений брандмауэра Windows. Changes to the Windows Firewall exception list.

Изменения параметров брандмауэра Windows. Changes to Windows Firewall settings.

Правила игнорируются или не применяются службой брандмауэра Windows. Rules ignored or not applied by the Windows Firewall service.

Изменения параметров групповой политики брандмауэра Windows. Changes to Windows Firewall Group Policy settings.

Изменения правил брандмауэра важны для понимания состояния безопасности компьютера и его защиты от сетевых атак. Changes to firewall rules are important for understanding the security state of the computer and how well it is protected against network attacks.

Объем события: средний. Event volume: Medium.

Тип компьютера Computer Type Общий успех General Success Общий сбой General Failure Более успешный успех Stronger Success Более сильное сбой Stronger Failure Комментарии Comments
Контроллер домена Domain Controller Да Yes Да Yes Да Yes Да Yes События успеха показывают изменения в правилах и параметрах брандмауэра Windows, активной конфигурации и правилах после запуска службы брандмауэра Windows и действий по восстановлению конфигурации по умолчанию. Success events shows you changes in Windows Firewall rules and settings, active configuration and rules after Windows Firewall Service startup and default configuration restore actions.
Сбои могут помочь выявить проблемы конфигурации с правилами и настройками брандмауэра Windows. Failure events may help to identify configuration problems with Windows Firewall rules or settings.
Сервер-член Member Server Да Yes Да Yes Да Yes Да Yes События успеха показывают изменения в правилах и параметрах брандмауэра Windows, активной конфигурации и правилах после запуска службы брандмауэра Windows и действий по восстановлению конфигурации по умолчанию. Success events shows you changes in Windows Firewall rules and settings, active configuration and rules after Windows Firewall Service startup and default configuration restore actions.
Сбои могут помочь выявить проблемы конфигурации с правилами и настройками брандмауэра Windows. Failure events may help to identify configuration problems with Windows Firewall rules or settings.
Workstation Workstation Да Yes Да Yes Да Yes Да Yes События успеха показывают изменения в правилах и параметрах брандмауэра Windows, активной конфигурации и правилах после запуска службы брандмауэра Windows и действий по восстановлению конфигурации по умолчанию. Success events shows you changes in Windows Firewall rules and settings, active configuration and rules after Windows Firewall Service startup and default configuration restore actions.
Сбои могут помочь выявить проблемы конфигурации с правилами и настройками брандмауэра Windows. Failure events may help to identify configuration problems with Windows Firewall rules or settings.

Список событий: Events List:

4944(S): следующая политика была активна при работе брандмауэра Windows. 4944(S): The following policy was active when the Windows Firewall started.

4945(S): правило было перечислены при работе брандмауэра Windows. 4945(S): A rule was listed when the Windows Firewall started.

4946(S): в список исключений брандмауэра Windows было внося изменения. 4946(S): A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. Было добавлено правило. A rule was added.

4947(S): в список исключений брандмауэра Windows было внося изменения. 4947(S): A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. Правило было изменено. A rule was modified.

4948(S): в список исключений брандмауэра Windows было внося изменения. 4948(S): A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. Правило было удалено. A rule was deleted.

4949(S): параметры брандмауэра Windows восстановлены до значений по умолчанию. 4949(S): Windows Firewall settings were restored to the default values.

4950(S): параметр брандмауэра Windows изменился. 4950(S): A Windows Firewall setting has changed.

4951(F): правило игнорируется, так как его основной номер версии не распознается брандмауэром Windows. 4951(F): A rule has been ignored because its major version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall.

4952(F): части правила были проигнорированы, так как его номер версии не был распознан брандмауэром Windows. 4952(F): Parts of a rule have been ignored because its minor version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall. Другие части правила будут применены. The other parts of the rule will be enforced.

4953(F): брандмауэр Windows проигнорировал правило, так как ему не удалось его разлить. 4953(F): A rule has been ignored by Windows Firewall because it could not parse the rule.

4954(S): параметры групповой политики брандмауэра Windows изменились. 4954(S): Windows Firewall Group Policy settings have changed. Были применены новые параметры. The new settings have been applied.

4956(S): брандмауэр Windows изменил активный профиль. 4956(S): Windows Firewall has changed the active profile.

4957(F): Брандмауэр Windows не применял следующее правило: 4957(F): Windows Firewall did not apply the following rule:

4958(F): Брандмауэр Windows не применял следующее правило, так как правило ссылалось на элементы, не настроенные на этом компьютере: 4958(F): Windows Firewall did not apply the following rule because the rule referred to items not configured on this computer:

Mpssvc firewall do windows

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


Has anyone had problems installed Exchange 2016 on Win Server 2019 DC?

I am getting this issue;

D:\>setup /mode:install /role:mailbox /iacceptexchangeserverlicenseterms

Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 10 Unattended Setup

Copying Files.
File copy complete. Setup will now collect additional information needed for installation.

Management tools
Mailbox role: Transport service
Mailbox role: Client Access service
Mailbox role: Unified Messaging service
Mailbox role: Mailbox service
Mailbox role: Front End Transport service
Mailbox role: Client Access Front End service

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

Configuring Prerequisites FAILED

The following error was generated when «$error.Clear();
if (Get-Service MpsSvc* | ?<$_.Name -eq 'MpsSvc'>)

Set-Service MpsSvc -StartupType Automatic
Start-SetupService -ServiceName MpsSvc
» was run:
«Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ServiceCommandException: Service ‘Windows Defender Firewall (MpsSvc)’ cannot be
configured due to the following error: Access is denied —> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied

Setup seems to be trying to manipulate MpsSvc but it runs «System Protected Process» thingo to prevent tampering so setup can’t. Any ideas or is this a fix for CU11 ?

I tried GUI installation too and the same error occured

Audit MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

Applies to

  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016

Audit MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change determines whether the operating system generates audit events when changes are made to policy rules for the Microsoft Protection Service (MPSSVC.exe).

The Microsoft Protection Service, which is used by Windows Firewall, is an integral part of the computer’s threat protection against malware. The tracked activities include:

Active policies when the Windows Firewall service starts.

Changes to Windows Firewall rules.

Changes to the Windows Firewall exception list.

Changes to Windows Firewall settings.

Rules ignored or not applied by the Windows Firewall service.

Changes to Windows Firewall Group Policy settings.

Changes to firewall rules are important for understanding the security state of the computer and how well it is protected against network attacks.

Event volume: Medium.

Computer Type General Success General Failure Stronger Success Stronger Failure Comments
Domain Controller Yes Yes Yes Yes Success events shows you changes in Windows Firewall rules and settings, active configuration and rules after Windows Firewall Service startup and default configuration restore actions.
Failure events may help to identify configuration problems with Windows Firewall rules or settings.
Member Server Yes Yes Yes Yes Success events shows you changes in Windows Firewall rules and settings, active configuration and rules after Windows Firewall Service startup and default configuration restore actions.
Failure events may help to identify configuration problems with Windows Firewall rules or settings.
Workstation Yes Yes Yes Yes Success events shows you changes in Windows Firewall rules and settings, active configuration and rules after Windows Firewall Service startup and default configuration restore actions.
Failure events may help to identify configuration problems with Windows Firewall rules or settings.

Events List:

4944(S): The following policy was active when the Windows Firewall started.

4945(S): A rule was listed when the Windows Firewall started.

4946(S): A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was added.

4947(S): A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was modified.

4948(S): A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was deleted.

4949(S): Windows Firewall settings were restored to the default values.

4950(S): A Windows Firewall setting has changed.

4951(F): A rule has been ignored because its major version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall.

4952(F): Parts of a rule have been ignored because its minor version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall. The other parts of the rule will be enforced.

4953(F): A rule has been ignored by Windows Firewall because it could not parse the rule.

4954(S): Windows Firewall Group Policy settings have changed. The new settings have been applied.

4956(S): Windows Firewall has changed the active profile.

4957(F): Windows Firewall did not apply the following rule:

4958(F): Windows Firewall did not apply the following rule because the rule referred to items not configured on this computer:

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