Multiple traveling salesman problem with time windows

Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows

I’m trying to solve TSP problem with additional constraint — time windows.

All the standard assumptions apply:

  • We start and end at given city.
  • Each city is visited only once.
  • We try to find the optimal path in terms of travel cost (here travel time).

Additionally each city has its own time window in format , which limits when a city can be visited:

  • We cannot visit a city after its closing time.
  • We can arrive at any city before it’s opening time and wait for it to open. If we do so, waiting time is added to overall time passed, but it is not added to time spent travelling. So time_spent_travelling and total_time_passed are two distinct things we need to keep track of.

I managed to write constraints that find optimal solution in terms of total_time_passed, but I need to find optimal time_spent_travelling.

Here is my logic:

And here sample data (Running it with clingo takes

I used MAX function to calculate arrival time at given cities by choosing from real arrival time or city’s opening time — whichever happened to be later. It worked nicely, so my first thought was to add additional field to location fact changing this line as follows:

This way location hold information about both time_spent_travelling and total_time_passed. While this works fine for 5 cities, with 20 cities it keeps calculating too long (I gave up after 15 minutes) — I expected the program to run roughly the same time at both situations, but apparently there is something I don’t understand here.

I also tried to store waiting times as separate facts, but it seemed to affect computing time the same way and introduced another issue of taking it into consideration in #minimize function which I couldn’t menage to solve.

So here are my questions:

  • What can I do to calculate optimal value of time_spent_travelling, yet correctly considering waiting time?
  • Why a small change in code, I’ve described above, has such a high computational impact on the solving process?

I’ve started using clingo recently and there is a good chance I don’t see a simple solution to this problem. It’s kind of hard to change the way you write your program, being so used to declarative programming.

The code I’ve provided can be simple run with clingo: clingo logic data

Here the result takes into consideration waiting time, which in this particular example is 9. (378 is time spent only on travelling).

Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP)

Summary: The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (\(m\)TSP) is a generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in which more than one salesman is allowed. Given a set of cities, one depot where \(m\) salesmen are located, and a cost metric, the objective of the \(m\)TSP is to determine a tour for each salesman such that the total tour cost is minimized and that each city is visited exactly once by only one salesman.

Case Study Contents

Problem Statement

The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (\(m\)TSP) is a generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in which more than one salesman is allowed. Given a set of cities, one depot (where \(m\) salesmen are located), and a cost metric, the objective of the \(m\)TSP is to determine a set of routes for \(m\) salesmen so as to minimize the total cost of the \(m\) routes. The cost metric can represent cost, distance, or time. The requirements on the set of routes are:

  • All of the routes must start and end at the (same) depot.
  • Each city must be visited exactly once by only one salesman.

The \(m\)TSP is a relaxation of the vehicle routing problem (VRP); if the vehicle capacity in the VRP is a sufficiently large value so as not to restrict the vehicle capacity, then the problem is the same as the \(m\)TSP. Therefore, all of the formulations and solution approaches for the VRP are valid for the \(m\)TSP. The \(m\)TSP is a generalization of the TSP; if the value of \(m\) is 1, then the \(m\)TSP problem is the same as the TSP. Therefore, all of the formulations and solution approaches for the \(m\)TSP are valid for the TSP.

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Bektas (2006) lists a number of variations on the \(m\)TSP.

  1. Multiple depots: Instead of one depot, the multi-depot \(m\)TSP has a set of depots, with \(m_j\) salesmen at each depot \(j\). In the fixed destination version, a salesman returns to the same depot from which he started. In the non-fixed destination version, a salesman does not need to return to the same depot from which he started but the same number of salesmen must return as started from a particular depot. The multi-depot \(m\)TSP is important in robotic applications involving ground and aerial vehicles. For example, see Oberlin et al. (2009).
  2. Specifications on the number of salesmen: The number of salesmen may be a fixed number \(m\), or the number of salesmen may be determined by the solution but bounded by an upper bound \(m\).
  3. Fixed charges: When the number of salesmen is not fixed, there may be a fixed cost associated with activating a salesman. In the fixed charge version of the \(m\)TSP, the overall cost to minimize includes the fixed charges for the salesmen plus the costs for the tours.
  4. Time windows: As with the TSP and the VRP, there is a variation of the \(m\)TSP with time windows. Associated with each node is a time window during which the node must be visited by a tour. The \(m\)TSPTW has many applications, such as school bus routing and airline scheduling.

Mathematical Formulation

Here we present an assignment-based integer programming formulation for the \(m\)TSP.

Consider a graph \(G=(V,A)\), where \(V\) is the set of \(n\) nodes, and \(A\) is the set of edges. Associated with each edge \((i,j) \in A\) is a cost (or distance) \(c_\). We assume that the depot is node 1 and there are \(m\) salesmen at the depot. We define a binary variable \(x_\) for each edge \((i,j) \in A\); \(x_\) takes the value 1 if edge \((i,j)\) is included in a tour and \(x_\) takes the value 0 otherwise. For the subtour elimination constraints, we define an integer variable \(u_i\) to denote the position of node \(i\) in a tour, and we define a value \(p\) to be the maximum number of nodes that can be visited by any salesman.

Ensure that exactly \(m\) salesmen depart from node 1
\(\sum_ x_ <1j>= m\)

Ensure that exactly \(m\) salesmen return to node 1
\(\sum_ x_ = m\)

Ensure that exactly one tour enters each node
\(\sum_ x_ = 1, \forall j \in V\)

Ensure that exactly one tour exits each node
\(\sum_ x_ = 1, \forall i \in V\)

Include subtour elimination constraints (Miller-Tucker-Zemlin)
\(u_i — u_j + p \cdot x_ \leq p-1, \forall 2 \leq i \neq j \leq n\)

The literature includes a number of alternative formulations. Some of the alternatives to the two-index variable, assignment-based formulation are a two-index variable formulation with the original subtour elimination constraints (see Laporte and Nobert, 1980), a three-index variable formulation (see Bektas, 2006), and a \(k\)-degree center tree-based formulation (see Christofides et al., 1981 and Laporte, 1992).

To solve this integer linear programming problem, we can use one of the NEOS Server solvers in the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) category. Each MILP solver has one or more input formats that it accepts.

GAMS Model

Click here for a GAMS model for the bayg29 instance from the TSPLIB. The formulation was provided by Erwin Kalvelagen in a blog post here.

If we submit this model to XpressMP with a CPU time limit of 1 hour, we obtain a solution with a total cost of 2176 (gap of 4.3%) and the following tours:

  • Tour 1: i13 — i4 — i10 — i20 — i2 — i13
    cost = 60 + 39 + 25 + 49 + 87 = 260
  • Tour 2: i13 — i18 — i14 — i17 — i22 — i11 — i15 — i13
    cost = 128 + 32 + 51 + 47 + 63 + 68 + 86 = 475
  • Tour 3: i13 — i24 — i8 — i28 — i12 — i6 — i1 — i13
    cost = 56 + 48 + 64 + 71 + 46 + 60 + 82 = 427
  • Tour 4: i13 — i29 — i3 — i26 — i9 — i5 — i21 — i13
    cost =160 + 60 + 78 + 57 + 42 + 50 + 82 = 529
  • Tour 5: i13 — i19 — i25 — i7 — i23 — i27 — i16 — i13
    cost = 71 + 52 + 72 + 111 + 74 + 48 + 57 = 485
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Multiple traveling salesman problem with time windows

The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem

The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP) in which more than one salesman is allowed is a generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Given a set of cities, one depot (where m salesmen are located), and a cost metric, the objective of the mTSP is to determine a set of routes for m salesmen so as to minimize the total cost of the m routes. The cost metric can represent cost, distance, or time. The requirements on the set of routes are:

  • All of the routes must start and end at the (same) depot.
  • There must be at least one city (except depot) in each route.
  • Each city must be visited exactly once by only one salesman.

Multiple depots: Instead of one depot, the multi-depot mTSP has a set of depots, with mj salesmen at each depot j. In the fixed destination version, a salesman returns to the same depot from which he started.

Please keep in mind that this project is based on the 81 cities of Turkey while examining sample solutions given below.

In this part of the homework, we will generate 100,000 random solutions to the fixed destination version of the multi-depot mTSP. The number of depots and salesman per depot will be our parameters. The cost metric will be total distance in kilometers. At the end, we will print the best solution that has the minimum cost among 100,000 random solutions.

Your project must be a valid maven project. mvn clean package must produce an executable jar file named mTSP.jar under the target directory. This can be done via maven plugins such as shade or assembly plugin. Optional parameter finalName can be used to change the name of the shaded artifactId. To parse command line arguments, you must use JewelCLI library.

For example, java -jar target/mTSP.jar -d 5 -s 2 -v would produce something like below. Notice that the last line includes the cost metric: the total distance travelled by all salesmen.

Non-verbose example java -jar target/mTSP.jar -d 2 -s 5 will print city indices instead of city names:

❗ If you don’t follow the aforementioned conventions, you will receive grade of zero (even if you think that your code works perfectly).

In the second part of the homework, we will apply a heuristic algorithm to our fixed destination version of the multi-depot mTSP.

The term heuristic is used for algorithms which find solutions among all possible ones, but they do not guarantee that the optimal will be found. Heuristic algorithms often times used to solve NP-complete problems.

The heuristic will iteratively work on the solution (best of the 100,000 random solutions) obtained from the Part-I. In Part-II, we will define five different move operations, which will be detailed in the following subsections. In each iteration, one move operation will be selected (among five) based on a random manner, and then it will be applied to the current solution. If the move improves the solution (i.e., lessen the total distance travelled) then, we will update the best solution at hand. If not, next iteration will be continued. To implement this logic, you need to devise a strategy to somehow backup the current solution. So that if the subsequent move operation does not improve the solution, it should be possible to rollback to a previous state. It is recommended to do a reach on the Internet using the following keywords: copy constructor, deep cloning, shallow cloning, and marshalling. It is totally up to you to how to implement this logic, you can even write an method that calculates a cost function without applying the move!

Some of the the move operation will involve a process where you need to generate two different random numbers from a given interval. Please write a method to generate two random numbers that are different from each other. Here comes the five move operations that the heuristic will be using.

Swap two nodes in a route. Here, both the route and the two nodes are randomly chosen. In this move we select a random route among all routes and then we swap two nodes. Remember to avoid no-operation, we need to select two nodes that are different from each other. Example of the move: random node indices are 1 and 7, which are shown in bold.

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Notice that bold nodes are swapped with each other after the move.

Swap hub with a randomly chosen node in a route. Here, both the route and the node are randomly chosen. In this move we select a random route among all routes and then we replace the hub with a random node. Here it is crucial to update the hub in the remaining routes of the initial hub.

Example of the move: random node index is 10, which is shown in bold.

Notice that bold node is replaced with the hub in the first route. Notice also that hub of the second route is updated. Nodes of the second route remain intact.

This is similar to swapNodesInRoute, but this time we will be using two different routes. In this move we select two random routes (that are different) among all routes. Then, we select a random node in each route and then swap them. Here it is important to select two routes that are different from each other, otherwise this move will be identical to swapNodesInRoute.

Example of the move: random node indices are 6 and 7, which are shown in bold.

Notice that bold nodes are swapped with each other after the move. Notice also that this is a cross-route operation.

This is similar to swapNodesInRoute: instead of swapping, we delete the source node, and then insert it to right of the destination node. Note that this operation is only valid on a route having more than two nodes.

Example of the move: random node indices are 2 and 6, which are shown in bold.

Notice that first bold node (source) is deleted and then inserted right after the second bold node (destination).

This is similar to swapNodesBetweenRoutes: instead of swapping, we delete the source node, and then insert it to right of the destination node.

Example of the move: random node indices are 11 and 4, which are shown in bold.

Notice that first bold node (source) is deleted and then inserted right after the second bold node (destination). Notice also that this is a cross-route operation. The number of nodes of the first route is decreased by one. The number of nodes of the second route is increased by one. Thus, first node must have more than two nodes. Otherwise, solution will be invalid after the deletion.

Do 5,000,000 iterations. At the end you will obtain a much better solution than that those of Part-I. Here is one of the solutions that I obtained.

Notice that 14,399km is less than 51,631km. Also print counts of the moves that caused gains:

Which move does the heuristic algorithm benefit the most?

Submit your solution -d 4 -s 2 🆕

Save your best solution (for numDepots=4 and numSalesmen=2) in a file named solution.json and save it at the top-level directory (near the pom.xml and the files). Commit and push your solution.json file to your repository. Here it does not matter how you obtain best solution. It can be be obtained from any heuristic algorithm (random or hill climbing). Or you can use commercial solvers if you want to: GAMS, Gurobi, CPLEX etc. You can even construct it manually!! An example of a solution rendered in JSON format is as follows:

The grading system will checkout your solution.json file and will calculate its cost function. Of course the solution must be valid. Some sanity checks will be performed. Any solution violating one of the rules will be rejected by the scoring system.

Other than that, we will run your program on the server. The solution that your program will find/produce will be saved into a json file too (same format). But this time the name of the json file will include the parameters. If the program ran with -d 4 -s 2 , the result will be saved into solution_d4s2.json

Checkout the Leaderboard

See which solutions have the best scores. Coming soon, stay tuned!

❗ For Part-II you will be teaming up with students of Industrial Engineering Department. Prepare yourselves.

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