Office power manager windows

Power Manager для Windows

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4.70 /5 голосов — 13

Версия:1.24 | Сообщить о новой версии
ОС:Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Категория:Управление питанием
Загрузок (сегодня/всего):1 / 30 636 | Статистика
Размер:94 Кб

С этой программой Вам уже не нужно будет беспокоиться о том, что начиная смотреть какой-нибудь фильм или музыкальный телеканал в 11-12 часов ночи, Вы заснёте и забудете выключить свой компьютер. Программа сделает это за Вас. Всё что для этого необходимо, это выставить нужное время, через которое компьютер выключится, нажать кнопку Старт и, если это необходимо, отложить программу в трей (нажав кнопку минимизации). За 10 сек. до истечения поставленного времени программа напомнит о себе, выскочив из трея на экран.

Таймер выключения — приложение, которое позволяет в заданное пользователем время.

PowerOff — программный выключатель компьютера. Умеет выключать компьютер, а также.

SM Timer — бесплатная утилита, позволяющая в назначенное пользователем время выключить.

BatteryCare — удобная программа, которая производит мониторинг циклов заряда/разряда.

WakeMeOnLan — небольшая бесплатная утилита, которая позволяет удаленно включить один или.

BatteryMark.Ru — небольшая программа для тестирования времени работы ноутбука от аккумуляторной.

Отзывы о программе Power Manager

karikov про Power Manager 1.24 [08-03-2013]

Давно пользуюсь. Хорошая программа. Ничего лишнего, и полностью выполняет возложенные на неё функции.
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Кузьма про Power Manager 1.24 [11-03-2011]

Бедолага 🙂 Пойди купи себе еще оперативки
2 | 3 | Ответить

aznoba про Power Manager 1.24 [28-11-2005]

полнейшая тупость. вот добавили функцию прямого обращения в BIOS,было бы от души,а так геммор)Винда такие функции вообще имеет в дефолте,еще не хватало оперативку грузить
2 | 2 | Ответить

Windows Power Management

Windows power management makes computers instantly accessible to users at the touch of a button or key. It also ensures that all elements of the system—applications, devices, and user interface—can take advantage of the vast improvements in power management technology and capabilities.

The Windows operating system uses power-management hardware to put the computer into a low-power sleep state instead of shutting down completely, so that the system can quickly resume working. The operating system will automatically enter the sleep state when the computer is idle or when the user presses a button to indicate that the current work session is over. To the user, the system appears to be off. While in the sleep state, the computer’s processor is not executing code and no work is being accomplished for the user. However, events in the system from both hardware devices and the real-time clock can be enabled to cause the system to exit the sleep state (that is, «wake up») and quickly return to the working state.

When the computer is in the sleep state, the computer hardware, the system, and applications running on the computer must be capable of responding immediately to the power switch, communications events, and other actions. If all applications handle power state transitions gracefully, the user will perceive a more elegant and integrated system. Applications that do not handle these transitions can fail when the power is turned off and then on, because of data loss or a dependency on a device that may have been removed.

The following are benefits of Windows power management:

  • Eliminates startup and shutdown delays. The computer need not perform a full system boot when exiting the sleep state or a full system shutdown when the user initiates the sleep state.
  • Enables automated tasks to run while the computer is in the sleep state. The Task Scheduler enables the user to schedule applications to run; scheduled events can run even when the system is in the sleep state. The Task Scheduler uses waitable timers to ensure that the system is ready when the application is scheduled to run. For more information, see the help file included with the Task Scheduler.
  • Enables per-device power management. Devices that are not in use can save power by entering the sleep state.
  • Improves power efficiency. Power efficiency is particularly important on portable computers. Reducing system power consumption translates directly to lower energy costs and longer battery life.
  • Enables users to create power schemes, set alarms, and specify battery options through the Power Options application in Control Panel. The operating system coordinates all power management activities, based on power policy settings. For more information, see the help file included with the Power Options application.

Power Management Functions

The following functions are used with power management.

Function Description
CallNtPowerInformation Sets or retrieves power information.
DevicePowerClose Frees all nodes in the device list and destroys the device list.
DevicePowerEnumDevices Enumerates devices on the system that meet the specified criteria.
DevicePowerOpen Initializes a device list by querying all the devices.
DevicePowerSetDeviceState Modifies the specified data on the specified device.
EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE_CALLBACK Function class for effective power mode callback.
GetActivePwrScheme Retrieves the index of the active power scheme.
GetCurrentPowerPolicies Retrieves the current system power policy settings.
GetDevicePowerState Retrieves the current power state of the specified device.
GetPwrCapabilities Retrieves information about the system power capabilities.
GetSystemPowerStatus Retrieves the power status of the system.
IsSystemResumeAutomatic Indicates the current state of the computer.
PowerCanRestoreIndividualDefaultPowerScheme Determines if the current user has access to the data for the specified power scheme so that it could be restored if necessary.
PowerClearRequest Decrements the count of power requests of the specified type for a power request object.
PowerCreatePossibleSetting Creates a possible setting value for a specified power setting.
PowerCreateRequest Creates a power request object.
PowerCreateSetting Creates a setting value for a specified power setting.
PowerDeleteScheme Deletes a specified scheme from the database.
PowerDeterminePlatformRole Determines the computer role.
PowerDuplicateScheme Duplicates an existing power scheme.
PowerEnumerate Enumerates the specified elements in a power scheme.
PowerGetActiveScheme Retrieves the active power scheme.
PowerImportPowerScheme Imports a power scheme from a file.
PowerIsSettingRangeDefined Queries whether the specified power setting represents a range of possible values.
PowerReadACDefaultIndex Retrieves the default AC index of the specified power setting.
PowerReadACValue Retrieves the AC power value for the specified power setting.
PowerReadACValueIndex Retrieves the AC index of the specified power setting.
PowerReadDCDefaultIndex Retrieves the default DC index of the specified power setting.
PowerReadDCValue Retrieves the DC power value for the specified power setting.
PowerReadDCValueIndex Retrieves the DC value index of the specified power setting.
PowerReadDescription Retrieves the description for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme.
PowerReadFriendlyName Retrieves the friendly name for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme.
PowerReadIconResourceSpecifier Retrieves the icon resource for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme.
PowerReadPossibleDescription Retrieves the description for one of the possible choices of a power setting value.
PowerReadPossibleFriendlyName Retrieves the friendly name for one of the possible choices of a power setting value.
PowerReadPossibleValue Retrieves the value for a possible value of a power setting.
PowerReadSettingAttributes Returns the current attribute of the specified power setting.
PowerReadValueIncrement Retrieves the increment for valid values between the power settings minimum and maximum.
PowerReadValueMax Retrieves the maximum value for the specified power setting.
PowerReadValueMin Retrieves the minimum value for the specified power setting.
PowerReadValueUnitsSpecifier Reads the string used to describe the units of a power setting that supports a range of values.
PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications Registers a callback to receive effective power mode change notifications.
PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification Registers to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed.
PowerRemovePowerSetting Deletes the specified power setting.
PowerReplaceDefaultPowerSchemes Replaces the power schemes for the default user with the current user’s power schemes.
PowerRestoreDefaultPowerSchemes Replaces the power schemes for the current user with ones for the default user.
PowerRestoreIndividualDefaultPowerScheme Replaces a specific power scheme for the current user with one from the default user.
PowerSetActiveScheme Sets the active power scheme for the current user.
PowerSetRequest Increments the count of power requests of the specified type for a power request object.
PowerSettingAccessCheck Queries for a group policy override for specified power settings.
PowerSettingAccessCheckEx Queries for a group policy override for specified power settings and specifies the requested access for the setting.
PowerSettingRegisterNotification Registers to receive notification when a power setting changes.
PowerSettingUnregisterNotification Cancels a registration to receive notification when a power setting changes.
PowerUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications Unregisters from effective power mode change notifications.
PowerUnregisterSuspendResumeNotification Cancels a registration to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed.
PowerWriteACDefaultIndex Sets the default AC index of the specified power setting.
PowerWriteACValueIndex Sets the AC value index of the specified power setting.
PowerWriteDCDefaultIndex Sets the default DC index of the specified power setting.
PowerWriteDCValueIndex Sets the DC index of the specified power setting.
PowerWriteDescription Sets the description for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme.
PowerWriteFriendlyName Sets the friendly name for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme.
PowerWriteIconResourceSpecifier Sets the icon resource for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme.
PowerWritePossibleDescription Sets the description for one of the possible choices of a power setting value.
PowerWritePossibleFriendlyName Sets the friendly name for the specified possible setting of a power setting.
PowerWritePossibleValue Sets the value for a possible value of a power setting.
PowerWriteSettingAttributes Sets the power attributes of a power key.
PowerWriteValueIncrement Sets the increment for valid values between the power settings minimum and maximum.
PowerWriteValueMax Sets the maximum value for the specified power setting.
PowerWriteValueMin Sets the minimum value for the specified power setting.
PowerWriteValueUnitsSpecifier Writes the string used to describe the units of a power setting that supports a range of values.
RegisterPowerSettingNotification Registers the application to receive power setting notifications for the specific power setting event.
RegisterSuspendResumeNotification Registers to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed. Similar to PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification, but operates in user mode and can take a window handle.
SetSuspendState Sets the system suspend state.
SetThreadExecutionState Enables applications to inform the system that it is in use.
UnregisterPowerSettingNotification Unregisters the power setting notification.
UnregisterSuspendResumeNotification Cancels a registration to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed. Similar to PowerUnregisterSuspendResumeNotification but operates in user mode.

Power Management Functions: Windows Server 2003 and Earlier

The following functions are supported in Windows ServerВ 2008, WindowsВ Vista, and later versions of Windows for compatibility with earlier versions of Windows. Applications written for Windows ServerВ 2008, WindowsВ Vista and later should use the alternatives listed in this table.

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