Os battles windows linux unix are different computer

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Operating system and user interface

As already mentioned, in addition to the hardware, a computer also needs a set of programs—an operating system—to control the devices. This page will discuss the following:

  • There are different kinds of operating systems : such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS
  • There are also different versions of these operating systems, e.g. Windows 7, 8 and 10
  • Operating systems can be used with different user interfaces (UI) : text user interfaces (TUI) and graphical user interfaces (GUI) as examples
  • Graphical user interfaces have many similarities in different operating systems : such as the start menu, desktop etc.

When you can recognize the typical parts of each operating system’s user interface, you will mostly be able to use both Windows and Linux as well as e.g. Mac OS.

The role of operating system in the computer

An operating system (OS) is a set of programs which ensures the interoperability of the hardware and software in your computer. The operating system enables, among other things,

  • the identification and activation of devices connected to the computer,
  • the installation and use of programs, and
  • the handling of files.

What happens when you turn on your computer or smartphone?
– The computer checks the functionality of its components and any devices connected to it, and starts to look for the OS on a hard drive or other memory media.
– If the OS is found, the computer starts to load it into the RAM (Random Access Memory).
– When the OS has loaded, the computer waits for commands from you.

Different operating systems

Over the years, several different operating systems have been developed for different purposes. The most typical operating systems in ordinary computers are Windows, Linux and Mac OS.


The name of the Windows OS comes from the fact that programs are run in “windows”: each program has its own window, and you can have several programs open at the same time. Windows is the most popular OS for home computers, and there are several versions of it. The newest version is Windows 10.

Linux and Unix

Linux is an open-source OS, which means that its program code is freely available to software developers. This is why thousands of programmers around the world have developed Linux, and it is considered the most tested OS in the world. Linux has been very much influenced by the commercial Unix OS.

In addition to servers, Linux is widely used in home computers, since there are a great number of free programs for it (for text and image processing, spreadsheets, publishing, etc.). Over the years, many different versions of Linux have become available for distribution, most of which are free for the user (such as Ubuntu, Fedora and Mint, to name a few). See the additional reading material for more information on Linux.

Mac OS X

Apple’s Mac computers have their own operating system, OS X. Most of the programs that are available for PCs are also available for Macs running under OS X, but these two types of computers cannot use the exact same programs: for example, you cannot install the Mac version of the Microsoft Office suite on a Windows computer. You can install other operating systems on Mac computers, but the OS X is only available for computers made by Apple. Apple’s lighter portable devices (iPads, iPhones) use a light version of the same operating system, called iOS.

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Mac computers are popular because OS X is considered fast, easy to learn and very stable and Apple’s devices are considered well-designed—though rather expensive. See the additional reading material for more information on OS X.


Android is an operating system designed for phones and other mobile devices. Android is not available for desktop computers, but in mobile devices it is extremely popular: more than a half of all mobile devices in the world run on Android.

User interfaces

A user interface (UI) refers to the part of an operating system, program, or device that allows a user to enter and receive information. A text-based user interface (see the image to the left) displays text, and its commands are usually typed on a command line using a keyboard. With a graphical user interface (see the right-hand image), the functions are carried out by clicking or moving buttons, icons and menus by means of a pointing device.

Larger image: text UI | graphical UI

The images contain the same information: a directory listing of a computer. You can often carry out the same tasks regardless of which kind of UI you are using.

Text user interface (TUI)

Modern graphical user interfaces have evolved from text-based UIs. Some operating systems can still be used with a text-based user interface. In this case, the commands are entered as text (e.g., “cat story.txt”).

To display the text-based Command Prompt in Windows, open the Start menu and type cmd. Press Enter on the keyboard to launch the command prompt in a separate window. With the command prompt, you can type your commands from the keyboard instead of using the mouse.

Graphical user interface

In most operating systems, the primary user interface is graphical, i.e. instead of typing the commands you manipulate various graphical objects (such as icons) with a pointing device. The underlying principle of different graphical user interfaces (GUIs) is largely the same, so by knowing how to use a Windows UI, you will most likely know how to use Linux or some other GUI.

Most GUIs have the following basic components:

  • a start menu with program groups
  • a taskbar showing running programs
  • a desktop
  • various icons and shortcuts.

Os battles windows linux unix are different computer

1. UNIX :
UNIX is a powerful, multi-user and multitasking operating system originally developed at AT & T Bell Laboratories. This operating system is very popular among the scientific, engineering and academic due to its most appreciating features like flexibility, portability, network capabilities etc.

2. Windows :
Microsoft window is a most demanding Graphical user Interface (GUI) based operating system that replaces all the command line based functions to the user friendly screens. Microsoft introduced a series of versions with the latest functions.

Difference between UNIX and Windows Operating System :

Sr. No. Basis UNIX Windows
1. Open Source Code It is an open source code. It is not an open source code.
2. Stability It is more stable. As, multiple programs are running. So it is unstable.
3. Case-sensitivity It is case sensitive. It is not a case sensitive.
4. File-extension In this, extensions have not affect on the type of file. In this, certain file extensions are used to identify the type of file.
5. Device drive In this, several ways are used to manage the device drivers. After the installation of Windows, the various device-drivers packages provide interactive GUI for the configuration of devices.
6. Recovery We cannot recover our data. In this, we can recover our data from the recycle-bin, because in this after the deletion of data it will store in the recycle-bin.
7. Processing Power It has greater processing power. It has less processing power.
8. Security It has greater in-built security. It has less in-built security.
9. Virus Attacks It has interface between user and kernel known as shell, so it does not face any virus attack. In this, we don’t have shell interface. User direct interact with hardware and it enhances the attack of virus.
10. File-system In this, file system is represented as a hierarchical tree under the same root. There is no drive system like drive C, drive D etc. In this, file system can have many hierarchies; for example, different file system for each partitions and these partitions are represented as drive alphabet letters like as C: D: etc.

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Unix vs. Windows

Which operating system is better?

An operating system is a sophisticated computer program that makes it possible for you to interact with the software and hardware on a computer. If you’re like millions of people who bought a PC, you use the Windows operating system that came installed on the machine. But did you know that you can use other operating systems, such as Unix, instead? We reviewed both Windows and Unix to help you determine which operating system better meets your computing needs.

The information in this article applies to Windows 10 and UNIX V7, which is aligned with the Single UNIX Specification Version 4, 2018 Edition. (Unix refers to a family of operating systems, while UNIX is the trademarked name of the technology owned by The Open Group.)

Overall Findings

Created in 1969, now owned by The Open Group.

Command-line interface (CLI) operating system.

Built-in security, but updates must be installed manually.

Built on an open standard, but the Single UNIX Specification provides a standard and ensures continuity across different distributions of Unix.

Has a steep learning curve.

Originally released in 1985.

Compatible with thousands of applications and utilities.

Updates and fixes can be downloaded and installed automatically.

Huge support community.

The code is proprietary, owned by Microsoft.

Unix arose from a failed attempt by several employees of AT&T Bell Labs in the early 1960s to develop a reliable time-sharing operating system. Despite the failed attempt, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs didn’t give up. They created an integrated development environment described as being «of unusual simplicity, power, and elegance.» The operating system took off, and today it runs many of the world’s web sites and cloud computing platforms.

In the 1980s, an up-and-coming competitor to Unix called Windows began gaining popularity, in part because of the increasing power of microcomputers with Intel processors. At the time, Windows was the only major operating system designed for this type of processor, and Unix was used manly on servers. Today, there are distributions of Unix and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux that run on a PC.

Interacting With the Operating System: Windows Is Easier to Use

Must run commands from the terminal to interact with the operating system.

Can install a desktop or windows manager to run on Unix, but need to know basic Unix commands.

Unix offers fine control and flexibility.

Designed for use with a mouse, trackpad, or touch screen.

Windows offers a Command Prompt window for fine control and flexibility.

There are two types of operating systems:

  • CLI-based operating system: You type a text command in a terminal, and the computer carries out that command. The computer’s response is in plain-text format.
  • GUI-based operating system: You interact with the computer by selecting objects such as buttons, icons, and menus on the desktop or in applications using a mouse, keyboard, or touch screen.

Windows is designed for use with a GUI. It has a Command Prompt window, but only those with more advanced Windows knowledge should use it. Unix natively runs from a CLI, but you can install a desktop or windows manager such as GNOME to make it more user-friendly.

Ease of Use: Unix Has a High Learning Curve

Portable and consistent.

String utilities and commands together.

Significant learning curve.

Unix is flexible, and you can install it on all types of computers, including mainframes, supercomputers, and microcomputers. Unix also inspires novel approaches to software design, such as solving problems by interconnecting simpler tools instead of creating large, monolithic applications.

The Windows operating system is more limited than Unix in terms of what it can do, but it’s relatively easy for anyone to use.

Software: Extensive Support With Windows

Built-in security and stability.

Updates don’t require software purchases.

Must install operating system updates manually.

Troubleshooting problems can be tricky.

Extensive support from Microsoft, plus a large user community.

Compatible with thousands of applications, tools, and utilities.

Unix is more stable and doesn’t crash as often as Windows, so it requires less administration and maintenance. Unix has greater security and permissions features than Windows out of the box and is more efficient than Windows. Unix also has a massive online community that you can draw on for troubleshooting or learning new command-line skills. Operating system upgrades from Microsoft often require you to purchase new hardware; this isn’t the case with Unix.

Microsoft maintains a massive knowledge base for its operating system. That knowledge base, coupled with a vibrant user community, can help resolve technical issues relatively easily. Windows supports a large library of software, utilities, and games, as well as extensive plug-and-play support. You can configure Windows to install updates automatically to improve security, as well as add or improve features. With Unix, you must install such updates manually.

Final Verdict: It Depends on What You Want Your Operating System For

If you want to surf the web and play video games, do homework, or work from home, Windows is a great choice. It’s more widely used on home computers than Unix, but it’s also expensive to purchase and to maintain. Unix is a potentially less expensive (depending on the distribution you choose), more flexible option. If you recently started with Unix and don’t want to invest in a formal Unix operating system such as IBM AIX or Sun Solaris, free versions are available, including FreeBSD and various Linux distributions (Linux is a Unix-like operating system).

If you’re an aspiring or experienced computer user, however, and like to tinker and customize the operating system, these mostly free or inexpensive open-source operating systems are attractive because of the flexibility and control these systems offer. To make Unix and Unix-like operating systems even more appealing, many programmers are developing state-of-the-art software free of charge for the fast-growing open-source movement.

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