Phrases using the word windows

Учебник Spotlight 6. Student’s Book. Страница 26

3a. Road safety — 3а. Безопасность на дороге

1. Which of these things can you see on the road outside: your school? your home? — Что из этого ты можешь увидеть на дороге около: твоей школы? твоего дома?

  • parking zone — зона парковки
  • traffic sign — дорожный знак
  • yellow lines — желтые линии запрета остановки
  • pedestrian — пешеход
  • zebra crossing — пешеходный переход
  • traffic warden — регулировщик (полицейский)
  • traffic lights — светофор
  • pavement — тротуар
  • I can see traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic warden and parking zone outside the school. — Я могу увидеть светофор, дорожные знаки, регулировщика и зоны парковки на улице около школы.
  • I can see yellow lines, a zebra crossing and pavements outside my home. — Я могу увидеть желтые линии запрета остановки, пешеходные переходы и тротуары на улице около моего дома.

2. Match the words in columns A and B to make phrases. In pairs discuss what is dangerous/safe to do in your country. — Объедини слова в колонках А и В и составь предложения. В парах обсудите, что опасно/безопасно делать в вашей стране.

  1. It’s safe to wear a seat belt (G) — Это безопасно пристегиваться ремнем.
  2. It’s dangerous to walk straight across the road (F) — Это опасно гулять по проезжей части
  3. It’s safe to look both ways before crossing the road. (E) — Это безопасно смотреть в обе стороны при переходе дороги
  4. It’s dangerous to run onto the road (D) — Это опасно бегать по дороге
  5. It’s dangerous to talk to the driver (C) — Это опасно говорить (отвлекать) водителя во время движения
  6. It’s safe to walk on the pavement (B) — Это безопасно ходить по тротуару
  7. It’s dangerous to lean out of the window (A) — Это опасно высовываться из окна машины

3. a) Read the examples. How do we form the imperative? — Прочитай примеры. Как мы составляем повелительное наклонение?

We form the imperative by using the infinitive form of the verb without «to» at the beginning of the sentence. We form the negative of the imperative with don’t. — Мы формируем повелительное наклонение при помощи инфинитивной формы глагола без частицы to в начале предложения. Мы формируем отрицательную форму императива путем добавления don’t.

Например: Wear your seat belt! — Пристегивайте ремни безопасности. Don’t talk to the driver! — Не разговаривайте с водителем.

b) Use the phrases in Ex. 2 to give instructions on road safety. — Используй фразы из упр. 2, чтобы дать инструкции по дорожной безопасности

  1. When on the street, look both ways before crossing. Don’t run onto the road. — На улице смотрите в обе стороны при переходе дороги. Не бегайте по дороге.
  2. When in the car, wear a seat belt. — В машине пристегивайтесь ремнем безопасности.
  3. When on the bus, don’t talk to the driver and don’t lean out of the window. — В автобусе не разговаривайте с водителем и не высовывайтесь из окна.

4. a) Look at the text and its title on p. 27. What do you expect to read in it? Listen, read and check. — Посмотри на текст и заголовок на странице 27. Что ты ожидаешь прочитать? Послушай, прочитай и проверь.

The text is about road safety — Текст о безопасности на дороге

b) Read the text and match the titles (A-D) to the sections (1-4). Then, explain the words in bold. — Прочитай текст и объедини названия (А — D) с частями (1 —4). Затем объясни слова, выделенные жирным.

  1. When you cross the street on foot. Look for a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing. Don’t cross between parked cars. Stop before you walk onto the road. Stand on the pavement near the kerb. Listen and look both ways for traffic. Make sure it’s clear and walk straight across the road. Don’t run. — Когда переходите улицу. Поищи зебру или светофор. Не переходи дорогу между припаркованными автомобилями. Остановись прежде чем переходить дорогу. Стой на тротуаре у бордюра. Слушай и внимательно смотри в обе стороны дороги. Убедись, что дорога свободна, прежде чем начать переходить дорогу. Не беги.
  2. When you ride your bike. Make sure your bike is in good working condition. Check your brakes and tyres regularly. Wear a bicycle helmet. Ride with the flow of traffic, not against it. Use bike lanes. Wear bright clothes in daytime. Never carry a second person on your bike. — Когда едете на велосипеде. Убедись, что тормоза велосипеда работают хорошо. Проверяй тормоза и колеса велосипеда регулярно. Надевай велосипедный шлем. Двигайся по потоку, а не против него. Катайся по велосипедным дорожкам. Надевай яркую одежду в дневное время суток. Никогда не сажай на велосипед пассажира.
  3. When you travel on a bus. Stand well back until the bus has stopped completely. Don’t push others when you enter the bus. Sit down on your seat quietly and quickly. If there aren’t free seats, use handgrips. Don’t talk to the driver or annoy others on the bus. Don’t lean out of the window. Don’t wave from the window. — Когда едете на автобусе. Стой подальше от двери пока автобус полностью не остановился. Не толкай других, когда садишься в автобус. Садись на сиденье тихо и быстро. Если нет свободных мест, держись за поручни. Не разговаривай с водителем и не раздражай других в автобусе. Не высовывайся из окон. Не высовывай руки из окон.
  4. When you travel in a car. Always sit in the back seat if you are under twelve years old. Wear a seat belt. Don’t block the rear view mirror. Don’t play with the car door handles. Always use the door on the pavement side to get out of the car. — Когда вы едете на машине. Всегда садитесь на заднее сиденье, если вам меньше 12 лет. Пристегивайте ремень безопасности. Не закрывайте обзор заднего вида для водителя. Не играйте с дверными ручками. Всегда выходите через дверь со стороны тротуара.
  1. C. When you cross the street on foot — Когда переходите улицу
  2. A. When you ride your bike — Когда едете на велосипеде
  3. D. When you travel on a bus — Когда едете на автобусе
  4. B. When you travel in a car — Когда едете на машине
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1000 most common english phrases pdf

1000 most common english phrases pdf

Table of Contents

Asking Directions in English

How do I get to library?
Where is the nearest post office?
Can you tell me the way to the Big Hotel?
Are we on the right road for London?
Can you Show me on the map, please?
I’m looking for this address.
How do I find…?
Excuse me, How can I go to …?
Dou you have a map?
Are you from around here?
Where is …?
Which the best way to …?
Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to …?
I’m looking for …
Could you direct me to …?
May I ask for some help? I need to get to …?
How can we get to High Park?
Is it far?
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?

Giving Directions in English

Go up…
It’s on the corner
Go straight ahead
Go along…
Turn left
Turn right
Turn left into … Street
It’s in the middle of the block
You will pass a süpermarket on your left
Take this road
Turn right at the crossroads
It’s on your left
It’s on your right
It’s about 100 meters from here
Take the first road on the right
Take the second road on the left
It’s next to…

Ways to Say NO in English

My body says yes, but my heart say no.
Maybe another time.
I am not accepting anything else at this time.
We appreciate the offer, but …
I’m not really into it, but thanks for asking!
I’d rather not, thanks.
That’s not going to work for me.
Sounds fun, but I’m not available.
I want to, but I’m unable to.
I just don’t have that to give right now.
I’m not able to commit to that right now.
It is not a good idea for me.
Apologies, but I can’t make it.

Ways to Say I MISS YOU

You bring joy to my life.
All I do is think of you.
I love being around you.
I’m infatuated with you.
You crossed my mind.
I appreciate you.
I feel sad without you.
You inspire me.
You are my reason for living.
You occupy my thoughts.
I miss your laugh.
I adore you.
You’re everything to me.
You’re the light of my life.
I’m head over heels for you.
I want a lifetime with you.

Phrases for Staying at a Hotel

Do you have a reservation?
Do you need help with your bags?
Is there anything else we can help you with?
How many guests are with you?
Your room is on the second floor.
Thank you for staying with us!
I’d like to book a room, please.
We really enjoyed our stay.
The room is too noisy.
Can I see the room, please?
Please sign your name here.
More fresh towels are available at the front desk.
I’d like a single room, please.
Can someone help me with my bags?
When I can check-in?
Do you need a wake-up call?


For instance
Note well
As an example being…
In particular
Let’s say…
This includes
As seen in…
One example is…
Such as
In addition to
By way of illustration
In a similar case
If you look at…
Examples include…
As a case in point…
An example being…
This can be seen when
These include…
As an example

English Classroom Phrases

Can you help me, please?
Can I go out?
Can I answer the question?
Can I switch off the lights?
Teacher, please can you repeat again?
Can I open the window?
Can we pack our things now?
What page are we on?
I am ready. May I start it?
What is the homework?
Do we have to write this down?
Sorry, for being late.
May I open / close the window?
Can I go to the board?
Can I come in?
Can I pull up the blinds?
Can I pulldown the blinds?
May I join the class/group?
Can you explain it once more, please?
May I go out please?
Is this right?
Is this correct?
I am sorry. I did not hear.
Can you speak louder, please?
Which book?
Can you explain that again?
Whe is the exam?
When is the homework for?
I have done this.
Can I go to the toilet?

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Ways to Say HELLO

Good to see you
Hey, boo
Good evening
Good morning
How are you feeling today?
How are things?
What have you been up to?
Look what the cat dragged in!
It is nice to meet you
What’s going on?
Good afternoon.
How have you been?
What’s up?
Stay safe

Phrases in Shopping

Do you have a smaller size?
Where is the changing room?
Do you know where else I could try?
Do you have this item in stock?
Do you offer a cash discount?
Do you have any strawberry?
Do you have a refund policy?
How much is this?
Do you have a bigger size?
Do you sell organic vegetables?
Could you help me please?
Where can I weight my groceries?
Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?
I’m looking for a leather handbag.
Would you have this in another color?
Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?
Where is the fitting room?

Ways to Say GOOD LUCK

You’ll do great.
Knock them dead!
You are going to be amazing!
Wishing you all the best!
I wish you luck!
Best wishes.
I hope things will turn out fine..
Blow them away!
You’ll do great!
Wishing you lots of luck!
Fingers crossed!
Wishing you a lot of luck!
You were made for this!
I hope things will work out all right.
May the force be with you.

Ways to Say GOOD JOB

Much better!
You certainly did well today.
That kind of work makes me happy.
Way to go.
That’s it.
Out of sight.
Now that’s what I call a fine job.
Couldn’t have done it better myself.
Keep working on it; you’re improving.
It’s such a pleasure to teach when
You work like that!
I think you’re doing the right thing.

Ways to Say I AGREE

I see what you mean…
So do I.
I fee that way too.
I agree with you.
You’re absolutely right.
We are of one mind.
You can say that again.
I could not agree with you more my friend.
You’ve hit the nail on the head.
You got it dude.
Our thoughts are absolutely parallel.
You are so right.

Ways to Say I’M SORRY

I shouldn’t have…
Excuse me for…
It’s all my fault.
Please, accept my apologies for…
I apologize for…
Please, forgive me for my…
I must apologize for…
Ever so sory
That’s my fault.
Please don’t be mad at me.
How stupid thoughtless of me.
Please, accept my apologies for…
I’m really ashamed of what I did.
I’m really sorry about what I said.
That was rude of me. I’m sorry.
I hope you’ll forgive me for…
I do apologize for…

Ways to Say GOOD NIGHT

Sleep with angels
Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite
Let’s start counting the sheeps
Tomorrow is not soon enough. Lets prepare.
Time to dream
Night night
Have a good sleep
Dream of me
Until tomorrow
Rest time for blossoms
Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
I’ll see you in dreamland
Have sea dreams

Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

I respect you.
You are my reason for living.
You are precious.
You complete me.
You’re the love of my life.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
I lost my heart on you.
You inspire me.
I worship you.
You are my everything.
I need you.
I dreamt about you last night.
You bring happiness to rainly days.
I’ve got you under my skin.
You are the reason I’m alive.
You are my dear.
I’m affectionate for you.
I’m wild about you.
You’re all I see.
I want you.
You are my reason for living.
I lost my heart on you.
You complete me.

Ways to Say BECAUSE

now that
on the grounds that
owing to
as things go
by cause of
by reason of
by virtue of
thanks to
for the reason that
for the sake of
in as much as
in behalf of
in that
in the interest of

Ways to Say I DON’T KNOW

That requires a bit more research first.
Beats me.
I don’t know anything about …
I’m going to investigate that further.
It’s beyond me.
It’s a mystery to me.
That’s a good question, but I don’t know.
I’m not the best person to answer that.
That’s a good question, I’II check this.
I’m afraid. I’ve no idea.
I can’t remember off the top of my head.
I don’t have any information about that.
That’s exactly what I’m seeking to answer.
Who knows?
Let me check on that.
I’m not 00% sure on that.
I’II double check and let you know.

English Phrases – How to Accept Apologies

I quite understand.
You couldn’t help it.
Forget about it.
Don’t worry about it.
That’s all right.
It doesn’t matter.
Don’t worry. You’re forgiven!
It’s ok.
No need to…
No harm done.
Don’t apologize.
Never mind.
There’s no need to. It’s all right.
Never mind. I quite understand.
Forget about it. I understand.
There is no need. It’s ok.

English Phrases – How to Ask Someone to Repeat Something

Excuse me?
Do you mind repeating that?
Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.
Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Could you pleasse repeat that?
Would you mind repeating that?
I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat that, please?
Let me repeat that just to make sure?

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Ways to Say I’M HUNGRY

I’m hungry as a wolf!
I’m hungry as a bear!
Flying light
Got the munchies
My tummy is talking to me.
I’m freaking hungry!
I’m so hungry I could eat a scabby horse.

Ways to Say Good Morning

Good morning, sunshine!
Mornin’ mi Amigo! (Male)
Mornin’ mi Amiga! (Female)
Morning, good looking!
Rise and shine!
Good day to you!
Good morning, Sleeping beauty!

Making Apologies

I do apologize for…
I must apologize for…
Please, accept my apologies for…
I apologize for…
Please, forgive me for my…
I’d like to apologize for…
Pardon me for this…
I am so sorry for…
I’m terribly sorry for…
I shouldn’t have…
Excuse me for…
It’s all my fault.
Please, forgive me for…
I’m ashamed of…
I’m really ashamed of what I did.
I’m really sorry about what I said.
That was rude of me. I’m sorry.
I hope you’ll forgive me for…

Accepting Apologies

No need to…
No harm done.
Don’t apologize.
Never mind.
It’s ok.
Don’t mention it.
That’s OK.
I quite understand.
You couldn’t help it.
Forget about it.
Don’t worry about it.
That’s all right.
It doesn’t matter.
Don’t worry. You’re forgiven!
There’s no need to. It’s all right.
Never mind. I quite understand.
Forget about it. I understand.
There is no need. It’s ok.

Creative Ways to Say NO

Not possible.
By no means.
I’m slammed.
Not for me, thanks.
Unfortunately, that’s not something I can do at this time.
I’m really booked.
Thanks for thinking of me. I really wish I could.
That’s not an option.
This is not negotiable.
I think not.
If only it worked, but …
Not for me my friend, thanks.
I have something else.
I’d like to, but I know I’II regret it.
I really appreciate you asking me, bu t I can’t do it.
I really appreciate you asking me but I can’t commit to that right now.
No, thanks.
Thanks for thinking of me but I can’t
Unfortunately not.
I’m afraid I can’t.
Maybe another time.
I’m sorry I’m busy.
That’s not going to work for me.
Maybe next time.
I’d love to – but can’t.
My body say yes, but my heart say no.
That doesn’t work for me.
I wish I could make it work.
I am honoured that you asked me but I can’t do it.
Sounds tempting, but I’II have to pass.

Ways to Say GOODBYE

Bye now
Take it easy
I’m off
Gotta go!
Good night
I gotta take off
Talk to you later
Keep in touch
Lovely to meet you
See ya!
Catch you later
Have a good one
Be seeing you!

Ways To Say YES

Why not?
Sure I can!
No problem
Yes, what is it?
You bet
I shall!
As you wish!
Permission granted!
Yes, what can I dofor you?


Have a fabulous birthday!
I hope you have a fantastic day.
Have a great one!
Wishin you many more candles to blow.
Many happy returns of the day!
All the best on your special day!
Many happy returns!
I wish you a wonderful birthday!
Have a good one!
May you birthday be filled with laughter!
I wish you all the best on your special day.
I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come.
I wish you a wonderful day!
Wishing you a day that is as special as you are!
Congratulations on another year of skillful death evasion!
Hope you have an enjoyable birthday! You deserve it.

Ways to Say HOW ARE YOU?

What’s new?
How’s it going?
How’s everything?
How’s life?
What’sgoing on?
What’s happening?
How do you do?
What are you up to?
How are you doing?
How are you holding up?
How are things going?
How are you been?

Ways to Say I DON’T LIKE IT

I’m not into it.
I can’t stand it.
I hate it.
I’m not a big fan of it.
I’ve had enough.
I’m not crazy about it.
I loathe it.
I am sick of it.
I don’t appreciate it.
I’m not really fond of it.
I’II pass.
I am not passionate about it.
I am not keen on it.
That’s not for me.
I am not a big fan of it.
That’s not my thing.
I’m disinterested in that.

Ways to Say OH MY GOD!

Goodness gracious me!
Oh my!
Holy moly
For heaven’s sake!
Oh Jesus!
For the love of God!
Gosh almighty!
Shitting Hell!
That is bare sick!
Heavens to Betsy!
Holy crap
Oh my goodness!
Oh boy!

Ways to Say I’M TIRED

I’m weary
I’m bushed
I’m beat
I’m done
I’m sleepy
I’m spent
I’m flat out tired
I’m dead-tired
I’m running on fumes
I’m dog tired
I’m tired to the bone
I’m knockered
I’m pooped
I’m exhausted
I’m worn out
I’m dead on my feet
I’m dragging
I’m running on empty

Another Way to Say For Example

To illustrate
For instance
One example is…
As a case in point
As an example
Such as
In a similar case
In addition to
By way of illustration
Note well
As an example being…
In particular
Let’s say…
As seen in…
This is illustrated…
Thse include…
Note well…

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