Template module windows physical disks by zabbix agent

  1. Присматриваем за окнами. Windows + Zabbix
  2. Введение
  3. Практика «Агента»
  4. Практика SNMP
  5. Заключение
  6. Мониторинг производительности дисковой подсистемы при помощи zabbix и block stat
  7. Небольшое отступление
  8. Мониторинг дисков в zabbix
  9. Утилизация дисковой подсистемы
  10. Время обработки запроса
  11. Пропускная способность
  12. Количество операций ввода-вывода в секунду
  13. Заключение
  14. Zabbix + Windows
  15. Windows
  16. Available solutions
  17. Windows CPU by Zabbix agent
  18. Overview
  19. Setup
  20. Zabbix configuration
  21. Macros used
  22. Template links
  23. Discovery rules
  24. Items collected
  25. Triggers
  26. Feedback
  27. Windows memory by Zabbix agent
  28. Overview
  29. Setup
  30. Zabbix configuration
  31. Macros used
  32. Template links
  33. Discovery rules
  34. Items collected
  35. Triggers
  36. Feedback
  37. Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent
  38. Overview
  39. Setup
  40. Zabbix configuration
  41. Macros used
  42. Template links
  43. Discovery rules
  44. Items collected
  45. Triggers
  46. Feedback
  47. Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent
  48. Overview
  49. Setup
  50. Zabbix configuration
  51. Macros used
  52. Template links
  53. Discovery rules
  54. Items collected
  55. Triggers
  56. Feedback
  57. Windows generic by Zabbix agent
  58. Overview
  59. Setup
  60. Zabbix configuration
  61. Macros used
  62. Template links
  63. Discovery rules
  64. Items collected
  65. Triggers
  66. Feedback
  67. Windows network by Zabbix agent
  68. Overview
  69. Setup
  70. Zabbix configuration
  71. Macros used
  72. Template links
  73. Discovery rules
  74. Items collected
  75. Triggers
  76. Feedback
  77. Windows services by Zabbix agent
  78. Overview
  79. Setup
  80. Zabbix configuration
  81. Macros used
  82. Template links
  83. Discovery rules
  84. Items collected
  85. Triggers
  86. Feedback
  87. Windows by Zabbix agent
  88. Overview
  89. Setup
  90. Zabbix configuration
  91. Template links
  92. Discovery rules
  93. Items collected
  94. Triggers
  95. Feedback
  96. Windows CPU by Zabbix agent active
  97. Overview
  98. Setup
  99. Zabbix configuration
  100. Macros used
  101. Template links
  102. Discovery rules
  103. Items collected
  104. Triggers
  105. Feedback
  106. Windows memory by Zabbix agent active
  107. Overview
  108. Setup
  109. Zabbix configuration
  110. Macros used
  111. Template links
  112. Discovery rules
  113. Items collected
  114. Triggers
  115. Feedback
  116. Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent active
  117. Overview
  118. Setup
  119. Zabbix configuration
  120. Macros used
  121. Template links
  122. Discovery rules
  123. Items collected
  124. Triggers
  125. Feedback
  126. Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent active
  127. Overview
  128. Setup
  129. Zabbix configuration
  130. Macros used
  131. Template links
  132. Discovery rules
  133. Items collected
  134. Triggers
  135. Feedback
  136. Windows generic by Zabbix agent active
  137. Overview
  138. Setup
  139. Zabbix configuration
  140. Macros used
  141. Template links
  142. Discovery rules
  143. Items collected
  144. Triggers
  145. Feedback
  146. Windows network by Zabbix agent active
  147. Overview
  148. Setup
  149. Zabbix configuration
  150. Macros used
  151. Template links
  152. Discovery rules
  153. Items collected
  154. Triggers
  155. Feedback
  156. Windows services by Zabbix agent active
  157. Overview
  158. Setup
  159. Zabbix configuration
  160. Macros used
  161. Template links
  162. Discovery rules
  163. Items collected
  164. Triggers
  165. Feedback
  166. Windows by Zabbix agent active
  167. Overview
  168. Setup
  169. Zabbix configuration
  170. Template links
  171. Discovery rules
  172. Items collected
  173. Triggers
  174. Feedback
  175. Windows SNMP
  176. Overview
  177. Setup
  178. Zabbix configuration
  179. Template links
  180. Discovery rules
  181. Items collected
  182. Triggers
  183. Feedback
  184. Known Issues

Присматриваем за окнами. Windows + Zabbix


Практика «Агента»

Если у Вас установлен Zabbix агент, то общаться мы будем с ОС через него.

При просмотра шаблона Template OS Windows обращаем внимание на элемент данных:
Average disk write queue length perf_counter[\234(_Total)\1404].

Что же означают эти цифры \234(_Total)\1404. ?

В ОС Windows эти цифры обозначают внутренние идентификаторы счетчиков производительности. Но если у Вас установленна база Zabbix с кодировкой UTF8, то ничего не мешает нам использовать русские названия в счетчиках

Получаем счетчики следующим образом:
typeperf -q

А если у нас несколько жестких дисков (интерфейсов и т.п.):
typeperf -qx

Слишком много информации? Фильтруем:
typeperf «\Физический диск(_Total)\»

Другой вариант получить счетчики:
lodctr /s:perfcount.txt
Открыв файл мы увидем идентификаторы и их название в начале на английском, а затем на русском языке.

Практика SNMP

Но что делать, когда нельзя (или нет желания) установить агент?
Для этого, мы будем читать счетчики через SNMP:

snmpwalk -Of -c public -v 2c

Если выполнять под ОС Windows, то результат будет вида:
.iso. = STRING: «Hardware: Intel64 Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE — Software: Windows Version 6.1 (Build 7601 Multiprocessor Free)»

Если выполнять под ОС Linux, то результат будет вида:
.iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysDescr.0 = STRING: Hardware: Intel64 Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE — Software: Windows Version 6.1 (Build 7601 Multiprocessor Free)

(Также можно поискать соответствие цифр с названиями на http://support.ipmonitor.com/snmp_center.aspx)

Linux вариант более информативный.


Осталось подключить необходмые счетки и можно будет следить за производительностью системы.

Мониторинг производительности дисковой подсистемы при помощи zabbix и block stat

Вряд ли кто-то будет спорить, что наблюдение за производительностью дисковой подсистемы — чуть ли не важнейшая задача для всех высоконагруженных систем хранения и баз данных. Я изначально столкнулся с этим давным-давно, еще когда приходилось наблюдать за PostgreSQL. В последнее время вернулся к этому вопросу в связи с необходимостью тестирования различных хранилищ.

Сегодня хочу поделиться с сообществом своим текущим опытом на реальном примере zabbix и его связке с block stat.

Небольшое отступление

Я являюсь архитектором баз данных и систем хранения очень высокой производительности и больших объемов. Поэтому часто сталкиваюсь с задачами оценки, как те или иные параметры настройки системы влияют на работу СХД, какие железные конфигурации СХД лучше.

Да есть куча утилит, которая позволит протестировать диски, например тот же fio. Но ничто не сравнится с тестированием реальной нагрузкой.

Однако прежде чем подавать реальную и настоящую нагрузку, неплохо бы сначала протестировать на синтетике. А наблюдать за синтетикой лучше теми же средствами, что и за боевой системой, просто потому, что даже если ваши метрики не совсем верны методологически – они будут хотя бы те же самые и по ним можно будет делать выводы лучше/хуже.

Когда то давным-давно для этих целей использовал iostat, лютый парсер к нему и gnuplot, и даже написал статейку habr.com/post/165855. Скажу я вам – это жутко неудобно.

Куда как удобнее натравить на систему zabbix и мониторить. А к zabbix можно прикрутить модную Grafana и мониторить красиво. Сразу скажу – выбор zabbix скорее исторический: «потому что он уже был».

Мониторинг дисков в zabbix

Справедливости ради скажу, что в zabbix уже есть встроенные ключи vfs.dev.*, но увы очень мало: скорость чтения и записи, объем.

А что нужно нам?

Практика показывает что ключевые метрики по которым можно оценивать дисковую подсистему это:

  • Количество операций в секунду (ops)
  • Пропускная способность (throughput)
  • Время обработки запроса (latency или правильней svctime)
  • Утилизация дисковой подсистемы (utilization)

Так как эти метрики очень зависят друг от друга, то не зная все нельзя сделать правильные выводы.

Все эти метрики есть в iostat. Но как их положить в zabbix?

Легкое гугление приводит нас к различным парсерам iostat, в том числе и здесь.

Но мне по душе другой вариант, а именно парсинг вывода /sys/class/block/*/stat

  • это первоисточник данных — iostat так же использует эти данные
  • для разбора показателей можно ограничиться только однострочником в UserParameter без дополнительных скриптов.

Но есть и недостатки:

  • Некоторые параметры необходимо вычислять делением дельты одного на дельту другого, причем не простой, а временной (скорости). В zabbix это сделать можно, но это будут не одновременные запросы, как если бы это делал сложный скрипт, а отношение последних значений, что в принципе не совсем верно, но в нашем случае довольно точно.

Итак, кроме самого zabbix и zabbix-agent на наблюдаемой машине нам потребуется awk. Мы используем дистрибутив CentOS 7.4 и zabbix 3.4

Данные в zabbix мы будем собирать при помощи zabbix-agent, создав пользовательские ключи. Для этого в /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d нужно создать файлик userparameter_custom.vfs.conf примерно со следующим содержимым:

UserParameter=custom.vfs.dev.io.ms[*],cat /sys/class/block/$1/stat | awk ‘

Тут все просто — создаем пользовательский ключ custom.vfs.dev.io.ms, в качестве параметра передаем туда имя блочного устройства, значением параметра будет 10 колонка файлика stat.

В этом файлике статистики всего 11 колонок, посмотреть их описание можно вот тут.

Колонка №10 это io_tics — количество миллисекунд затраченным устройством на ввод вывод. Как почти все параметры — эта цифра является аккумулятором и постоянно возрастает. Как же получить из них привычные метрики.

Утилизация дисковой подсистемы

Эта метрика аналогична значению поля utils команды iostat -x. Характеризует загрузку дисковой подсистемы. По сути это сколько процентов реального времени система затратила на операции ввода-вывода за интервал между опросами. Как правило при приближении к 100% система начинает все больше простаивать в ожидании когда диски обработают ваши запросы.

Чтобы получить эту цифру — надо взять значение 10 колонки файла статистики и запомнить его в zabbix как скорость изменения в секунду, не забыв умножить на 0.1 так как значение в статистике в миллисекундах, а нам нужны проценты.

Аналогичным образом можно посчитать нагрузку записью/чтением (колонки write_ticks / read_ticks).

Время обработки запроса

Эта метрика аналогична r_svctime и w_svctime для записи и чтения соответственно. По сути это усредненное время обработки запросов за интервал между опросами.

Данная метрика чуть посложнее. Рассмотрим на примере запросов на запись.

Для этого нам понадобится создать три ключа:

    write utils — количество времени потраченное на запись — колонка №8 write_ticks сохраненная, как скорость изменения в секунду между опросами. По сути значение ключа в zabbix будет утилизация записью.

  • write ops — количество запросов на запись — колонка №5 write I/Os. Так же сохраняем как скорость
  • svctime или latency — искомый параметр. Создаем как вычисляемое значение: последнее значение write utils / последнее значение write ops. Плюс еще поделить на 1000 чтобы в секунды перейти
  • Абсолютно также считается время обработки запросов на чтение, только используя колонки №1 read I/Os и №4 read_ticks.

    Пропускная способность

    Метрика показывающая с какой скоростью данные были записаны или прочитаны

    Для этой метрики используются колонки №3 read sectors и №5 write sectors. Значение сколько было прочитано или записано «секторов». Точно так же в zabbix сохраняем как изменение за секунду.

    Единственный ньюанс — значение в файле указанно «в попугаях-секторах», причем размер этого «сектора» фиксирован 512 байт и не зависит от реальных значений ни физического ни логического сектора устройства (проверял на нескольких устройствах с реальным размером физического сектора 4к). Так что чтобы пересчитать в байты — не забудьте умножить на 512.

    Количество операций ввода-вывода в секунду

    Эта метрика — те самые пресловутые IOPS

    Самая простая метрика — мы ее уже записывали для подсчета svc time это значение колонок №5 write I/Os и №1 read I/Os также сохраненные как скорость в секунду.


    Этих метрик мне как правило достаточно для того чтобы я мог делать обоснованные выводы. Конечно это не все цифры которые можно получить из файла статистики. Например там есть и число текущих обрабатываемых запросов, и количество запросов которые были объеденены. Но полагаю при необходимости вам не составит труда добавить их по аналогии с описанным.
    И да не претендую на авторство — сам метод был когда-то давно загуглен, но за давностью лет ссылки конечно затерялись.

    Увы NDA заставляет кое-что подчистить из них, но надеюсь на работоспособность шаблона это не повлияет.

    А в шапке скриншот из Grafana прикрученной поверх zabbix — демонстрирующий реальные цифры с одной из тестовых инсталляций.

    Zabbix + Windows


    Microsoft Windows is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.

    Available solutions

    Windows CPU by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    The critical threshold of the % Interrupt Time counter.

    The threshold of the % Privileged Time counter.

    The threshold of the Processor Queue Length counter.

    The critical threshold of the CPU utilization in %.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    CPU utilization in %

    The Processor Information\% Interrupt Time is the time the processor spends receiving and servicing

    hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of

    devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication

    lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. This is an easy way to identify a potential

    hardware failure. This should never be higher than 20%.

    Context Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another.

    Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service.

    It is the sum of Thread\Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches.

    There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.

    The Processor Information\% Privileged Time counter shows the percent of time that the processor is spent

    executing in Kernel (or Privileged) mode. Privileged mode includes services interrupts inside Interrupt

    Service Routines (ISRs), executing Deferred Procedure Calls (DPCs), Device Driver calls and other kernel-mode

    functions of the Windows® Operating System.

    Processor DPC time is the time that a single processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure

    calls (DPCs). DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. % DPC Time is a

    component of % Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. If a high % DPC Time is

    sustained, there may be a processor bottleneck or an application or hardware related issue that can

    significantly diminish overall system performance.

    The Processor Information\% User Time counter shows the percent of time that the processor(s) is spent executing

    The number of logical processors available on the computer.

    The Processor Queue Length shows the number of threads that are observed as delayed in the processor Ready Queue

    and are waiting to be executed.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    CPU CPU utilization ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.cpu.util
    CPU CPU interrupt time ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% Interrupt Time»]
    CPU Context switches per second ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\System\Context Switches/sec»]
    CPU CPU privileged time ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% Privileged Time»]
    CPU CPU DPC time ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% DPC Time»]
    CPU CPU user time ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% User Time»]
    CPU Number of cores ZABBIX_PASSIVE wmi.get[root/cimv2,»Select NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_ComputerSystem»]
    CPU CPU queue length ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\System\Processor Queue Length»]


    CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond.

    «The CPU Interrupt Time in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX>%.»

    The Processor Information\% Interrupt Time is the time the processor spends receiving and servicing

    hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of

    devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication

    lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. This is an easy way to identify a potential

    hardware failure. This should never be higher than 20%.

    Depends on:

    — High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m)

    The CPU privileged time in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$CPU.PRIV.CRIT.MAX>%.

    Depends on:

    — CPU interrupt time is too high (over <$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX>% for 5m)

    — High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m)

    The CPU Queue Length in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX>. According to actual observations, PQL should not exceed the number of cores * 2. To fine-tune the conditions, use the macro <$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX >.

    Depends on:

    — High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m)


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows memory by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    The warning threshold of the Memory Pages/sec counter.

    The warning threshold of the Free System Page Table Entries counter.

    The warning threshold of the Memory util item.

    The warning threshold of the minimum free swap.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m) > WARNING
    CPU interrupt time is too high (over <$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX>% for 5m)
    CPU privileged time is too high (over <$CPU.PRIV.CRIT.MAX>% for 5m)
    CPU queue length is too high (over <$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX>for 5m)

    Used memory in Bytes

    Total memory in Bytes

    Memory utilization in %

    Cache Bytes is the sum of the Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes, Memory\System Driver Resident Bytes,

    Memory\System Code Resident Bytes, and Memory\Pool Paged Resident Bytes counters. This counter displays

    the last observed value only; it is not an average.

    The free space of swap volume/file in bytes.

    The free space of swap volume/file in percent.

    The total space of swap volume/file in bytes.

    This indicates the number of page table entries not currently in use by the system. If the number is less

    than 5,000, there may well be a memory leak or you running out of memory.

    Page Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages

    faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal

    to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require

    disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most

    processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults,

    which require disk access, can cause significant delays.

    This measures the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults.

    If the value is greater than 1,000, as a result of excessive paging, there may be a memory leak.

    This measures the size, in bytes, of the non-paged pool. This is an area of system memory for objects

    that cannot be written to disk but instead must remain in physical memory as long as they are allocated.

    There is a possible memory leak if the value is greater than 175MB (or 100MB with the /3GB switch).

    A typical Event ID 2019 is recorded in the system event log.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Memory Used memory ZABBIX_PASSIVE vm.memory.size[used]
    Memory Total memory ZABBIX_PASSIVE vm.memory.size[total]
    Memory Memory utilization CALCULATED vm.memory.util


    last(«vm.memory.size[used]») / last(«vm.memory.size[total]») * 100

    Memory Cache bytes ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Cache Bytes»]
    Memory Free swap space CALCULATED system.swap.free


    last(«system.swap.size[,total]») — last(«system.swap.size[,total]») / 100 * last(«perf_counter_en[\»\Paging file(_Total)\% Usage\»]»)

    Memory Free swap space in % DEPENDENT system.swap.pfree


    — JAVASCRIPT: return (100 — value)

    The used space of swap volume/file in percent.

    ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Paging file(_Total)\% Usage»]
    Memory Total swap space ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.swap.size[,total]
    Memory Free system page table entries ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Free System Page Table Entries»]
    Memory Memory page faults per second ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Page Faults/sec»]
    Memory Memory pages per second ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Pages/sec»]
    Memory Memory pool non-paged ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Pool Nonpaged Bytes»]


    The system is running out of free memory.

    This trigger is ignored, if there is no swap configured

    Depends on:

    — High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m)

    The Memory Free System Page Table Entries is less than <$MEM.PAGE_TABLE_CRIT.MIN>for 5 minutes. If the number is less than 5,000, there may well be a memory leak.

    Depends on:

    — High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m)

    The Memory Pages/sec in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$MEM.PAGE_SEC.CRIT.MAX>. If the value is greater than 1,000, as a result of excessive paging, there may be a memory leak.

    Depends on:

    — High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m)


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    The critical threshold of the filesystem utilization in percent.

    The warning threshold of the filesystem utilization in percent.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m) > AVERAGE
    High swap space usage (less than <$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN>% free)
    Number of free system page table entries is too low (less <$MEM.PAGE_TABLE_CRIT.MIN>for 5m)
    The Memory Pages/sec is too high (over <$MEM.PAGE_SEC.CRIT.MAX>for 5m)

    Discovery of file systems of different types.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Mounted filesystem discovery ZABBIX_PASSIVE vfs.fs.discovery


    Items collected

    Used storage in Bytes

    Total space in Bytes

    Space utilization in % for

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Filesystems <#FSNAME>: Used space ZABBIX_PASSIVE vfs.fs.size[<#FSNAME>,used]
    Filesystems <#FSNAME>: Total space ZABBIX_PASSIVE vfs.fs.size[<#FSNAME>,total]
    Filesystems <#FSNAME>: Space utilization ZABBIX_PASSIVE vfs.fs.size[<#FSNAME>,pused]


    Two conditions should match: First, space utilization should be above <$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"<#FSNAME>«>.

    Second condition should be one of the following:

    — The disk free space is less than 5G.

    — The disk will be full in less than 24 hours.

    Manual close: YES

    Two conditions should match: First, space utilization should be above <$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"<#FSNAME>«>.

    Second condition should be one of the following:

    — The disk free space is less than 10G.

    — The disk will be full in less than 24 hours.

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in physical disks discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in physical disks discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    Disk read average response time (in s) before the trigger would fire.

    The warning threshold of disk time utilization in percent.

    Disk write average response time (in s) before the trigger would fire.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    <#FSNAME>: Disk space is critically low (used > <$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"<#FSNAME>«>%) ,pused].last()>><$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"<#FSNAME>«> and ((,total].last()>-,used].last()>) AVERAGE ,pused].last()>><$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"<#FSNAME>«> and ((,total].last()>-,used].last()>) WARNING

    Discovery of installed physical disks.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Physical disks discovery ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_instance_en.discovery[PhysicalDisk]



    Items collected

    Rate of read operations on the disk.

    Rate of write operations on the disk.

    Current average disk queue, the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

    This item is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or writes requests.

    The average time for read requests issued to the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent servicing them.

    The average time for write requests issued to the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent servicing them.

    Average disk read queue, the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

    Average disk write queue, the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk read rate ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Disk Reads/sec»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk write rate ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Disk Writes/sec»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk average queue size (avgqu-sz) ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Current Disk Queue Length»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk utilization ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\% Disk Time»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk read request avg waiting time ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk sec/Read»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk write request avg waiting time ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk sec/Write»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Average disk read queue length ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Average disk write queue length ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length»,60]


    The disk appears to be under heavy load

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    — <#DEVNAME>: Disk read request responses are too high (read > <$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m

    — <#DEVNAME>: Disk write request responses are too high (write > <$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m)

    This trigger might indicate disk <#DEVNAME>saturation.

    Manual close: YES

    This trigger might indicate disk <#DEVNAME>saturation.

    Manual close: YES


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows generic by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    The threshold for difference of system time in seconds.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    <#DEVNAME>: Disk is overloaded (util > <$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN>% for 15m)
    <#DEVNAME>: Disk read request responses are too high (read > <$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m )\Avg. Disk sec/Read»,60].min(15m)> > <$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«> WARNING
    <#DEVNAME>: Disk write request responses are too high (write > <$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m) )\Avg. Disk sec/Write»,60].min(15m)> > <$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«> WARNING

    System local time of the host.

    System host name.

    The number of threads used by all running processes.

    Operating system architecture of the host.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    General System local time ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.localtime
    General System name ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.hostname


    System description of the host.

    ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.uname


    The number of processes.

    ZABBIX_PASSIVE proc.num[]
    General Number of threads ZABBIX_PASSIVE perf_counter_en[«\System\Threads»]
    Inventory Operating system architecture ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.sw.arch


    System uptime in ‘N days, hh:mm:ss’ format.

    ZABBIX_PASSIVE system.uptime


    The host system time is different from the Zabbix server time.

    Manual close: YES

    System name has changed. Ack to close.

    Manual close: YES

    Manual close: YES


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows network by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    System time is out of sync (diff with Zabbix server > <$SYSTEM.FUZZYTIME.MAX>s)
    System name has changed (new name: )
    Host has been restarted (uptime WARNING Miniport|Virtual|Teredo|Kernel|Loopback|Bluetooth|HTTPS|6to4|QoS|Layer

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Discovery of installed network interfaces.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Network interfaces discovery DEPENDENT net.if.discovery


    — JAVASCRIPT: Text is too long. Please see the template.


    Items collected

    Incoming traffic on the network interface.

    Outgoing traffic on the network interface.

    The number of incoming packets dropped on the network interface.

    The number of outgoing packets dropped on the network interface.

    The number of incoming packets with errors on the network interface.

    The number of outgoing packets with errors on the network interface.

    Estimated bandwidth of the network interface if any.

    The type of the network interface.

    The operational status of the network interface.

    Raw data of win32_networkadapter.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Bits received ZABBIX_PASSIVE net.if.in[«<#IFNAME>«]


    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Bits sent ZABBIX_PASSIVE net.if.out[«<#IFNAME>«]


    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Inbound packets discarded ZABBIX_PASSIVE net.if.in[«<#IFNAME>«,dropped]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Outbound packets discarded ZABBIX_PASSIVE net.if.out[«<#IFNAME>«,dropped]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Inbound packets with errors ZABBIX_PASSIVE net.if.in[«<#IFNAME>«,errors]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Outbound packets with errors ZABBIX_PASSIVE net.if.out[«<#IFNAME>«,errors]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Speed DEPENDENT net.if.speed[«<#IFNAME>«]



    — JAVASCRIPT: return (value==’9223372036854775807′ ? 0 : value)

    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Interface type DEPENDENT net.if.type[«<#IFNAME>«]


    — JSONPATH: $[?(@.Name == «<#IFNAME>«)].AdapterTypeId.first()

    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Operational status DEPENDENT net.if.status[«<#IFNAME>«]


    — JSONPATH: $[?(@.Name == «<#IFNAME>«)].NetConnectionStatus.first()

    Zabbix_raw_items Network interfaces WMI get ZABBIX_PASSIVE wmi.getall[root\cimv2,»select Name,Description,NetConnectionID,Speed,AdapterTypeId,NetConnectionStatus from win32_networkadapter where PhysicalAdapter=True and NetConnectionStatus>0″]


    The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth.

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    Recovers when below 80% of <$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«> threshold

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close.

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    This trigger expression works as follows:

    1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.

    2. <$IFCONTROL:\"<#IFNAME>\»>=1 — user can redefine Context macro to value — 0. That marks this interface as not important.

    No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down.

    3. =1) — trigger fires only if operational status is different from Connected(2).

    WARNING: if closed manually — won’t fire again on next poll, because of .diff.

    Manual close: YES


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows services by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher
    Special version of services template that is required for Windows OS.


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): High bandwidth usage (> <$IF.UTIL.MAX:"<#IFNAME>«>% ) («].avg(15m)>>(<$IF.UTIL.MAX:"<#IFNAME>«>/100)*«].last()> or «].avg(15m)>>(<$IF.UTIL.MAX:"<#IFNAME>«>/100)*«].last()>) and «].last()>>0


    Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): High error rate (> <$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«> for 5m) «,errors].min(5m)>><$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«> or «,errors].min(5m)>><$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«>


    Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before <$IFCONTROL:"<#IFNAME>«>=1 and («].last()><>2 and «].diff()>=1)

    «].last()>=2 or <$IFCONTROL:"<#IFNAME>«>=0

    AVERAGE ^RemoteRegistry|MMCSS|gupdate|SysmonLog|clr_optimization_v.+|clr_optimization_v.+|sppsvc|gpsvc|Pml Driver HPZ12|Net Driver HPZ12|MapsBroker|IntelAudioService|Intel\(R\) TPM Provisioning Service|dbupdate|DoSvc$

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.


    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Discovery of Windows services of different types as defined in template’s macros.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Windows services discovery ZABBIX_PASSIVE service.discovery


    Items collected

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Services State of service «<#SERVICE.NAME>» (<#SERVICE.DISPLAYNAME>) ZABBIX_PASSIVE service.info[«<#SERVICE.NAME>«,state]


    The service has a state other than «Running» for the last three times.

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    «<#SERVICE.NAME>» (<#SERVICE.DISPLAYNAME>) is not running (startup type <#SERVICE.STARTUPNAME>) «,state].min(#3)><>0 AVERAGE


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows by Zabbix agent


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher
    New official Windows template. Requires agent of Zabbix 4.4 and newer.

    This template was tested on:

    • Windows, version 7 and newer.
    • Windows Server, version 2008 R2 and newer.


    Install Zabbix agent on Windows OS according to Zabbix documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Windows CPU by Zabbix agent
    Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent
    Windows generic by Zabbix agent
    Windows memory by Zabbix agent
    Windows network by Zabbix agent
    Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent
    Windows services by Zabbix agent
    Zabbix agent

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info


    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    You can also provide a feedback, discuss the template or ask for help with it at ZABBIX forums.

    Windows CPU by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    The critical threshold of the % Interrupt Time counter.

    The threshold of the % Privileged Time counter.

    The threshold of the Processor Queue Length counter.

    The critical threshold of the CPU utilization in %.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    CPU utilization in %

    The Processor Information\% Interrupt Time is the time the processor spends receiving and servicing

    hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of

    devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication

    lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. This is an easy way to identify a potential

    hardware failure. This should never be higher than 20%.

    Context Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another.

    Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service.

    It is the sum of Thread\Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches.

    There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.

    The Processor Information\% Privileged Time counter shows the percent of time that the processor is spent

    executing in Kernel (or Privileged) mode. Privileged mode includes services interrupts inside Interrupt

    Service Routines (ISRs), executing Deferred Procedure Calls (DPCs), Device Driver calls and other kernel-mode

    functions of the Windows® Operating System.

    Processor DPC time is the time that a single processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure

    calls (DPCs). DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. % DPC Time is a

    component of % Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. If a high % DPC Time is

    sustained, there may be a processor bottleneck or an application or hardware related issue that can

    significantly diminish overall system performance.

    The Processor Information\% User Time counter shows the percent of time that the processor(s) is spent executing

    The number of logical processors available on the computer.

    The Processor Queue Length shows the number of threads that are observed as delayed in the processor Ready Queue

    and are waiting to be executed.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    CPU CPU utilization ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.cpu.util
    CPU CPU interrupt time ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% Interrupt Time»]
    CPU Context switches per second ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\System\Context Switches/sec»]
    CPU CPU privileged time ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% Privileged Time»]
    CPU CPU DPC time ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% DPC Time»]
    CPU CPU user time ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Processor Information(_total)\% User Time»]
    CPU Number of cores ZABBIX_ACTIVE wmi.get[root/cimv2,»Select NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_ComputerSystem»]
    CPU CPU queue length ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\System\Processor Queue Length»]


    CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond.

    «The CPU Interrupt Time in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX>%.»

    The Processor Information\% Interrupt Time is the time the processor spends receiving and servicing

    hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of

    devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication

    lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. This is an easy way to identify a potential

    hardware failure. This should never be higher than 20%.

    Depends on:

    — High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m)

    The CPU privileged time in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$CPU.PRIV.CRIT.MAX>%.

    Depends on:

    — CPU interrupt time is too high (over <$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX>% for 5m)

    — High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m)

    The CPU Queue Length in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX>. According to actual observations, PQL should not exceed the number of cores * 2. To fine-tune the conditions, use the macro <$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX >.

    Depends on:

    — High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m)


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows memory by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    The warning threshold of the Memory Pages/sec counter.

    The warning threshold of the Free System Page Table Entries counter.

    The warning threshold of the Memory util item.

    The warning threshold of the minimum free swap.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    High CPU utilization (over <$CPU.UTIL.CRIT>% for 5m) > WARNING
    CPU interrupt time is too high (over <$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX>% for 5m)
    CPU privileged time is too high (over <$CPU.PRIV.CRIT.MAX>% for 5m)
    CPU queue length is too high (over <$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX>for 5m)

    Used memory in Bytes

    Total memory in Bytes

    Memory utilization in %

    Cache Bytes is the sum of the Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes, Memory\System Driver Resident Bytes,

    Memory\System Code Resident Bytes, and Memory\Pool Paged Resident Bytes counters. This counter displays

    the last observed value only; it is not an average.

    The free space of swap volume/file in bytes.

    The free space of swap volume/file in percent.

    The total space of swap volume/file in bytes.

    This indicates the number of page table entries not currently in use by the system. If the number is less

    than 5,000, there may well be a memory leak or you running out of memory.

    Page Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages

    faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal

    to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require

    disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most

    processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults,

    which require disk access, can cause significant delays.

    This measures the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults.

    If the value is greater than 1,000, as a result of excessive paging, there may be a memory leak.

    This measures the size, in bytes, of the non-paged pool. This is an area of system memory for objects

    that cannot be written to disk but instead must remain in physical memory as long as they are allocated.

    There is a possible memory leak if the value is greater than 175MB (or 100MB with the /3GB switch).

    A typical Event ID 2019 is recorded in the system event log.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Memory Used memory ZABBIX_ACTIVE vm.memory.size[used]
    Memory Total memory ZABBIX_ACTIVE vm.memory.size[total]
    Memory Memory utilization CALCULATED vm.memory.util


    last(«vm.memory.size[used]») / last(«vm.memory.size[total]») * 100

    Memory Cache bytes ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Cache Bytes»]
    Memory Free swap space CALCULATED system.swap.free


    last(«system.swap.size[,total]») — last(«system.swap.size[,total]») / 100 * last(«perf_counter_en[\»\Paging file(_Total)\% Usage\»]»)

    Memory Free swap space in % DEPENDENT system.swap.pfree


    — JAVASCRIPT: return (100 — value)

    The used space of swap volume/file in percent.

    ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Paging file(_Total)\% Usage»]
    Memory Total swap space ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.swap.size[,total]
    Memory Free system page table entries ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Free System Page Table Entries»]
    Memory Memory page faults per second ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Page Faults/sec»]
    Memory Memory pages per second ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Pages/sec»]
    Memory Memory pool non-paged ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\Memory\Pool Nonpaged Bytes»]


    The system is running out of free memory.

    This trigger is ignored, if there is no swap configured

    Depends on:

    — High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m)

    The Memory Free System Page Table Entries is less than <$MEM.PAGE_TABLE_CRIT.MIN>for 5 minutes. If the number is less than 5,000, there may well be a memory leak.

    Depends on:

    — High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m)

    The Memory Pages/sec in the last 5 minutes exceeds <$MEM.PAGE_SEC.CRIT.MAX>. If the value is greater than 1,000, as a result of excessive paging, there may be a memory leak.

    Depends on:

    — High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m)


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    The critical threshold of the filesystem utilization in percent.

    The warning threshold of the filesystem utilization in percent.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    High memory utilization (><$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX>% for 5m) > AVERAGE
    High swap space usage (less than <$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN>% free)
    Number of free system page table entries is too low (less <$MEM.PAGE_TABLE_CRIT.MIN>for 5m)
    The Memory Pages/sec is too high (over <$MEM.PAGE_SEC.CRIT.MAX>for 5m)

    Discovery of file systems of different types.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Mounted filesystem discovery ZABBIX_ACTIVE vfs.fs.discovery


    Items collected

    Used storage in Bytes

    Total space in Bytes

    Space utilization in % for

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Filesystems <#FSNAME>: Used space ZABBIX_ACTIVE vfs.fs.size[<#FSNAME>,used]
    Filesystems <#FSNAME>: Total space ZABBIX_ACTIVE vfs.fs.size[<#FSNAME>,total]
    Filesystems <#FSNAME>: Space utilization ZABBIX_ACTIVE vfs.fs.size[<#FSNAME>,pused]


    Two conditions should match: First, space utilization should be above <$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"<#FSNAME>«>.

    Second condition should be one of the following:

    — The disk free space is less than 5G.

    — The disk will be full in less than 24 hours.

    Manual close: YES

    Two conditions should match: First, space utilization should be above <$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"<#FSNAME>«>.

    Second condition should be one of the following:

    — The disk free space is less than 10G.

    — The disk will be full in less than 24 hours.

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in physical disks discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in physical disks discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    Disk read average response time (in s) before the trigger would fire.

    The warning threshold of disk time utilization in percent.

    Disk write average response time (in s) before the trigger would fire.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    <#FSNAME>: Disk space is critically low (used > <$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"<#FSNAME>«>%) ,pused].last()>><$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"<#FSNAME>«> and ((,total].last()>-,used].last()>) AVERAGE ,pused].last()>><$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"<#FSNAME>«> and ((,total].last()>-,used].last()>) WARNING

    Discovery of installed physical disks.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Physical disks discovery ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_instance_en.discovery[PhysicalDisk]



    Items collected

    Rate of read operations on the disk.

    Rate of write operations on the disk.

    Current average disk queue, the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

    This item is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or writes requests.

    The average time for read requests issued to the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent servicing them.

    The average time for write requests issued to the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent servicing them.

    Average disk read queue, the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

    Average disk write queue, the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk read rate ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Disk Reads/sec»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk write rate ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Disk Writes/sec»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk average queue size (avgqu-sz) ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Current Disk Queue Length»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk utilization ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\% Disk Time»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk read request avg waiting time ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk sec/Read»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Disk write request avg waiting time ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk sec/Write»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Average disk read queue length ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length»,60]
    Storage <#DEVNAME>: Average disk write queue length ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\PhysicalDisk(<#DEVNAME>)\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length»,60]


    The disk appears to be under heavy load

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    — <#DEVNAME>: Disk read request responses are too high (read > <$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m

    — <#DEVNAME>: Disk write request responses are too high (write > <$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m)

    This trigger might indicate disk <#DEVNAME>saturation.

    Manual close: YES

    This trigger might indicate disk <#DEVNAME>saturation.

    Manual close: YES


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows generic by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    The threshold for difference of system time in seconds.

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    <#DEVNAME>: Disk is overloaded (util > <$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN>% for 15m)
    <#DEVNAME>: Disk read request responses are too high (read > <$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m )\Avg. Disk sec/Read»,60].min(15m)> > <$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«> WARNING
    <#DEVNAME>: Disk write request responses are too high (write > <$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«>s for 15m) )\Avg. Disk sec/Write»,60].min(15m)> > <$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN:"<#DEVNAME>«> WARNING

    System local time of the host.

    System host name.

    The number of threads used by all running processes.

    Operating system architecture of the host.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    General System local time ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.localtime
    General System name ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.hostname


    System description of the host.

    ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.uname


    The number of processes.

    ZABBIX_ACTIVE proc.num[]
    General Number of threads ZABBIX_ACTIVE perf_counter_en[«\System\Threads»]
    Inventory Operating system architecture ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.sw.arch


    System uptime in ‘N days, hh:mm:ss’ format.

    ZABBIX_ACTIVE system.uptime


    The host system time is different from the Zabbix server time.

    Manual close: YES

    System name has changed. Ack to close.

    Manual close: YES

    Manual close: YES


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows network by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    System time is out of sync (diff with Zabbix server > <$SYSTEM.FUZZYTIME.MAX>s)
    System name has changed (new name: )
    Host has been restarted (uptime WARNING Miniport|Virtual|Teredo|Kernel|Loopback|Bluetooth|HTTPS|6to4|QoS|Layer

    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Discovery of installed network interfaces.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Network interfaces discovery DEPENDENT net.if.discovery


    — JAVASCRIPT: Text is too long. Please see the template.


    Items collected

    Incoming traffic on the network interface.

    Outgoing traffic on the network interface.

    The number of incoming packets dropped on the network interface.

    The number of outgoing packets dropped on the network interface.

    The number of incoming packets with errors on the network interface.

    The number of outgoing packets with errors on the network interface.

    Estimated bandwidth of the network interface if any.

    The type of the network interface.

    The operational status of the network interface.

    Raw data of win32_networkadapter.

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Bits received ZABBIX_ACTIVE net.if.in[«<#IFNAME>«]


    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Bits sent ZABBIX_ACTIVE net.if.out[«<#IFNAME>«]


    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Inbound packets discarded ZABBIX_ACTIVE net.if.in[«<#IFNAME>«,dropped]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Outbound packets discarded ZABBIX_ACTIVE net.if.out[«<#IFNAME>«,dropped]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Inbound packets with errors ZABBIX_ACTIVE net.if.in[«<#IFNAME>«,errors]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Outbound packets with errors ZABBIX_ACTIVE net.if.out[«<#IFNAME>«,errors]



    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Speed DEPENDENT net.if.speed[«<#IFNAME>«]



    — JAVASCRIPT: return (value==’9223372036854775807′ ? 0 : value)

    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Interface type DEPENDENT net.if.type[«<#IFNAME>«]


    — JSONPATH: $[?(@.Name == «<#IFNAME>«)].AdapterTypeId.first()

    Network_interfaces Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Operational status DEPENDENT net.if.status[«<#IFNAME>«]


    — JSONPATH: $[?(@.Name == «<#IFNAME>«)].NetConnectionStatus.first()

    Zabbix_raw_items Network interfaces WMI get ZABBIX_ACTIVE wmi.getall[root\cimv2,»select Name,Description,NetConnectionID,Speed,AdapterTypeId,NetConnectionStatus from win32_networkadapter where PhysicalAdapter=True and NetConnectionStatus>0″]


    The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth.

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    Recovers when below 80% of <$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«> threshold

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close.

    Manual close: YES

    Depends on:

    This trigger expression works as follows:

    1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.

    2. <$IFCONTROL:\"<#IFNAME>\»>=1 — user can redefine Context macro to value — 0. That marks this interface as not important.

    No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down.

    3. =1) — trigger fires only if operational status is different from Connected(2).

    WARNING: if closed manually — won’t fire again on next poll, because of .diff.

    Manual close: YES


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows services by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher
    Special version of services template that is required for Windows OS.


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Macros used

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): High bandwidth usage (> <$IF.UTIL.MAX:"<#IFNAME>«>% ) («].avg(15m)>>(<$IF.UTIL.MAX:"<#IFNAME>«>/100)*«].last()> or «].avg(15m)>>(<$IF.UTIL.MAX:"<#IFNAME>«>/100)*«].last()>) and «].last()>>0


    Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): High error rate (> <$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«> for 5m) «,errors].min(5m)>><$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«> or «,errors].min(5m)>><$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"<#IFNAME>«>


    Interface <#IFNAME>(<#IFALIAS>): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before <$IFCONTROL:"<#IFNAME>«>=1 and («].last()><>2 and «].diff()>=1)

    «].last()>=2 or <$IFCONTROL:"<#IFNAME>«>=0

    AVERAGE ^RemoteRegistry|MMCSS|gupdate|SysmonLog|clr_optimization_v.+|clr_optimization_v.+|sppsvc|gpsvc|Pml Driver HPZ12|Net Driver HPZ12|MapsBroker|IntelAudioService|Intel\(R\) TPM Provisioning Service|dbupdate|DoSvc$

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.

    This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.


    There are no template links in this template.

    Discovery rules

    Discovery of Windows services of different types as defined in template’s macros.

    Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Windows services discovery ZABBIX_ACTIVE service.discovery


    Items collected

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info
    Services State of service «<#SERVICE.NAME>» (<#SERVICE.DISPLAYNAME>) ZABBIX_ACTIVE service.info[«<#SERVICE.NAME>«,state]


    The service has a state other than «Running» for the last three times.

    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
    «<#SERVICE.NAME>» (<#SERVICE.DISPLAYNAME>) is not running (startup type <#SERVICE.STARTUPNAME>) «,state].min(#3)><>0 AVERAGE


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Windows by Zabbix agent active


    For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher
    New official Windows template. Requires agent of Zabbix 4.4 and newer.

    This template was tested on:

    • Windows, version 7 and newer.
    • Windows Server, version 2008 R2 and newer.


    Install Zabbix agent on Windows OS according to Zabbix documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Windows CPU by Zabbix agent active
    Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent active
    Windows generic by Zabbix agent active
    Windows memory by Zabbix agent active
    Windows network by Zabbix agent active
    Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent active
    Windows services by Zabbix agent active
    Zabbix agent

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info


    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    You can also provide a feedback, discuss the template or ask for help with it at ZABBIX forums.

    Windows SNMP


    For Zabbix version: 5.2 and higher


    Refer to the vendor documentation.

    Zabbix configuration

    No specific Zabbix configuration is required.

    Generic SNMP
    Interfaces Windows SNMP

    Discovery rules

    Items collected

    Group Name Description Type Key and additional info


    Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info


    Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com

    Known Issues

    Description: Doesn’t support In/Out 64 bit counters even though IfxTable is present: Currently, Windows gets it’s interface status from MIB-2. Since these 64bit SNMP counters (ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, etc.) are defined as an extension to IF-MIB, Microsoft has not implemented it. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/07b62ff0-94f6-40ca-a99d-d129c1b33d70/windows-2008-r2-snmp-64bit-counters-support?forum=winservergen

    Description: Doesn’t support ifXTable at all

    Description: EtherLike MIB is not supported

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