The windows look clean you wash them

Task 2. Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses.

1. You don’t look well. You … see a doctor. (Advice)

are to could need to should

2. … lending me your CD player for a couple of days? (Request)

Can you Could you Would you Would you mind

3. Whose book is this? – I am not sure. It … be Anna’s. (Possibility)

might must should would

4. She … home yesterday because her little son was sick. (Necessity)

could have stayed had to stay must have stayed should have stayed 5. You … leave work at 3:30 today. (Permission)

can could might will

6. Though he was ill and weak, he … get out of the burning building. (Ability)

could might should was able to

7. The windows look clean. You … wash them. (Absence of necessity)

can’t don’t have to mustn’t are not to

8. You … disturb him during his work! (Prohibition)

could not don’t have to must not should not

9. Whose car is this? – It … be Anton’s. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one. (Strong probability)

might could must would

10. I don’t believe it. It … be true. (Impossibility)

can’t mustn’t shouldn’t wouldn’t

SEATWORK ON MODAL VERBS — PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SEATWORK ON MODAL VERBS. SET A. Write each sentence with the correct modal. 1. You don’t look well. You _____ see a doctor. (Advice) are to could need to should. 2. _________ mind lending me your CD player for a couple of days? (Request) Can you Could you Would you


Presentation Transcript

SET A. Write each sentence with the correct modal. 1. You don’t look well. You _____ see a doctor. (Advice) • are to • could • need to • should

2. _________ mind lending me your CD player for a couple of days? (Request) • Can you • Could you • Would you • Would you mind

3. Whose book is this? – I am not sure. It ____ be Anna’s. (Possibility) • might • must • should • would

4. She _____ home yesterday because her little son was sick. (Necessity) • could have stayed • had to stay • must have stayed • should have stayed

6. Though he was ill and weak, he ______ get out of the burning building. (Ability) • could • might • should • was able to

7. The windows look clean. You _____ wash them. (Absence of necessity) • can’t • don’t have to • mustn’t • are not to

8. You _____ disturb him during his work! (Prohibition) • could not • don’t have to • must not • should not

9. Whose car is this? – It ____ be Anton’s. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one. (Strong probability) • might • could • must • would

SET B Complete the following modals exercise with past modal verbs. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Just write the answer only. Choose between affirmative and negative.

Example: • No, I (ought to / copy) them. Some of the problems which I got wrong (must / come) from that day. Answer: No, I ought to have copied them. Some of the problems which I got wrong must have come from that day.

SET B 1. I got a C on my math test. I (should / do) better than that. 2. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It (may / be) your fault. It just (could / be) a more difficult test than usual.

3. No, it (could / be) that difficult. The rest of the class did pretty well. I (should / study) harder. 4. What you (could / do) differently?

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The simple past and the past continuous. Exercises

Exercise 1 The simple past and the past continuous. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: simple past or past continuous.

1 Peter and Ann (decide) to redecorate their sitting-room themselves. 2 They (choose) cream paint for the woodwork and apricot for the walls. 3 When John (look) in to see how they (get) on, Ann (mix) the paint, and Peter (wash) down the walls. 4 They (be) glad to see John and (ask) if he (do) anything special that day. 5 He hastily (reply) he (go) to the theatre and (go) away at once, because he (know) they (look) for someone to help them. 6 They (begin) painting, but (find) the walls (be) too wet. 7 While they (wait) for the walls to dry, Ann (remember) she (have) a phone call to make. 8 Peter (start) painting while she (telephone), and (do) a whole wall before Ann (come) back. 9 He (grumble) that she always (telephone). 10 Ann (retort) that Peter always (complain). 11 They (work) in silence for some time. 12 Just as they (start) the third wall, the doorbell (ring). 13 It (be) a friend of Peter’s who «(want) to know if Peter (play) golf the following weekend. 14 He (stay) talking to Peter in the hall while Ann (go) on painting. 15 At last he (leave). 16 Peter (return), expecting Ann to say something about friends who (come) and (waste) valuable time talking about golf. 17 But Ann nobly (say) nothing. 18 Then Peter (think) he would do the ceiling. 19 He just (climb) the step ladder when the doorbell (ring) again. 20 Ann (say) she (get) tired of interruptions but (go) and (open) the door. 21 It (be) the postman with a letter from her aunt Mary, saying she (come) to spend the weekend with them and (arrive) that evening at 6.30.

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Exercise 2 The simple past and the past continuous. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past continous.

1 I (walk) along Piccadilly when I (realize) that a man with a ginger beard, whom I had seen three times already that afternoon, (follow) me. 2 To make quite sure, I (walk) on quickly, (turn) right, then left and (stop) suddenly at a shop window. 3 In a few minutes the man with the beard (appear) and (stop) at another shop window. 4 I (go) on. 5 Whenever I (stop) he (stop), and whenever I (look) round he (be) still there. 6 He (look) a very respectable type and (wear) very conventional clothes and I (wonder) if he was a policeman or a private detective. 7 I (decide) to try and shake him off. 8 A 74 bus (stand) at the bus stop just beside me. 9 Then the conductor (come) downstairs and (ring) the bell; just as the bus (move) off, I (jump) on it. 10 The man with the beard (miss) the bus but (get) into another 74, which (follow) the first. 11 Both buses (crawl) very slowly along Knightsbridge. 12 Every time the buses (pull) up at a stop, the man (look) out anxiously to see if I (get) off. 13 Finally, at some traffic lights, he (change) buses and (get) into mine. 14 At Gloucester Road Underground, I (leave) the bus and (buy) a ticket at a ticket machine. 15 As I (stand) on the platform waiting for a Circle Line train, my pursuer (come) down the stairs. 16 He (carry) a newspaper and when we (get) into the same compartment, he (sit) in one corner reading it, and I (read) the advertisements. 17 He (look) over the top of the newspaper at every station to see if I (get) out. 18 I (become) rather tired of being shadowed like this, so finally I (go) and (sit) beside the man and (ask) him why he (follow) me. 19 At first he (say) he (not follow) me at all but when I (threaten) to knock him down, he (admit) that he was. 20 Then he (tell) me he (be) a writer of detective stories and (try) to see if it was difficult to follow someone unseen. 21 I (tell) him he hadn’t been unseen because I had noticed him in Piccadilly and I (advise) him to shave off his ginger beard if he (not want) his victim to know he (be) followed.

Exercise 3 The simple past and the past continuous. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: simple past or past c ontinuous.

1 He (sit) on the bank fishing when he (see) a man’s hat floating down the river. It (seem) strangely familiar.

2 It (snow) heavily when he (wake) up. He (remember) that Jack (come) for lunch and (decide) to go down to the station to meet him in case he (lose) his way in the snowy lanes.

3 When I (reach) the street I (realize) that I (not know) the number of Tom’s house. I (wonder) what to do about it when Tom himself (tap) me on the shoulder.

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4 As the goalkeeper (run) forward to seize the ball a bottle (strike) him on the shoulder.

5 I (look) through the classroom window. A geometry lesson (go) on. The teacher (draw) diagrams on the blackboard.

6 Most of the boys (listen) to the teacher but a few (whisper) to each other, and Tom (read) a history book. Tom (hate) mathematics; he always (read) history during his mathematics lesson.

7 Everyone (read) quietly when suddenly the door (burst) open and a complete stranger (rush) in.

8 I (go) to Jack’s house but (not find) him in. His mother (say) that she ( know) what he (do) but (think) he probably (play) football.

9 It used to be a station and all the London trains (stop) here. But two years ago they (close) the station and (give) us a bus service instead.

10 She (promise) not to report me to the police but ten minutes later I (see) her talking with a policeman and from the expression on his face I am sure she (tell) him all about it.

11 I (pick) up the receiver and (dial) a number. To my surprise I (find) myself listening to an extraordinary conversation. Two men (plan) to kidnap the Prime Minister.

12 I (meet) Paul at the university. We (be) both in the same year. He (study) law, but he (not be) very interested in it and (spend) most of his time practising the flute.

13 The train just (start) when the door (open) and two panting passengers (leap) in.

14 ‘ What you (do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?’ (say) the detective.

‘ I (clean) my house,’ said Mrs Jones. ‘I always clean my house on Saturday mornings.’

15 My neighbour (look) in last night and (say) that he (leave) the district and (go) to Yorkshire, to a new job. I (say) that I (be) very sorry that he (go), and (tell) him to write to me from Yorkshire and tell me how he (get) on.

16 They (build) that bridge when I (be) here last year. They haven’t finished it yet.

17 The dentist’s waiting room was full of people. Some (read) magazines, others just (turn) over the pages. A woman (knit); a child (play) with a toy car. Suddenly the door (open) and the nurse (say), ‘Next, please.’

18 The house next to yours (be) full of policemen and police dogs yesterday.

— I (hear) that they (look) for drugs.

— Yes, I believe one of the dogs (discover) some cannabis.

19 Peter (tell) me yesterday that he (make) his own £5 notes.

— Don’t believe him. He just (pull) your leg.

20 A traffic warden just (stick) a parking ticket to my windscreen when I (come) back to the car. I (try) to persuade him to tear it up but he (refuse).

21 Ann works in the branch where the big robbery (take) place.

— «She actually (work) there at the time of the raid?

2 2 When Ann (say) that she (come) to see me the next day, I (wonder) what flowers she would bring. She always brings flowers.

23 While I (wonder) whether to buy the dress or not, someone else (come) and (buy) it.

24 He always (borrow) from me (he borrowed more often than was reasonable) but when I once (ask) him to lend me something, he (say) he (not have) got it before he even (know) what I (want) to borrow.

25 I (go) home on foot and all the time I (have) the impression that I (be) followed (passive). But though I (turn) round several times, I never (see) anybody.

26 I (bump) into Tom yesterday. I (ask) him to join us for lunch tomorrow but he (say) he (have) (had arranged to have) lunch with Ann.

27 My dog (attack) the postman as he (put) the letters into the letter box. The man (thrust) a large envelope into the dog’s mouth and of course he (tear) it. Unfortunately the letter (contain) my diploma. I (patch) the diploma up with Sellotape but it still looks a bit odd.

28 How you (break) your leg?

— I (fall) off a ladder when I (put) up curtains. The worst of it (be) that it (be) just before the holidays and I (go) away, (had planned to go away)

29 So you (not go) away?

— No, of course not. I (cancel) my bookings and (spend) the holiday hobbling about at home.

30 The curtain just (rise) when somebody at the back of the theatre (shout) ‘Fire!’ The audience (look) round nervously.

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31 As it (rain) the children (play) in the sitting room. Tom was there too. He (try) to write a letter but he (not get on) very well because the children (keep) asking him questions.

32 What you (do) when the doorbell (ring)?

— And what you (do) when you (hear) the bell?

— I (go) to answer it of course. But when I (open) the door there (be) nobody there.

33 A few minutes later the bell (ring) again and this time I (find) a man in a peaked cap who (say) he (make) a survey.

34 I (say), ‘(Be) it you who (ring) this bell a minute ago?’

‘ No,’ he (answer), ‘but when I (talk) to your neighbour I (see) a man standing at your door. I think he (go) round to the back of your house.’

35 We (not get) much sleep last night because the people next door (have) a noisy party. I (ring) up the landlord and (say) that his tenants (make) too much noise. He (point out) that it (be) Saturday and that people often (have) parties on Saturday nights. I (say) that the people in his house always (have) parties, (had too many parties)

36 What you (do) before you (get) this job?

— I (work) for Brown and Company.

— And how long you (stay) with them?

— I (stay) for about six months. I (leave) because they always (go) on strike. It (become) quite monotonous.

Exercise 1 1 decided 2 chose 3 looked, were getting, was mixing, was washing 4 were, asked, was doing 5 replied, was going, went, knew, were looking 6 began, found, were 7 were waiting/waited, remembered, had 8 started, was telephoning, did, came 9 grumbled, was always telephoning 10 retorted, was always complaining 11 worked 12 started/were starting, rang 13 was, wanted, was playing 14 stayed, went 15 left 16 returned, came, wasted 17 said 18 thought 19 was just climbing, rang 20 said, was getting, went, opened 21 was, was coming, arriving

Exercise 2 1 was walking, realized, was following 2 walked, turned, stopped 3 appeared, stopped 4 went 5 stopped, stopped, looked, was 6 looked, was wearing/wore, wondered 7 decided 8 was standing 9 came, rang, moved off/was moving off, jumped 10 missed, got, was following/followed 11 crawled 12 pulled, looked, was getting/got 13 changed, got 14 left, bought 15 was standing, came 16 was carrying, got, sat, read 17 looked, was getting/got 18 was becoming/became, went, sat, asked, was following 19 said, wasn’t following, threatened, admitted 20 told, was, was trying 21 told, advised, didn’t want, was being followed

Exercise 3 1 was sitting, saw; seemed 2 was snowing, woke; remembered, was coming, decided, lost 3 reached, realized, did not know; was wondering, tapped 4 was running/ran, struck 5 looked; was going; was drawing 6 were listening, were whispering, was reading; hated, read 7 was reading, burst, rushed 8 went, didn’t find; said, didn’t know, was doing, thought, was probably playing 9 stopped/used to stop; closed, gave 10 promised, saw, was telling ll picked, dialled; found; were planning 12 met; were; was studying, wasn’t, spent 13 was just starting, opened, leapt 14 were you doing, said; was cleaning 15 looked, said, was leaving the district and (was) going; said, was, was going, told, was getting/got on 16 were building, was 17 were reading, were just turning over; was knitting, was playing; opened, said 18 was; were they doing; heard, were looking; Did they find; discovered 19 told, made; was just pulling 20 was just sticking, came; tried, refused 21 took; Was she actually working 22 said, was coming, wondered 23 was wondering, came, bought 24 was always borrowing, asked, said, hadn’t, knew, wanted 25 went, had, was being; turned, saw 26 bumped, asked, said, was having 27 attacked, was putting; thrust, tore; contained; patched 28 did you break; fell, was putting, was, was, was going 29 didn’t go; cancelled, spent 30 was just rising, shouted; looked ffel was raining, played/were playing; was trying, didn’t get/wasn’t getting on, kept 32 were you doing, rang; was making; did you do, heard, went; opened, was 33 rang, found, said, was making 34 Was, rang; answered, was talking, saw; went 35 didn’t get, were having/had; rang up, said, were making; pointed out, was, had; said, were always having 36 were you doing/did you do, got; was working/worked; did you stay, stayed; left, were always going; became/was becoming

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