The x11 connection broke error 1 did the x11 server die astra linux

SystemD не сумел выключить машину

Отвалился usb-hub с флешкой воткнутой, и не захотел реиницилизироваться.
Восьмое чувство подсказало, что не стоит удалённо перезагружать машину.

Внезапно, оказалось что я угадал, и systemd был не готов к серверному юзкейсу:

systemd зомбанул машину: потушил все сервисы, и не выключил.

Лог отключения до последней записи:

Почему-то хардварный watchdog тоже не сработал.
Нужно будет разбираться, почему. Он должен был спасти.

P.S. система не зависла, перезагрузил с помощью magic keys.

Отвалился usb-hub с флешкой воткнутой В проблемах с железом виноват systemd

_Все «хардварные» вотчдоги — глюкло.

_Все «хардварные» вотчдоги — глюкло.

Возможно я чего-то не так настроил. Нужно будет провести учения по ГО.

Feb 12 08:10:52 optiplex systemd[1]: Failed to attach 26217 to compat systemd cgroup /system.slice/virtualbox.service: No such file or directory

У тебя в системе какой-то ад происходит.

В дебиане всегда так? С каждым разом всё больше убеждаюсь, что дебиан — это такая сложная система уравновешивающих друг друга дичайших костылей и подпорок, от которой хочется плакать кровавыми слезами.

Ватчдог без DefaultDependencies=no , ахаха, что ты делаешь, прекрати.

У тебя в системе какой-то ад происходит. В дебиане всегда так? С каждым разом всё больше убеждаюсь, что дебиан — это такая сложная система уравновешивающих друг друга дичайших костылей и подпорок, от которой хочется плакать кровавыми слезами.

Ну, мы на эту тему уже говорили. Повторюсь: ты, как саппорт, фокусируешься на том, что конечные юзеры дебилы. Не так сконфигурировали, не так дышат и не в ту сторону молятся. Узко говоря, фактически ты прав.

Я как конечный пользователь, констатирую, что эта фигня ломается уже третий раз за полгода. Если гуру-дистростроители не могут совладать, юзер с 10+ летним стажем не может совладать, то домохозяйкам то как жить? Есть ли конечному пользователю разница, по чьей вине нужно раз в два месяца разгребать проблемы? Ладно бы ещё я ковырялся, так нет же ж. Просто хочу как домохозяйка: вкл/выкл.

По вочдогу, я так и подозреваю, что он либо вообще не был запущен, либо не был остановлен. А железо скорее всего не виновато.

В дебиане всегда так? С каждым разом всё больше убеждаюсь, что дебиан — это такая сложная система уравновешивающих друг друга дичайших костылей и подпорок, от которой хочется плакать кровавыми слезами.

Из бесплатного для сервера выбора особо и нет. Либо Debian с Ubuntu, либо CentOS. И все они сборище костылей различной конфигурации.


The X11 connection broke: I/O error (code 1) #40


jacknlliu commented Oct 4, 2016

I got the following error with osrf/ros:kinetic-desktop-full docker image in Fedora 24.

The gui program cannot work in this docker image.
Any help will be appreciated!

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

ruffsl commented Oct 4, 2016 •

Just tested the latest osrf/ros:kinetic-desktop-full image on ubuntu 16.04 (I don’t have a Fedora install), and GUI’s using X11 are working for me via the simple method way show here:

Is your default display number different than :0 in Fedora? Is Fedora still using X server, not Wayland?

jacknlliu commented Oct 5, 2016

The osrf/ros:kinetic-desktop-full image works well on Ubuntu 16.04, but not the Fedora 24. The Fedora 24 still using X server and my display number is :0 .

But the osrf/ros:indigo-desktop-full images works well on Fedora 24.

Is this the limitation of docker ? Something limit the docker app running on any Linux distribution?

ruffsl commented Oct 7, 2016

Not sure how this would be docker specific issue if it works for one docker image but not another. I’d suspect it to be more of a Ubuntu:Xenial/Fedora-24 image/host related issue as Ubuntu:Trusty/Fedora-24 seem to be working.

Could you verify this is the case by checking if say: the gedit GUI works from Xenial docker image running on a Fedora 24 host?

jacknlliu commented Oct 8, 2016

I got the following error run gedit with ubuntu:16.04 docker image on Fedora 24 host

The gedit cannot work.

I used the following command to run the docker image,

ruffsl commented Oct 11, 2016

Hmmm, not sure where Mir is coming into this. Are new images of Ubuntu 16:04 now using Mir by default?
I had thought that display transition would’ve been made after this LTS.

jacknlliu commented Oct 12, 2016

Yeah, the Ubuntu 16.04 use Mir as default display server, so the X applications in docker container can’t find the Mir server in Fedora which still use X server.

This is the drawback of docker to run GUI application in docker container. At this aspect, docker container is not better than virtual machine.

ruffsl commented Oct 12, 2016

Well, that’s the cost of adopting different display technologies; the diversity pushes innovation and security at the cost of convenience and uniformity. Still, I kind of wish Canonical had adopted Wayland instead.
A good discussion on the topic from 6 months ago:

Perhaps you could follow online guides to install Wayland packages onto the Ubuntu image, and then mount the necessary components for Wayland to forward the GUI in the container to the host display. No one has yet contributed to that section of the ros docker wiki, and I’d hazard a guess many more folks like you may find it useful in the coming future as Xserver dies a slow death.

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j-rivero commented Oct 18, 2016

Yeah, the Ubuntu 16.04 use Mir as default display server

Sorry for arriving late to the thread. I’m interesting in this affirmation, could you please point to the information source that explain that 16.04 is using Mir by default?

AFAIK, it won’t be the default manager even for the 16.10 version.


The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die? #466


krsyoung commented Jun 8, 2016

Hey, I’m currently using splash via Docker and I’m having my container «randomly» die with an exit code of 137. The only relevant message I can see in the log output is the last line:

I’ve also seen this in the dimes output but I think it might be a separate condition:

I’d say this happens after I have crawled a couple of hundred pages (it doesn’t seem to be anything specific about an individual page because it crashes randomly). Possibly something running out of memory? Curious if others have seen the same issue or have ideas how I might get more information to help debug.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

kevinsimper commented Jul 12, 2016 •

Did you figure this out? I have the same problem (but not with splash) on Circleci but not on Virtualbox 🙁

krsyoung commented Jul 13, 2016

Hey @kevinsimper. I unfortunately never made it anywhere in terms of actually fixing the issue. I’m running with Docker so I just set the thing to restart on error . which is ugly but has been working for my use case. Not sure if it is a version or resource issue.

nmilford commented Sep 9, 2016

Anyone find a resolution to this?

kevinsimper commented Sep 9, 2016

@nmilford It is not an easy problem, but I solved it in my case by installing a couple of other things. You can see it here. It is probably not related

jeffcjohnson commented Jun 23, 2017

This may just be coincidence and may not apply to everyone else’s crashing but I noticed that Docker started crashing when I added the following and stopped crashing when I removed it.

When it crashed, the output was:

mostaszewski commented Aug 23, 2017

I think this problem is related to memory.
I had the same problem on VPS with 512 MB RAM but it never happened again on VPS with over 1024 MB RAM.

echoocking commented Mar 2, 2018

use splash with scrapy ,the same error
but i change docker ram to 4G, crash is still

nehakansal commented Mar 16, 2018 •

I am getting this error too. I am running splash with Docker and HAProxy. I do notice that after I get this, Splash instance gets restarted sometimes (by Docker I assume) and other times it just stalls. Were any of you able to figure out the root cause? Thank you.

elulue commented Apr 14, 2018

I got the same error on another project, and the issue be gone after I remove an extra «plt.ion()»
hope it could be a hint for u.

migvel commented Nov 19, 2019

This is an old topic, I think is related with this part of the documentation,
specially the —restart=always since looks that for production is assumed that will eventually
crash because of an increassed memory usage.

abrazinskas commented Jul 25, 2020 •

I have exactly the same problem. I solved it by allowing docker to restart always:

docker run -p 8050:8050 —memory=4.5G —restart=always scrapinghub/splash —maxrss 4000

saltfishh commented Sep 2, 2020

I think this problem is related to memory.
I had the same problem on VPS with 512 MB RAM but it never happened again on VPS with over 1024 MB RAM.

but my host mem is 16G also happend

itsx commented Oct 18, 2020

We have run into a very similar, if not exactly the same issue. It seems, that at least in our case, it is definitely
connected to a shortage of memory, when kernel’s oom-killer starts to kill processes before docker memory limitation
or built-in splash memory limitation kicks-in.

We run splash cluster behind HAProxy and on one of the nodes (with only 2GB RAM) both running splash docker containers
suddenly stopped working correctly. Containers were still running, but splash processes were not responding.

One of them had error messages in docker logs (as the last line):
The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Second container had no error messages in docker logs output, but log stopped in a similar time.

From kern.log it was visible, that node was under big memory pressure and oom killer killed Xvfb process (X-11 process which runs under splash container) and after some time splash process in a second container runs into a segfault (We use Ubuntu 18.04):

We started this container with recommended memory limitation flags, but limitation values were apparently too high for this node:
docker run -p 8050:8050 —memory=2.5G —restart=always scrapinghub/splash —maxrss 2000

So this limitations had not been triggered, splash processes or splash containers hadn’t been restarted and subsequently got broken or partially killed by oom-killer.


Linux X11 Connection Rejected Because of Wrong Authentication Error and Solution

Q. I’m trying to login to my remote Ubuntu Linux server from Mac OS X desktop using following command:
ssh -X xeyes

But I’m getting an error that read as follows:

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

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How do I fix this error?

A. This error can be caused by various factors. Try following solutions:

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Make sure you are not running out of disk space

Run df and make sure you have sufficient disk space:
$ df -H
If you are low on disk space remove unnecessary files from your system.

Make sure

/.Xauthority owned by you

Run following command to find ownweship:
$ ls -l

Run chown and chmod to fix permission problems
$ chown user:group

$ chmod 0600

Replace user:group with your actual username and groupname.

Make sure X11 SSHD Forwarding Enabled

Make sure following line exists in sshd_config file:
$ grep X11Forwarding /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Sample output:

If X11 disabled add following line to sshd_cofing and restart ssh server:
X11Forwarding yes

Make sure X11 client forwarding enabled

Make sure your local ssh_config has following lines:
Host *
ForwardX11 yes

Finally, login to remote server and run X11 as follows from your Mac OS X or Linux desktop system:
ssh -X xeyes

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In the end of the post you wrote “Finally, login to remote server and run X11 as follows from your Mac OS X or Linux desktop system”. What about Microsoft Windows Os’s? How do i use X11Forwarding in Windows?

Use Putty Windows ssh client, it has support for X11 forwarding. You also need to install Win32-X11 for local display.

There is a programm – Xming, – that allows run some application from Linux server at Windows desktop.
“Xming may be used with implementations of SSH to securely forward X11 sessions from Unix machines. It supports PuTTY and ssh.exe, and comes with a version of PuTTY’s plink.exe.”

Vivek, I believe since Mac OS X 10.4, you must use the -Y flag (instead of -X) to enable X11 forwarding. If I use -X on 10.4 or 10.5, I get the authentication error, but -Y always works.

Not sure why Apple broke convention here, but I think this is the fix you are looking for.

leamanc: For weeks I was getting authentication errors when I SSH-connected using -X. I tried out many things I found on other blogs but none worked out for me. Many thanks! Using -Y fixed it.

Another issue might be a rc file named either

/.ssh/rc or /etc/ssh/sshrc. If one of these files is present, it has to handle (given) xauth parameters as well, since sshd won’t execute xauth by itself anymore.

Jockie, thank u.
I did have a rc in my

I had a problem : when I tried to run a Xorg program, it returned :

% xcalc
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
Error: Can’t open display: localhost:10.0

I fixed the problem by add -Y function in my ssh command :
ssh -X -Y user@host

(I’m sorry if my language isn’t clear, I’m not very good in english :/ )

The -X flag works again, on Mac OS X. I am running version 10.6.4

I don’t know if it ever wasn’t working, for sure. But it is working now. There should be no reason to use the -Y flag (IMHO). It certainly shouldn’t be your first choice, as the -Y flag enables “trusted” forwarding, which are NOT subjected to the X11 SECURITY extension controls. This could leave your session vulnerable to keystroke monitoring.

Fly safe – Metajunkie

The fix was to add

X11UseLocalhost yes

to your /etc/ssh/sshd.config

This did the trick for me – at least.

This did the trick!

Do this from the machine that you are ssh from:

$ xauth list $DISPLAY

You’ll get something like
machine1:10 mit-magic-cookie-1 4d22408a71a55b41ccd1657d377923ae

Now ssh to the other machine (machine2) and tell it what the cookie is by adding it to the authentication list.

$ xauth add :10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 4d22408a71a55b41ccd1657d377923ae

The echo command should show machine1

Thanks for this!

Of course I skipped the “Check your drive space” line believing I had lots of space, and went through and checked everything else first, before running a df and seeing that, in fact, I HAD run out of space.

Clearing out an out of control log file fixed the issue in a jiffy.

Another possibility – if you ssh and immediately see an error about the .Xauthority file (unreadable, not writeable, etc.), try this:
rm .Xauthority
…logout, log back in and then all is well!

Followed your instructions and it worked for me at last. Have been trying to iplement this for the 2 weeks.

Thank you for providing such useful articles!! The very first check (df) helped me find and fix my problem. Cheers! Aleksey

In my case X11 forwarding always worked. I had no problems until today (even 2 days ago it was working:/). So I followed your instructions. Permissions X11Forwarding was disabled for some reason. I fixed both ssh_config and sshd_config. Also sshd_config already had X11UseLocahost enabled so I don’t know what’s left to check :s my account owns .Xauthority and everything you mention is fine. The application I am trying to run on Xserver via ssh is gedit and I’m getting the same error even after the changes i made.

error message:
“X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
The application ‘gedit’ lost its connection to the display localhost:13.0;
most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed
the application.”

does anyone have any other ideas on this?

I ran into this same error message trying to ssh -f -Y into a Fedora 14 box using Cygwin. Turns out, after trying all of the solution suggestions above and others found elsewhere, that the problem was the Firewall/Selinux settings on the Fedora box. As they’re local I just disabled both services and now my XWin works super charm.

None of the solutions above worked for me, but I was able to create my own tunnel to bypass the built-in ssh X forwarding. This worked like a charm.

From localmachine:
ssh -R 6007:localhost:6000 remotemachine
This creates a port-forward that maps requests to port 6007 on remotemachine to port 6000 on localmachine. The default X server port (:0.0) is shorthand for 6000.

Then on the hostmachine:
export DISPLAY=localhost:7.0
This maps all display requests to port 6007 on the remotemachine

Instead of typing this every time, this can be automated by adding entries to files in

Host remotemachine
RemoteForward 6007 localhost:6000

@Metajunkie Your understanding of -X and -Y options seems to be exactly opposite of what ssh man page says. If you read the documentation on -X, it says it IS vulnerable to keystroke monitoring, and recommends using -Y option. Per document -Y should be more secure than -X.

Also, from another forum, I solved my issue by adding XAUTHORITY=

/.Xauthority environment variable, so this worked: “XAUTHORITY=

/.Xauthority DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 gnome-terminal” while this: “DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 gnome-terminal” got me an error that the display couldn’t be opened on the client with the server side giving the error ” X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.”. I hope this information is helpful for someone.

Thank you! I’d ran out of disc space! I can’t believe the answer was this simple! Thanks again.

“In the end of the post you wrote “Finally, login to remote server and run X11 as follows from your Mac OS X or Linux desktop system”. What about Microsoft Windows Os’s? How do i use X11Forwarding in Windows?”

Please ask ‘god knows’ questions to Bill Gates.

Thank you very much! Finally got it working with your help.

I can ssh to my new RHEL6 server from my Ubuntu 11.04 desktop OK and run X apps in my local display.

But I also have sudo privs, and for a lot of server management I need to be able to run some X apps (eg Emacs) as root. I do this on a lot of other servers running RHEL <4|5>by becoming root, exiting, and running the app, thereby using the sticky-time of the X authentication, eg

$ sudo su –
[my password]
# exit
$ sudo system-config-printer &

This doesn’t work on the new machine: I get
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

I can’t see what I need to change: X11 forwarding is set, and all of the above suggestions.

+1 for Eric Garcia. Thank you so much, for some reason -X or -Y were not sorting out the ports. This forced the issue and kept it secure. Thanks!

X11 forwarding over SSH had always worked for me, but I just got this error today when trying to open a file in gedit. Turns out I had a gedit instance open at the physical terminal (display 0). When I closed the locally running instance, I was able to launch a remote instance with no problem. Strange.

It is also worth noting that if you change your HOME environment available then X wont be able to find your

/.Xauthority also resulting in error “X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication”.

I have changed my home directory using “export HOME=/other/home/directory” and forgot to link Xauthority to the new home directory. spoonyfork’s reply helped me figure it out. Thanks,

Well, I deleted .Xauthority and the system just reinstalled it with the correct permissions – hence working perfectly now.

I Love this format – thanks for the excellent solution explanation

Solved my problem… thanks!

I had the same problem, but with a small difference. User root was able to create X11 sessions without a problem, but application user got an error message when running X applications:

[wasadm@localhost eclipse]$ xclock
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
Error: Can’t open display: localhost:10.0

DISPLAY variable was set,

/.Xauthority file was owned by user, permissions was correctly set.

Run: xauth list as root

]# xauth list
localhost/unix:13 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c77169a6fa8139ea36f538e1c72e1b98

Add all the listed sessions to the users auth:

]$ xauth
Using authority file /home/wasadm/.Xauthority
xauth> add localhost/unix:13 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c77169a6fa8139ea36f538e1c72e1b98

Hope it will help others to avoid a half day agony! 🙂

]# xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

]# ssh -Y seshu2
root@seshu2’s password:
Last login: Tue Feb 18 12:42:19 2014

]# su – oracle

]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_home/network/admin/
[oracle@seshu2 admin]$ ls
samples shrept.lst
[oracle@seshu2 admin]$ netca

Oracle Net Services Configuration:
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

how can i solve plz telme

i am working on red hat enterprise linux

The solution is to make your server record your session detaills and then reuse them when you have become root.

1. Add this to your .bashrc:

LIVE=`echo $DISPLAY | awk -F: ‘’ | awk -F. ‘’`
xauth list | grep unix:$LIVE | awk ‘’ >xuser

2. Then when you become root (or another user)

This gives the xauth magic cookies to the current shell. It’s probably horribly insecure.

There’s also one simple detail, but alas, I did make the dumb mistake once:

Make sure that you are not sudoed into the superuser (root) account, even if you are trying to start an administration GUI tool. If sshd is properly configured it should be blocking authentication as root user, therefore the X11 connection gets denied on the remote host. When you try to start the graphical utility make sure you do so with a regular user. Don’t worry about privileges, the X11 server will present you with a dialog to enter the password to elevate privileges if necessary.

For those of you having this issue on RED HAD systems (centos, fedora etc) You have to disable SELINUX. This was preventing the .Xauthority file from creating properly. I’m sure there is a way to allow it in SELINUX, but the quick way is to disable SELINUX.


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