Their windows need to be cleaned the hairdresser was styling

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Пармезан Черница

Rewrite the sentences using have something done.

1 Their windows need to be cleaned.
. They need to have their windows cleaned.
2The hairdresser was styling Mrs Brown’s hair.
3She told her son to carry the shopping to the house.
4Dad is going to arrange for someone to cut the grass.
5They used to employ a cleaner who cleaned the house.
6Did the mechanic repair Paul’s motorbike?
7The boss asked his assistant to type the letter.
8A plumber fixed the dripping tap for Joe.
9Have you told the secretary to make some photocopies?
10The chef was cooking Tom’s lunch.
11Did you tell the shop to deliver the sofa to you?
12My purse was stolen last Friday.
13Did you employ a painter to decorate your house?
14The builders are putting a new roof on Adam’s house at the moment.
15She asked the maid to polish the silver.
16The man had asked the porter to take his luggage to his room.
17Did you ask Jenny to arrange the flowers for you?
18When will your glasses be made?
19Ihired a professional to cater for my party.
20Did you ask anyone to sweep the chimney?
21She asked him to do the shopping.
22Their house was burgled last night.
23He employed a carpenter to build the fence.
24Julie’s housekeeper irons all her clothes.
25His shop’s windows were smashed in the riot.

Сausative form в английском языке: have something done / have someone do

Causative form в английском языке представлена следующими конструкциями

  • have something done (дословно – иметь что-то сделанным для себя же)
  • have someone do something (заставить кого-то что-то сделать для вас)


Мы используем выражение have + object + past participle (have something done) чтобы описать услугу, которую нам оказали, или какое-то неприятное событие, которое с нами произошло в тех случаях, когда действие производим не мы, но направленно оно на нас или на нашу собственность.

I had my car stolen – У меня украли машину.

We had the roof repaired last year. – Нам починили крышу в прошлом году.

Не has had his application turned down – Eго заявление отклонили.

My girlfriend has her letter published in the Times – Письмо моей девушки напечатали в Таймс.

В качестве подлежащего в таком предложении будет выступать человек, на которого направленно действие, либо лицо, на чью собственность направлено действие. Такая конструкция в английском языке используется довольно часто.

Обратите внимание, в устной речи выражение часто употребляется с get вместо have без изменения в значении.

We have our fence pulled down = We get our fence pulled down.

Как использовать выражение have something done?

Causative form have something done можно использовать в любом времени. При этом меняется только глагол to have. Давайте рассмотрим на примере предложения We have the office cleaned (В нашем офисе провели уборку)

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We have the office cleaned

We had the office cleaned

We will have the office cleaned

We are having the office cleaned

We were having the office cleaned

We will be having the office cleaned

We have had the office cleaned

We had had the office cleaned

We will have had the office cleaned

Present Perfect Continuous

We have been having the office cleaned

Past Perfect Continuous

We had been having the office cleaned

Future Perfect Continuous

We will have been having the office cleaned

Конечно, все формы Perfect Continuous и форма Future Perfect практически не используются в устной речи, так как слишком перегружены вспомогательными глаголами.


Вторая возможная форма Causative – have someone do something. Это выражение более характерно для американского, нежели для британского английского. Оно означает, что вы заставили / попросили кого-либо что-то для вас сделать.

I will have the waiter bring you the menu. – Я попрошу официанта принести тебе меню.

I had my assistant type the report. – Я попросил помощника напечатать отчет.

В Британии вместо have часто говорят get, как и в случае с выражением have / get something done. Однако, при использовании get, выражение будет вида get someone to do something (появляется частица to).

I will get the waiter to bring you the menu.

I got my assistant to type the report.

Таким образом, causative в английском языке представлен следующими конструкциями:

Упражнения на Causative form с ответами.

Давайте немного попрактикуемся.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of “to have something done”

  1. The Smiths ___________ the roof _______________ last year. (repair)
  2. Molly ______________ the room ____________________ next month. (decorate)
  3. You should ___________ your eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
  4. We ___________ the television _________________ only last year! (repair)
  5. ________ you ____________ your car ______________ regularly? (service)
  6. How often ___________ you _____________ your windows _____________? (clean)
  7. We _________________ the office _________________ every evening. (clean)
  8. Our neighbors __________________ a new garage ______________ at the moment (build)

Упражнение 2. Write down the sentences using the correct causative form. Use a modal verb where appropriate.

  1. Bob must/ really / the heating / fix. Winter is coming soon.
  2. She / her hair / dye blonde yesterday.
  3. They / the rooms / paint at the moment.
  4. After Alex / the sleeves / shorten, the blazer fit him perfectly.
  5. Instead of buying a new car, why / you / not / your old one / fix / ?
  6. What are those workmen doing in your garden? – Oh, we / a garage / build
  7. They / not / their TV / fix / yet
  8. Her coffee maker was broken. Now it’s working again. She / it /repair

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

  1. Someone cut Kate’s hair at 13.30 pm.
  1. The mechanic is changing Peter’s car battery.
  1. The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
  1. Someone checks Henry’s guitar after every show.
  1. The dentist checks my teeth once a year.

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING

  1. The mechanic changes Peter’s car battery yearly.
  1. The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
  1. The assistant checks Henry’s guitar after every show.
  1. The dentist checks my teeth once a year.
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  1. The Smiths had the roof repaired last year.
  2. Molly is going to have/is having the room decorated next month.
  3. You should have your eyes tested regularly.
  4. We had the television repaired only last year!
  5. Do you have your car serviced regularly?
  6. How often do you have your windows cleaned?
  7. We have the office cleaned every evening.
  8. Our neighbors are having a new garage built at the moment.
  1. Bob really must have the heating fixed.
  2. She had her hair dyed blonde yesterday
  3. They are having the rooms painted at the moment
  4. After Alex had had the sleeves shortened, the blazer fit him perfectly.
  5. Instead of buying a new car, why don’t you have your old one fixed?
  6. We are having a garage built.
  7. They have not had their TV fixed yet.
  1. Kate had her hair cut at 13.30 pm.
  2. Peter is having his car battery changed.
  3. My mother had her hair dyed last Saturday.
  4. Henry has his guitar checked after every show.
  5. I have my teeth checked once a year.
  1. Peter has the mechanic change his car battery yearly.
  2. My mother had the hairdresser dye her hair last Saturday.
  3. Henry has his assistant check his guitar after every show.
  4. I have the dentist check my teeth once a year.

Надеюсь, правила и упражнения помогли Вам разобраться в теме causative forms.

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4 Комментариев для «Сausative form в английском языке: have something done / have someone do»

Во 2 упражнении нет ответа на последний (8)вопрос.

Можем ли использовать структуру have smth done после модальных глаголов need, may, can, want

Конструкция have something done может использоваться с модальными глаголами.

You should have your wisdom tooth removed. – Тебе стоит удалить зуб мудрости.

У меня вопрос одно предложение меня мучает Did the professional make the cake for me?

Упражнения «Конструкция have something done» (с ответами)

1. Перепишите предложения, используя конструкцию “have something done”. Обратите внимание на временную форму глагола.

Н-р: She didn’t cut her hair herself. (Она не стригла свои волосы сама.) – She had her hair cut. (Она подстриглась.)

  1. Tim didn’t clean the windows himself. (Тим не мыл окна сам.)
  2. Mary doesn’t usually deliver the food to her house herself. (Обычно Мэри не приносит продукты домой сама.)
  3. Fred hasn’t washed his car himself. (Фред не мыл машину сам.)
  4. My husband isn’t testing his eye-sight himself. (Мой муж не проверяет свое зрение сам.)
  5. I won’t check my blood pressure myself. (Я не буду сам измерять свое кровяное давление.)
  6. Jane didn’t service her car herself. (Джейн не обслуживала свою машину сама.)
  7. They will not mend the roof of the house themselves. (Они не будут сами ремонтировать крышу дома.)
  8. She isn’t making the curtains herself. (Она не шьет шторы сама.)
  9. I didn’t remove this coffee stain from the suit myself. (Я не сам выводил пятно от кофе с костюма.)
  10. We don’t X-ray our chests ourselves. (Мы не сами делаем рентгеновский снимок грудной клетки.)
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2. Используйте глагол из скобок в конструкции “have something done” в необходимой временной форме. Добавьте необходимые слова. Переведите предложения.

Н-р: I think I can afford to . (my house/paint). – I think I can afford to have my house painted . (Думаю, я могу себе позволить, чтобы мне покрасили дом.)

  1. Fred . (the meat/cut) into small pieces at the butcher’s now.
  2. You must . (your grey boots/repair).
  3. I forgot to . (the oil level and tyres/check) in my car.
  4. Bob . (his new watch/mend) almost every month.
  5. We are going to . (our flat/decorate) next weekend.
  6. Sheila . (that lovely dress/make) by Mrs. Stewart yesterday.
  7. They just . (central heating/install) in the house.
  8. You should go and . (your photograph/take) for a new passport tomorrow.
  9. My daughter wants to . (her ears/pierce).
  10. My dad . (his tooth/pull out) two days ago.

3. Напишите о неприятных событиях, используя конструкцию “have something done”.

Н-р: The singer’s concert was cancelled because of bad weather. (Концерт певца был отменен из-за плохой погоды.) – The singer had his concert cancelled because of bad weather.

  1. Fred’s glasses were broken. (Очки Фреда были разбиты.)
  2. Sam’s bike was stolen from the garage. (Велосипед Сэма был украден из гаража.)
  3. My driving license was taken away by the police. (Мои водительские права отняли полицейские.)
  4. His wallet was stolen in the crowd. (Его бумажник украли в толпе.)
  5. Harry’s nose was broken in a fight. (Нос Гарри был разбит в драке.)
  6. Sarah’s hat was blown off by the wind. (Шляпу Сары унесло ветром.)


  1. Tim had the windows cleaned.
  2. Mary usually has the food delivered to her house.
  3. Fred has had his car washed.
  4. My husband is having his eye-sight tested.
  5. I will have my blood pressure checked.
  6. Jane had her car serviced.
  7. They will have the roof of the house mended.
  8. She is having the curtains made.
  9. I had this coffee stain removed from the suit.
  10. We have our chests X-rayed.
  1. is having the meat cut (Сейчас в мясной лавке для Фреда нарезают мясо на маленькие кусочки.)
  2. have your grey boots repaired (Тебе нужно починить свои серые ботинки.)
  3. have the oil level and tyres checked (Я забыл проверить уровень масла и шины в машине.)
  4. has his new watch mended (Бобу ремонтируют его новые часы почти каждый месяц.)
  5. have our flat decorated (Нам собираются отделывать квартиру в следующие выходные.)
  6. had that lovely dress made (Миссис Стюарт сшила для Шейлы то милое платье вчера.)
  7. have just had central heating installed (Им только что установили центральное отопление в доме.)
  8. have your photograph taken (Тебе нужно сходить сфотографироваться на новый паспорт завтра.)
  9. have her ears pierced (Моя дочь хочет, чтобы ей прокололи уши.)
  10. had his tooth pulled out (Моему папе удалили зуб два дня назад.)
  1. Fred had his glasses broken.
  2. Sam had his bike stolen from the garage.
  3. I had my driving license taken away by the police.
  4. He had his wallet stolen in the crowd.
  5. Harry had his nose broken in a fight.
  6. Sarah had her hat blown off by the wind.
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