Thick walls small windows structural pillars

Types of British Houses

Types of British Houses


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Types of houses in UK

Most people in England live in urban areas. Towns and cities are spreading into their surrounding environment to cope with the increase populations. In England, an average of 7,000 hectares of farmland, countryside and green space were converted to urban use every year between 1985 and 1998. This is almost the equivalent size of 9,600 international football pitches!

Who owns houses in England?

More people are buying their own homes than in the past. About two thirds of the people in England and the rest of Britain either own, or are in the process of buying, their own home. Most others live in houses or flats that they rent from a private landlord, the local council, or housing association.

People buying their property almost always pay for it with a special loan called a mortgage, which they must repay, with interest, over a long period of time, usually 25 years.

What are houses in England like?

Most houses in England are made of stone or brick from the local area where the houses are built. The colours of the stones and bricks vary across the country.

A big problem in England is the rising cost of houses. In 1989 first-time buyers paid an average of around £40,000, in 2001 this had more than doubled to £85,000 and in 2006 to £151,565.

The cost of housing in England has increased much faster than people’s wages making it impossible for first-time buyers to get on the housing ladder unless they are in especially well paid jobs, are able to call upon rich relatives or are prepared to buy jointly with friends.

The main types of houses in England are:

  • Detached (a house not joined to another house)
  • Semi-detached (two houses joined together)
  • Terraced (several houses joined together)
  • Flats (apartments)

The most popular type of home in England is semi-detached (more than 27% of all homes), closely followed by detached then terraced

Almost half of London’s households are flats, maisonettes or apartments.

The most common types of houses in England are as follows:

  • Detached
  • End of terrace
  • Flat
  • Semi-detached
  • Terrace
  • Bungalow
  • Cottage

A detached house is a single free standing residential unit built on a lot. The lot is larger than the house for an area, for a yard or a garden. The detached house can either have a built-in garage or a detached one. It must be understood that a detached house can take on any form or style. It does not matter if the house is a bungalow or a cottage or a mansion. It also does not matter if the house is Victorian or Tudor or Minimalist. As long as no walls of the structure are connected to another dwelling, the house remains to be a detached house.

One advantage of a detached house is the fact that the free space surrounding the building is private to the owner and his family. Depending on local regulations and codes, you can do whatever allowable extension or modification you would like to be done in your house. You would not have to worry about getting a permit from a landlord to do renovations. You would not need to pay property management fees like those paid by condominiums and townhouse dwellers.

The disadvantage is that all repairs and maintenance of the house and lot is at the expense of the owner. Every site improvement like adding a patio or a pool or a garden is at the expense of the owner too.

A semi-detached house is a pair of houses joined together by a common wall. One side of each house shares a common wall, while the other is detached. This type of housing is called a duplex in other parts of the world. It became popular in the UK and Ireland in the 1920s and the 1930s. Presently the semi-detached is still the most popular type of housing in England.

One advantage of living in a semi-detached house is that there is still a level of privacy even if one wall is shared by the two houses. A glaring disadvantage is that the upkeep of your side of the property still falls only on you. Another disadvantage is that you cannot just plan extensive renovations and extensions as you have to consider your twin house.

A terraced house is a house that is situated in a long row of houses. They all usually look the same pretty much identical structurally. Both sides of each house in the row share common walls with a neighbouring house, with the exception with the houses at each end of the terrace.

The origin of this type of dwelling was in the 17th century in Europe. Terrace housing used to be only associated with the working class for this type of housing was cheap, small and has very little privacy. As time went by, terrace housing evolved and became known as townhomes or townhouses which were more associated with wealthy people buying properties in less affluent communities.

One of the major advantages of terrace housing is that it is relatively cheaper than a semi-detached built in the same location. One great disadvantage is that there is no yard or garden that comes with a unit. As two walls are shared, there is less privacy too. However in today’s terrace housing, most are enclosed in an area complete with gates and guards to check entries and exits to the compound. This makes a current middle class or high class terrace housing (townhome) very much secured.

An end of terrace house is a house situated at the end of a terrace (the definition of a “terrace” house is above). Like a semi-detached house, only one side of the house shares a common wall, while the other is detached.

Although people often think Bungalows and Cottages are the same, they are actually not, although some may appear the same. Bungalows are low profiles types of housing, as are a lot of cottages, but the distinction comes between the style, history and the price. Generally, bungalows are a lot cheaper than Cottages. The word “bungalow” originates from the Indian word bangla, which in the 19th century referred to houses built in a Bengali style. Bungalows were created when British colonial administrators adapted the classic Indian style low roofs and porches built around them. They can either be detached or semi-detached. They’re very popular in America, where they have all kinds of styles; each distinct style is often related to particular states.

Thick walls, small windows, structural pillars, low ceilings and most distinctly a thatched roof typically characterize cottages. Cottages were originally located in rural or semi-rural locations, although many cottages have been developed in cities. Originally, in the middle ages, cottages housed agricultural workers and their families. The term cottage was referred to the dwelling of a peasant. However, that stereotype has since been washed away, as the traditional cottage look is now sort after, making them an expensive purchase. Cottages are houses that usually come with one and half storeys. The top floor is much smaller than the ground floor, as the pillars used to hold up the structure take up a lot of the living space. The thick, dark, classic timber pillars are usually what characterizes a cottage. They’re a huge focal point of the property, as they are located throughout the property, on display to give a classic ‘village’ look. Like with bungalows, the structuring of cottages vary from country to country.

A flat or an apartment is a living area that is part of a building. Usually, a flat is situated in a building that is split up into multiple living areas for different residents. A flat can be a studio unit, a one- bedroom, two-bedroom or three-bedroom unit.

The main disadvantage of renting out a flat is that the unit will never be yours. You do not have the right to make improvement on the premises to suit your needs unless you ask permission from the landlord. The one advantage of renting a flat is that you don’t have sole responsibility on the property as you are only renting. In case you feel like changing locations, you can just finish your lease term and leave after.



Types of houses

Шестой час

Although people often think Bungalows and Cottages are the same, they are actually not, although some may appear the same. Bungalows are low profiles types of housing, as are a lot of cottages, but the distinction comes between the style, history and the price. Generally, bungalows are a lot cheaper than Cottages. A bungalow is essentially a subset of the set Cottage. The word “bungalow” originates from the Indian word bangla, which in the 19th century referred to houses built in a Bengali style. Bungalows were created when British colonial administrators adapted the classic Indian style low roofs and porches built around them. They can either be detached or semi-detached. They’re very popular in America, where they have all kinds of styles; each distinct style is often related to particular states.

Рисунок 3 — Bungalow

Thick walls, small windows, structural pillars, low ceilings and most distinctly a thatched roof typically characterize cottages. Cottages were originally located in rural or semi-rural locations, although a lot of cottages have since been developed in cities. Originally, in the middle ages, cottages housed agricultural workers and their families. The term cottage denoted the dwelling of a cotter- peasants. However, that stereotype has since been washed away, as the traditional cottage look is now sort after, making them an expensive purchase. Cottages are houses that usually come with one and half storeys. The top floor is much smaller than the ground floor, as the pillars used to hold up the structure takes up a lot of the living space. The thick, dark, classic timber pillars are usually what characterizes a cottage. They’re a huge focal point of the property, as they are located throughout the property, on display to give a classic ‘village’ look. Like with bungalows, the structuring of cottages vary from country to country.

Рисунок 4 — Cottage

Нам важно ваше мнение! Был ли полезен опубликованный материал? Да | Нет

Tell about your own family using all information you have got.

For listeners: What five questions could you ask the narrator about his or her family?

5.4*. Tell about your friend’s family using all information you have got.

5.5*. Read and give the Russian equivalent for the following statements. Try to comment them:

1. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

2. Charity begins at home.

3. You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you.

5. 6. * Discuss in the group: What kind of family do you consider to be an ideal one?

VI. Listening

6.1. Listen to the text Family Relationships on

Do the tasks given to this text.

Unit 3. housing

My home is my castle.

Text 1. Types of houses

I. Warm-up activities

1.1. Pronounce the words properly and state the part of speech:

Essential, to satisfy, physiologically, consciously, ourselves, ceiling, typically, other, dwelling, property, appear, bungalow, to originate, distinct, inhabitant, mutual, reign.

1.2. Match the columns:

1. a shelter 1. осознанно
2. to become homesick 2. тосковать по дому
3. consciously 3. кров
4. a terraced house 4. жилище; дом
5. a semi-detached house 5. крестьянин-батрак
6. a dwelling 6. ряд стандартных домов вдоль улицы, таунхаус
7.a cotter- peasant 7. двухквартирный дом, имеющий общую стену; дом на две семьи
8.a detached house 8. крыльцо
9. to originate 9. или … или
10. a porch 10. дом на одну семью, отдельный дом
11. either…or 11. происходить
12. block of flats 12. брать на буксир
13. to tow 13. многоквартирный дом
14. a caravan 14. житель, обитатель live under one roof 15. ассоциироваться с чем-л.
16. to associate with smth. 16. неприкосновенное место
17. a sacred place 17. жить под одной крышей
18. mutual 18. жилой прицеп, дом на колесах
19. an inhabitant 19. править, царить
20. to reign 20. взаимный

II. Reading

House is essential for people’s life. A house serves as a shelter and a place to satisfy all our needs: we sleep, eat, hide ourselves from bad weather, store personal property, work and rest there. So we want not just a house but a home. So what is the difference between a house and a home? It is considered that the place where you live is your home whatever type of house it is. British speakers often say that your home is the place where you belong and feel comfortable, so it is more than just a house. Some people think of home in terms of where they grew up or where they lived. For them it is a place that brings back old memories or feelings. The state of a person’s home can physiologically influence his or her behavior, emotions, and mental health. Some people may become homesick when they are separated from their home environment.

An Englishman’s motto is ‘My home is my castle.’ A house doesn’t only ensure privacy or give a sense of stability and security, but it is also a status symbol.

There are different types of houses in the world.

A terraced house is a house that is situated in a long row of houses. They all usually look the same- pretty much identical structurally. Both sides of each house in the row share common walls with a neighbouring house, with the exception with the houses at each end of the terrace. Рис . 3

A semi-detached house is a pair of houses joined together by a common wall. One side of each house shares a common wall, while the other is detached. Рис. 4

A detached house is a single standing property that doesn’t share any walls with any other structure. Due to the isolation of the property, they’re usually more «private» and generally more expensive than any other type of house. Рис. 5

Thick walls, small windows, structural pillars, low ceilings and most distinctly attached roof typically characterize cottages. Cottages were originally located in rural or semi-rural locations, although a lot of cottages have since been developed in cities. Originally, in the middle ages, cottages housed agricultural workers and their families. The term cottage denoted the dwelling of a cotter- peasants. However, that stereotype has since been washed away, as the traditional cottage look is now sort after, making them an expensive purchase. Рис. 6

Bungalow is a low profile type of residence. Common features of many bungalows include verandas. The word «bungalow» originates from the Indian word bangla, which in the 19th century referred to houses built in a Bengali style. Bungalows were created when British colonial administrators adapted the classic Indian style, low roofs and porches built around them. They can either be detached or semi-detached. They are very popular in America, where they have all kinds of styles; each distinct style is often related to particular states. Рис. 7

Another type of housing is a block of flats. Ii is considered to be the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Flats can be of different sizes: one-roomed, two-roomed, three-roomed, so one can choose a flat he/she likes. If you are going to live alone, you can prefer a studio to a large apartment. Besides among advantages of living in a block of flats some people name the fact that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. The largest part of population in our country lives in blocks of flats. Рис. 8

While travelling many people use a travel trailer or a caravan which is towed behind a road vehicle. It is much more comfortable than a tent and it gives travelers the opportunity not to spend their money on a motel or hotel. There are travel trailers and caravans of various types. They may be little more than a tent on wheels or they may contain several rooms with furniture and equipment. Travel trailers are especially popular in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Рис. 9

A house can say much about its inhabitants: their way of life, tastes, financial position, etc. No matter what type of house a person has, he should feel comfortable there. As a rule one’s house is associated with one’s family. Living under one roof people become closer and begin to understand each other better. So we can say that a house unites and for every person his house is a small Universe, a sacred place where love, friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign.

III. Comprehension check

3.1. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the difference between a house and a home?

2) Why do many people feel homesick when they leave their home?

3) Why do houses differ from one culture to another?

4) How can a house indicate a person’s status?

5) What types of houses do you know?

6) Would you like to live in a travel trailer? Why?

7) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of a travel trailer?

8) What kind of house is ideal to your mind?

9) Which is more important: the exterior of a house or the atmosphere that reigns in it? Explain your point of view.

10) Is your home important to you? Could you change your lodgings easily?

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