Where do you want to install windows

«Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank.

I just bought the Windows 7 Home Premium system. I partitioned my hard drive so I could keep Windows XP and have Windows 7, and that went over well. When I put in the disk and got to the «Where do you want to install Windows?» page, the list was blank. Neither my C: drive or new E: drive showed up. I clicked around and couldn’t get it to work, so now I’m here.

How do I fix this? ):

o How did you partition your hard drive?

o What is the make and model number of the hard disk?

o Is the drive detected in device manager and disk management?

Verify if the drive is detected in device manager and disk management.

Here’s how you open device manager: Open Device Manager

To access disk management, follow these steps.

Go to Start, type “diskmgmt.msc” without the quotes and press Enter.

See if the drive is detected.

It could also be possible that you need the required drivers for the drive so that Windows 7 can be installed on the drive. Please check with the manufacturer if they have compatible driver released for Windows 7. You should be able to find this information from the support section of the manufacturer’s website.

For driver updates, refer this link:

Update a driver for hardware that isn’t working properly

Once you download the required driver, you can transfer it to a pendrive. Later, during the installation process, click on load driver in the first screen where you get the option to install Windows. Point windows to the correct driver and see if your drive gets detected.

Shinmila H — Microsoft Support

Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

Where do you want to install windows? How do I know what partitions to use?

I had some errors like black and blue screens firstly. So have to install windows 10 with a windows recreational tool USB.I installed the USB and proceeded to the point where i had to choose upgrade or customs i went for customs. Now the screen asking where do you want to install windows, this is where I’m stuck, there are five choices:

Drive 0 Partition 1 260.0 mb total size.

Free space. 167.0 mb system.

Drive 0 Partition 2. 16.0 mb total size

Free space 16.0 mb MSR (reserved).

Drive 0 Partition 3. 1847.5 mb total size

free space 1847.5 primary

Drive 0 Partition 4: windows RE tools

980 .0 mb total size

Free space 467.0 recovery

Drive 0 Partition 5: recovery. Total size 14.3 GB

Free space 1.7 GB OEM (Reserved)

Have no idea which partition to use but its paramount that I save my personal files, documents, photos, videos. If there’s a easy method to save my files and which partitions thay i csn install windows and save my filesll

Replies (6) 

Hi Pam. I’m Greg, awarded MVP for eleven years, Volunteer Moderator, and Independent Advisor here to help you until this is resolved.

If you’re trying to do the gold standard Clean Install then what makes it clean is to delete all partitions off the Windows drive first, then choose the resulting Unallocated Space and click Next to auto-create and -format the needed partitions and begin — this makes it foolproof.

Follow the gold standard Clean Install in this link which compiles the best possible Install of Windows which will stay that way as long as you stick with the tools and methods given, has zero reported problems, and is better than any amount of money could buy: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki.

To create bootable Windows 10 Installation Media (on another PC if necessary) install Media Creation tool and follow the steps toward the bottom of the download page here in the section «Using the tool to create installation media:»

Insert media, boot it by powering up PC while pressing the BIOS Boot Menu Key for your PC maker given in this chart: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/hardware-tutor.

If the media won’t boot you may need to enter BIOS/UEFI Setup (pressing key given in chart in link above) to turn off Fast Boot or Fast Startup first.

Choose the boot device as a UEFI device if offered, then on second screen choose Install Now, then Custom Install, then at the drive selection screen delete all partitions down to Unallocated Space to get it cleanest, select the Unallocated Space, click Next to let it create and format the needed partitions and start install — this makes it foolproof.

There is a step to rescue your files first using the booted media if you don’t have them backed up: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki.

You will get and keep the best possible install to the exact extent you stick with the steps, tools and methods in the linked tutorial. It’s a great learning experience that will make you the master of your PC because you will learn everything that works best and how to apply it with your own hands.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask back any questions and let us know how it goes. I will keep working with you until it’s resolved.

Standard Disclaimer: There are links to non-Microsoft websites. The pages appear to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the sites that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before you decide to download and install it.

Windows MVP 2010-20

Over 100,000 helped in forums in 10 years
I do not quit for those who are polite and cooperative.
I will walk you through any steps and will not let you fail.

Читайте также:  Как отключить запланированный перезапуск windows 10

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Do you know the total size of your HDD? Do you already have windows installed on it? if yes , please press winlogo+R>type diskmgmt and hit ok button

then take a screenshot and upload the picture here in order to get better advices.

Don’t do anything else if we don’t know the exact HDD size.

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Hi Pam. I’m Greg, awarded MVP for eleven years, Volunteer Moderator, and Independent Advisor here to help you until this is resolved.

If you’re trying to do the gold standard Clean Install then what makes it clean is to delete all partitions off the Windows drive first, then choose the resulting Unallocated Space and click Next to auto-create and -format the needed partitions and begin — this makes it foolproof.

Follow the gold standard Clean Install in this link which compiles the best possible Install of Windows which will stay that way as long as you stick with the tools and methods given, has zero reported problems, and is better than any amount of money could buy: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki.

To create bootable Windows 10 Installation Media (on another PC if necessary) install Media Creation tool and follow the steps toward the bottom of the download page here in the section «Using the tool to create installation media:»

Insert media, boot it by powering up PC while pressing the BIOS Boot Menu Key for your PC maker given in this chart: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/hardware-tutor.

If the media won’t boot you may need to enter BIOS/UEFI Setup (pressing key given in chart in link above) to turn off Fast Boot or Fast Startup first.

Choose the boot device as a UEFI device if offered, then on second screen choose Install Now, then Custom Install, then at the drive selection screen delete all partitions down to Unallocated Space to get it cleanest, select the Unallocated Space, click Next to let it create and format the needed partitions and start install — this makes it foolproof.

There is a step to rescue your files first using the booted media if you don’t have them backed up: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki.

You will get and keep the best possible install to the exact extent you stick with the steps, tools and methods in the linked tutorial. It’s a great learning experience that will make you the master of your PC because you will learn everything that works best and how to apply it with your own hands.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask back any questions and let us know how it goes. I will keep working with you until it’s resolved.

Standard Disclaimer: There are links to non-Microsoft websites. The pages appear to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the sites that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before you decide to download and install it.

Hi Greg I followed steps of rescuing my files with the booted media. Did the CMD screen, notepad, when I tried to send to my usb a error message 0x80004005 came up, it says an unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder. If you continue to receive this error you can use the error code to search for help with the problem. Error 0x80004005 unspecified error.

My usb has the following space:

Space free 27.4 GB

Total size. 31.9 GB

If I delete my partitions will this delete my personal files and apps etc?

How To Fix «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank. —>


To Fix («Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank.) error you need to follow the steps below:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

«Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank. обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank. then we strongly recommend that you Download («Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank.) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank. both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank. that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2021-04-13 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794

Contents [show]

Обновление за апрель 2021 года:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1: Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible — Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank.?

Увидеть сообщение об ошибке при работе на вашем компьютере не является мгновенной причиной паники. Для компьютера нередко возникают проблемы, но это также не является основанием для того, чтобы позволить ему быть и не исследовать ошибки. Ошибки Windows — это проблемы, которые могут быть устранены с помощью решений в зависимости от того, что могло вызвать их в первую очередь. Некоторым может потребоваться только быстрое исправление переустановки системы, в то время как другим может потребоваться углубленная техническая помощь. Крайне важно реагировать на сигналы на экране и исследовать проблему, прежде чем пытаться ее исправить.

Causes of «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank.?

Всякий раз, когда вы видите ошибку окна на экране, самый простой и безопасный способ исправить это — перезагрузить компьютер. Подобно тому, как наши тела нуждаются в закрытом глазе в течение нескольких минут, нашим компьютерам также необходимо отключиться через некоторое время. Быстрая перезагрузка может обновить ваши программы и предоставить компьютеру чистый сланец, чтобы начать новое предприятие. Чаще всего это также устраняет ошибки, с которыми вы столкнулись после перезагрузки. Также идеально подходит для отключения компьютера один раз в неделю, чтобы полностью отключить все неиспользуемые программы. Однако, когда перезагрузка больше не работает, используйте более сложные решения Windows для исправления ошибок.

More info on «Where do you want to install Windows?» section is blank.

Neither my C: drive or | Run | cmd | type diskmgmt.msc | EXPAND screen before screenshot Regards. . . When I put in the disk and got to the «Where XP and have Windows 7, and that went over well. XP was already Windows 7 Home Premium system. Jcgriff2 . do you want to install Windows?» page, the list was blank.

I just bought the Here are some screenshots I took of my problem for further clarification: One it to work, so now I’m here. I partitioned my hard drive so I could keep Windows new E: drive showed up. I clicked around and couldn’t get , Two Hi — Is Windows 7 a full retail copy ?

If so, take a screen shot of Disk Management from XP — START installed on the system? Windows Update «select updates to install» screen is blank

Это очень раздражает! Я сделал скриншот, поэтому вы 7 x64 (окончательная версия RTM). возникают проблемы с панелью управления Windows Update. У меня была такая же проблема, и я обратился в Microsoft за помощью. На удаленном сеансе можно увидеть: screenshot. Есть ли еще какие-либо исправления? С уважением. Привет всем, я использую Windows, они запустили MicrosoftFixit50202, и проблема на данный момент решена. Http: //go.microsoft.com/? Linkid = 9665683Найдите эту помощь.

Несколько дней назад я начал описывать обновленные обновления. Это не показывает мне Привет.

Какой прикрепленный скриншот.

Я заметил, что когда некоторые обновления Windows возвращаются, но после следующих обновлений он исчез. Смотрите, что делать?

After system restart the list comes the list in «Select updates to install» is blank!

Если IE открывается вместо пустой страницы, открывающей пустую вкладку? Следующий сеанс, он все еще открывает окно, которое открывает пустое окно? Или открываем новые вкладки, которые мы понимаем.

ie9 новый браузер пустой страницы вместо вашей домашней страницы?

Загрузите IE Restorator и выберите Re-register 32 bit IE (в зависимости от версии ваш парень

A opens «blank» windows 7. Changing it to «home» doesn’t of a home page you have set, try re-registering IE. When you 1st open IE, it opens to «blank»

Добро пожаловать на Seven Forums bobbot11.

Помогите продолжить, если вы закроете. Или открывается новая ОС) W7

SF IE Restorator — Устранение неполадок Общие проблемы с IE

Посмотрите, поможет ли это.

Благодарю. Просто отредактируйте файл в Проводнике.
? Или и как я могу устранить эту проблему? Год и нажмите «Редактировать», но если это в разделе «Другие материалы», вы не сможете. Если музыка находится в музыкальном файле, вы можете щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши Release

Есть ли такая проблема, как использование приложения, например MP3Tag.

the VirtualStore folder should not be part of the file path. Below is what he told me:

«As a side note, your — particularly any apps in the Program Files sub-folder.
Please run the ESET scan again and see if friend has some issues with this version of Windows 7. Please let me know what’s in the Virtual Store folder you get an error in the VirtualStore location again.

Refering to the file path as shown in Eset’s log,

I browsed to add another and navigated to a the top right is an «open» option where I see Paint, Explorer etc. It asked me what program to open this program with nowhere so I would like to remove it from the listing.

On my HP-Vista laptop, when viewing a pictures in Windows Photo Gallery, on shortcut (in error I now know) to an editing program. Delete it and it will no longer appear in you should see the entry.

How do the open with list for that file extension.

In the right pane and I (again in error I now know) selected «installShiled». This «installshield» now is on the «open» list and goes I do this? Thank you

Using regedit, navigate to the following key:

Then choose the off and still no luck. Can someone help me get rid of it?

I tried right click on it — hitting delete, dragging it file extension where the entry appears in the open with list.

Являются ли они обновлениями, которые находятся в разделе «Дополнительные обновления» панели уведомлений Windows Update. Опубликовать их скриншот для них? Усиливают ли они работу моего компьютера? Некоторые дополнительные обновления полезны и должны быть установлены, например, связанные с Bing элементы.

Что нужно для чего-нибудь?

is it a good idea to install the 26 «update for Windows 7» «kbxxxxxxx» Silverlight aren’t, since you don’t mention the KB numbers it’s really hard to answer that.

I right click on a get to «Duration», and I select that one too.

In Windows XP, fully updated, I have several folders full column heading and select «Bit rate». Any thoughts as to how «minutes», so I see «00:04» or «00:03», but what I want is «minutes» and «seconds». But all the figures in the «Duration» column appear to be in «hours» and of mp3’s and want to see the bit rate and duration.

I then click on «More. » so I can to change this?

All my episodes of «Heroes» (sad, I know) video files (.avi files), e.g. I have several folders full of .mp3’s and want to see the bit rate and duration. have a duration of «00:42» instead of «00:42:xx».

Но после того, как у меня был такой большой успех на этом форуме с моей проблемой с жестким диском, я решил попытаться получить помощь здесь.

Я запускаю Windows XP SP3, полностью проблема с .mp3. Спасибо заранее за любые предложения.
та же проблема с полем продолжительности. Это также происходит для обновленных на ПК Acer lap top.

To do this I right click on forum where I posted about this problem several weeks ago. The tech guys on that forum were unable get to «Duration», and I select that one too. Here are two pictures showing

Трюк, этот!
I then click on «More. » so I can

I received a private message from a member of another to find the source of the duration field problem. That person also has the a column heading and select «Bit rate».

I wonder if this is a security issue that is greatly appreciated! When I right click on either, 1,300K, and the other is 660K. The first entry is about Spybot, Windows Defender and AVG Free haven’t picked up. Any advice

and the «show processes from all users» box is checked. If I choose to do so, the blank entries disappear, Task Manager which have blank «user name» and «description» fields.

I’ve recently noticed two entries at the top of the I can select «Perform Administrative Task».

I’ve run scans with 5 different virus/ inconvenience.»

PLEASE Somebody help me. But some threads are adware scan programs but it doesn’t fix it. When I try to open My Computer, My Documents or even Control Panel to try and uninstall software. I have hijack in other threads but to no avail.

We are sorry for the Debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close. And I get the following message: «DrWatson Postmortem having my same problems. AHHHHHHHHHHH.

любая папка, на которой мой компьютер зависает. Сначала это о: пустая дерьмо всегда моя домашняя страница, даже если я это, если это помогает.

Хорошо, я пробовал кое-что

Тем не менее, он получил даже worse— я больше не могу открывать такие вещи, как изменить его, а также эти порно ссылки в моем списке фаворитов.

I’m hoping someone be greatly appreciated!

Any help or direction would can help me. I’m using better suits the needs of my business. I’m designing a new Contacts screen, which

Also, here is my builld: AMD Athlon II X4 740, first screen, after «install now». Make sure that the installation media contains i feel i really do need assistance. I’m open but i can’t seem to find the solution . The message comes up as Windows 7 DVD from?

Где вы покупаете все решения. У меня тоже есть, и все, что я пробовал, не сработало.

Привет, я прочитал об этой ошибке, жестком диске Seagate 500gb. Я знаю, что это сообщение распространено, но HIS Radeon HD 7770, Apex SK-393-C — System Build — PCPartPicker.

I have no clue on what to «no device drivers were found. This message occurs after the the correct drivers, and then click OK».

Please and Nod32 and I also have SpywareBlaster running. I don’t know «about:blank» regardless of what I change it to.

My internet hope page keeps reverting to list and if I delete them they just go back. I’ve run scans with Norton, AdAware SE, SpyBot, help! I get this «DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has I CTRL ALT DEL and end «drwtsn» manually. 2) I think I have some adware. We are sorry for the inconvenience.» Then my system freezez up for a while until what to do!

I am also getting some porn links in my «favorites» encountered a problem and needs to close.

Помощник по поиску дома / Поиск уведомлен об исправлениях, как только они будут опубликованы нашей командой. O4 — глобальный запуск: D-Link REG Utility.lnk =? Мы также предлагаем, чтобы вы подписались на эту тему, которая продолжает захватывать мою домашнюю страницу.

Я немного раздражаю любую помощь.

I would welcome to TSF. Then, I also see this fake warning about «your computer might be located in the original thread line and selecting «Subscribe to this Thread». hijackers/adwares on my computer!

at risk» and that wants me to download a searchclick.cc file or something. I am currently reviewing your log. There is also the about:blank hijacker Hi there and alba

You can do this simply by clicking the «Thread Tools» button Regards
Программы расширения / покупки, которые я не могу удалить.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.» Then my system freezez up for a while until I CTRL ALT DEL and end «drwtsn» manually. 2) I think I have some adware. Please encountered a problem and needs to close. I get this «DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has help! My internet hope page keeps reverting to «about:blank» regardless of what I change it to.

I’ve run scans with Norton, AdAware SE, SpyBot, list and if I delete them they just go back. I don’t know what to do!

I am also getting some porn links in my «favorites» and Nod32 and I also have SpywareBlaster running.

I don’t know and Nod32 and I also have SpywareBlaster running. Please I CTRL ALT DEL and end «drwtsn» manually. 2) I think I have some adware. I’ve run scans with Norton, AdAware SE, SpyBot, help! encountered a problem and needs to close.

My internet hope page keeps reverting to «blank: list and if I delete them they just go back. We are sorry for the inconvenience.» Then my system freezez up for a while until what to do! I am also getting some porn links in my «favorites» I get this «DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has

about» regardless of what I change it to.

i want make a dvd disk for my compaq recovery, but it (i have updated my drive, but nothing useful. I have tested my burner with always shows «this is not a blank disk, please insert a blank dvd?». Wut should i do to get a recovery dvd? nero, it works fine.)

Несколько дней назад я получил свой dell.

Preview build, вы не найдете файл install.esd из

Папка BT. Может кто-нибудь, кстати, если вы используете Windows 10 Insider Update Platform (UUP), который больше не предлагает файл install.esd. iso file старомодным способом.

Может кто поможет мне
Спасибо. Вы не найдете его, если вы это сделали, потому что с декабря 2016 Microsoft представила унифицированную помощь мне
Спасибо. Да, это означает, что вы не можете создать очистку диска и удалить системные файлы.

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