Windows whiteboard как отключить

  1. Windows whiteboard как отключить
  2. Что делать, если Microsoft Whiteboard не работает
  3. 1. Убедитесь, что сервис включен
  4. 2. Разрешите доступ к приложению Whiteboard через брандмауэр
  5. Не нравится Office 2016? Откат к Office 2013 с этим простым руководством!
  6. 3. Удалите свой аккаунт и добавьте его снова
  7. 4. Удалите и переустановите приложение
  8. Настройка и использование Доски (Майкрософт) Set up and use Microsoft Whiteboard
  9. Предварительные условия Prerequisites
  10. Требования Office 365 Office 365 requirements
  11. Совместная работа с досками Collaborating with whiteboards
  12. Советы пользователей User tips
  13. Новые функции в доске New features in Whiteboard
  14. Microsoft Whiteboard Help
  15. What can I do with Whiteboard?
  16. How do I start using Whiteboard on my PC?
  17. How do I start using Whiteboard on my iOS device?
  18. How do I start using Whiteboard for the web?
  19. How do I use Whiteboard on my Surface Hub?
  20. What account do I need to use Whiteboard?
  21. I’m a Microsoft 365 IT Administrator. How do I enable or disable Whiteboard for my organization?
  22. What are the feature differences between Whiteboard for Windows 10, iOS, and web?
  23. What devices are supported?
  24. How do I sign in to Whiteboard?
  25. I can’t sign in. What should I do?
  26. How do I use Templates in Whiteboard?
  27. How do I use ink in Whiteboard? What is finger painting?
  28. How do I use a mouse and keyboard in Whiteboard?
  29. How do I use the ruler?
  30. How do I use Ink to Shape?
  31. How do I use Ink to Table?
  32. How do I use object snapping?
  33. How do I select, move, resize, and copy content?
  34. How do I add pictures to Whiteboard from a web browser?
  35. How do I add pictures to Whiteboard from my device?
  36. How do I add sticky notes and annotate them?
  37. How do I lock an image to the background?
  38. How do I look at a bird’s eye view of my whiteboard?
  39. Where can I find all of my whiteboards and how do I switch between them?
  40. How do I title a whiteboard?
  41. How do I collaborate with someone else in Whiteboard?
  42. How do I set people to read-only?
  43. How can I export a whiteboard, or save it as a screenshot or a file?
  44. How do I use Bing Search in Whiteboard?
  45. I don’t see Bing Search, Sign in, or Sharing options. Is something wrong?
  46. How can I export, transfer, or delete personal data from my whiteboards?
  47. What is Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams meetings?
  48. What compliance category does Whiteboard meet?
  49. I’ve got a suggestion or I’ve found a bug. What should I do?

Windows whiteboard как отключить

Ряд пользователей сообщили, что их приложение Microsoft Whiteboard больше не работает. Эта проблема может доставить вам много хлопот, особенно если вам нужен доступ к приложению «Белая доска» вашей компании в Office 365.

Не забудьте внести в белый список наш сайт. Это уведомление не исчезнет, ​​пока вы не сделаете это. Вы ненавидите рекламу, мы ее получаем. Мы делаем так же. К сожалению, это единственный способ для нас, чтобы продолжать предоставлять звездный контент и руководства о том, как решить ваши самые большие технические проблемы. Вы можете поддержать нашу команду из 30 человек, чтобы они продолжали выполнять свою работу, занеся в белый список наш сайт. Мы размещаем только несколько рекламных объявлений на странице, не препятствуя вашему доступу к контенту.

Вот что сказал один пользователь об этой проблеме на форумах Microsoft:

Когда я пытаюсь войти в приложение, появляется сообщение о том, что я не подключен к Интернету. Я подключен и не могу обойти эту ошибку. Я попытался удалить и переустановить приложение. Нет успеха Есть идеи?

Некоторые пользователи сообщают, что приложение работало нормально и внезапно остановилось. Другие говорят, что им трудно войти.

По этим причинам в сегодняшней статье мы рассмотрим некоторые из лучших доступных методов устранения неполадок. Пожалуйста, внимательно следуйте инструкциям, чтобы избежать других проблем.

Что делать, если Microsoft Whiteboard не работает

1. Убедитесь, что сервис включен

  1. Посетите Центр администрирования Microsoft 365.
  2. На домашней странице -> выберите Настройки -> выберите Сервисы и надстройки.

  • На странице « Службы и надстройки» -> прокрутите вниз и выберите « Белая доска».
  • Внутри меню доски -> переключите кнопку рядом с пунктом Включить или выключить доску для всей организации.
  • Нажмите Сохранить.
  • Примечание. Если вы не являетесь администратором IT Office 365 своей компании, вы можете связаться с этим человеком для выполнения действий, упомянутых выше.

    2. Разрешите доступ к приложению Whiteboard через брандмауэр

    Примечание. Если вы используете брандмауэр Защитника Windows, вы можете точно выполнить все действия. Если вы используете службу брандмауэра от стороннего антивирусного программного обеспечения, вам нужно будет изменить настройки там.

      Нажмите на поле поиска Cortana -> введите брандмауэр.

  • Выберите Брандмауэр Защитника Windows из списка.
  • Выберите параметр Разрешить приложение или функцию через брандмауэр Защитника Windows.
  • Найдите Microsoft Whiteboard в списке и разрешите все подключения.
  • Сохраните настройки и выйдите из панели управления.
  • Проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема. Если это так, следуйте следующему методу.
  • Не нравится Office 2016? Откат к Office 2013 с этим простым руководством!

    3. Удалите свой аккаунт и добавьте его снова

    Еще один метод, который помог некоторым пользователям решить эту проблему, — просто удалить корпоративную учетную запись из приложения, а затем добавить ее снова.

    4. Удалите и переустановите приложение

    1. Нажмите клавиши Win + X -> выберите Приложения и функции.

  • Найдите приложение в списке -> выберите Удалить -> дождитесь завершения процесса.
  • Нажмите здесь, чтобы загрузить доску Microsoft.
  • Запустите и установите его на свой компьютер, следуя инструкциям на экране
  • Мы рассмотрели некоторые из лучших методов для решения этой проблемы. Мы надеемся, что вы решили проблему.

    Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь сообщить нам, помогло ли вам это руководство, используя раздел комментариев ниже.


    • Office 365 не следует использовать в школах из-за проблем с конфиденциальностью
    • Как остановить процесс обработки фоновых задач Office навсегда
    • Как восстановить Office 2013 на Windows 10

    Настройка и использование Доски (Майкрософт) Set up and use Microsoft Whiteboard

    Приложение Microsoft Whiteboard включает возможности для surface Hubs и других устройств с установленным приложением Microsoft Whiteboard для совместной работы в режиме реального времени на одной доске. The Microsoft Whiteboard app includes the capability for Surface Hubs and other devices with the Microsoft Whiteboard app installed to collaborate in real time on the same board.

    Предварительные условия Prerequisites

    Чтобы использовать совместное использование доски, выполните следующие действия: To use whiteboard collaboration complete the following actions:

    • Добавьте, и список разрешенных сайтов. Add,, and to your list of allowed sites.
    • Открытый порт: HTTPS: 443 (обычно настраивается при первом запуске Surface Hub.) Open port: HTTPS: 443 (normally configured when you first run Surface Hub.)

    Требования Office 365 Office 365 requirements

    • Совместное использование доски поддерживается только в коммерческой среде Office 365 и требует Office 365 с облачным Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Whiteboard collaboration is only supported in the Office 365 commercial environment and requires Office 365 with cloud-based Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
    • Сеансы совместной работы можно запускать только среди пользователей, принадлежащих одному и тем же клиенту Office 365. You can only run collaborative sessions among users belonging to the same Office 365 tenant.
    • Office 365 Germany или Office 365, управляемые 21Vianet, не поддерживают совместную работу с досками. Office 365 Germany or Office 365 operated by 21Vianet do not support whiteboard collaboration.

    Совместная работа с досками Collaborating with whiteboards

    Чтобы начать сеанс совместной работы, выполните следующие действия To start a collaboration session:

    1. В приложении «Доска» нажмите кнопку Вход. In the Whiteboard app, tap the Sign in button.
    2. Выполните вход с помощью идентификатора организации. Sign in with your organization ID.
    3. Нажмите кнопку Пригласить рядом с вашим именем в верхней части экрана приложения. Tap the Invite button next to your name at the top of the app.
    4. Напишите или введите имена коллег, с которых вы хотите сотрудничать. Write or type the names of the colleagues you wish to collaborate with.

    На другом устройстве, например surface Hub, при подписании общая доска теперь будет отображаться в галерее доски. On the other device, such as a Surface Hub, when you are signed in, the shared board will now appear in the board gallery.

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    Советы пользователей User tips

    • Войдите, чтобы получить доступ к доскам. Log in to access your whiteboards. По мере работы изменения сохраняются автоматически. As you work, changes are saved automatically.
    • Назови доски, чтобы помочь организовать контент и быстро найти его. Name your whiteboards to help organize your content and find it quickly. Выберите . Select the … чтобы открыть меню. to open the menu. Выберите значок передач Options, чтобы получить доступ к дополнительным средствам и функциям доски. Select the Options gear icon to access more tools and features of the Whiteboard.
    • Используйте ink для того чтобы повернуть рисунок в фактические формы как круги, квадраты, и треугольники. Use Ink to shape to turn drawing into actual shapes like circles, squares, and triangles.
    • Используйте ink для таблицы, чтобы превратить нарисованную сетку в таблицу с строками и столбцами. Use Ink to table to turn a drawn grid into a table with rows and columns.
    • Вы также можете изменить цвет фона и дизайн с сплошной на сетку или точки. You can also change the background color and design from solid to grid or dots. Выберите фон, а затем выберите цвет из колеса вокруг него. Pick the background, then choose the color from the wheel around it.
    • Вы можете экспортировать копию совместной работы доски для себя с помощью шарма Share и оставить доску другим для продолжения работы. You can export a copy of the Whiteboard collaboration for yourself through the Share charm and leave the board for others to continue working.

    Если вы используете доску и не можете войти, вы можете сотрудничать, присоединившись к собранию Teams или Skype для бизнеса, а затем поделившись экраном. If you are using Whiteboard and cannot sign in, you can collaborate by joining a Teams or Skype for Business meeting, and then sharing your screen. После этого нажмите кнопку Экспорт параметровдля электронной почты или > **** сохраните копию доски. After you’re done, tap Settings > Export to email or save a copy of the board. Если вы решите экспортировать в SVG, он экспортирует векторную графику и обеспечивает более высокое разрешение, чем PNG, и может быть открыт в веб-браузере. If you choose to export to SVG, it exports vector graphics and provides higher resolution than PNG and can be opened in a web browser.

    Новые функции в доске New features in Whiteboard

    Приложение Microsoft Whiteboard, обновленное для Surface Hub 1 июля 2019 г., включает множество новых функций, включая: The Microsoft Whiteboard app, updated for Surface Hub on July 1, 2019 includes a host of new features including:

    • Автоматическая экономия — доски сохраняются в облаке автоматически при входе, и их можно найти в галерее доски. Automatic Saving — Boards are saved to the cloud automatically when you sign in, and can be found in the board gallery. Не существует имени или каталога локальной папки. There is no local folder name or directory.
    • Расширенная совместная работа на устройствах . Вы можете сотрудничать с помощью новых приложений для ПК и iOS Windows 10, а также веб-версии для других устройств. Extended collaboration across devices — You can collaborate using new apps for Windows 10 PC and iOS, and a web version for other devices.
    • Более богатое полотно . Помимо ink и images, доска теперь включает липкие заметки, текст и GIF-изображения, и вскоре появится больше объектов. Richer canvas — In addition to ink and images, Whiteboard now includes sticky notes, text and GIFs, with more objects coming soon.
    • Intelligence — Помимо рукописных фигур и таблиц, whiteboard теперь включает в себя окне для улучшения почерка и захвата рукописных рукописей для преобразования изображений в рукописные. Intelligence – In addition to ink to shape and table, Whiteboard now includes ink beautification to improve handwriting and ink grab to convert images to ink.
    • Дополнительные параметры цвета и фона — доска теперь включает в себя больше цветов пера и вариантов толщины вместе с дополнительными цветами фона и дизайном. More color and background options — Whiteboard now includes more pen colors and thickness options along with additional background colors and designs.
    • Интеграция команд — вы можете автоматически запускать доску с собрания Teams и обмениваться ими с участниками. Teams Integration – You can automatically launch Whiteboard from a Teams meeting and share with participants.

    Microsoft Whiteboard Help

    What can I do with Whiteboard?

    Microsoft Whiteboard is a freeform, digital canvas where people, content, and ideas come together. You can use Whiteboard for collaborating with your team to accomplish many activities — whether your team is in the same place or in multiple locations. Team members can work collaboratively using their own devices.

    Running effective meetings

    Team sprint planning

    To learn more, visit the Microsoft Whiteboard site, or search for the Whiteboard app in the Microsoft Store on Windows 10, and on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.

    How do I start using Whiteboard on my PC?

    You can install the Microsoft Whiteboard app for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store.

    After installing, sign in to Whiteboard with a free Microsoft account (Outlook, Hotmail, Live, Xbox, etc.) or Microsoft 365 account (personal, work, or school).

    How do I start using Whiteboard on my iOS device?

    Download Microsoft Whiteboard to your iOS device from the App Store (requires Apple iOS 9 or later, iPhone 5s or later, iPad Mini 3 or later, iPad Air, or iPad Pro).

    After installing, sign in to Whiteboard with a free Microsoft account (Outlook, Hotmail, Live, Xbox, etc.) or Microsoft 365 account (personal, work, or school).

    How do I start using Whiteboard for the web?

    For commercial users, you can access Whiteboard for the web at It is supported on devices running an up-to-date version of most browsers — including Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

    Whiteboard for the web currently supports the following features:

    Create and join boards

    Add and edit sticky notes

    Add and edit text objects

    Add and erase ink

    Select and move objects

    View images added from native clients

    At this time, templates, lists and grids added from the native clients are not viewable in web. These features are being added to web.

    Note: To zoom the canvas on Edge using a touch screen, touch events must be enabled. To do this, type about:flags in the address bar and press Enter. Scroll to Enable touch events and select Always on in the drop-down.

    How do I use Whiteboard on my Surface Hub?

    You can launch the Microsoft Whiteboard app by tapping the Whiteboard icon on the Start Screen. You can immediately begin inking with the pen, adding images or sticky notes, and signing in to collaborate with colleagues.

    What account do I need to use Whiteboard?

    To use Microsoft Whiteboard on Windows 10 or on iOS, you must sign in with a free Microsoft account (Outlook, Hotmail, Live, Xbox, etc.) or Microsoft 365 account (personal, work, or school).

    To use the Whiteboard for the web, you must sign in with a Microsoft 365 account (work or school).

    I’m a Microsoft 365 IT Administrator. How do I enable or disable Whiteboard for my organization?

    Whiteboard for Windows 10, iOS and web is automatically enabled for your organization. Your users are able to sign in to the Whiteboard app on those devices. To change this, see Enable Microsoft Whiteboard for your organization.

    What are the feature differences between Whiteboard for Windows 10, iOS, and web?

    The Whiteboard apps on Windows 10 and on iOS provide comparable levels of functionality, with some small differences. For example, in the iOS app, Bing image search is not available, and you cannot ink to invite participants (you must type people’s names with the keyboard).

    Whiteboard for the web currently supports the following features:

    Create and join boards

    Add and edit sticky notes

    Add and edit text objects

    Add and erase ink

    Select and move objects

    View images added from native clients

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    At this time, templates, lists and grids added from the native clients are not viewable in web. These features are being added to web.

    What devices are supported?

    The Whiteboard app for Windows 10 is supported on all devices running Windows 10, including Surface Hub.

    The Whiteboard app for iOS is supported on Apple iOS 9 or later, and requires iPhone 5s or later, iPad Mini 3 or later, iPad Air, or iPad Pro.

    Whiteboard for the web is supported on devices running an up-to-date version of most browsers — including Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

    Note: Whiteboard for the web is currently incompatible with Internet Explorer, Windows Phone 8.1, the Silk browser on Amazon Kindle, and extremely small form factor devices (such as smart watches).

    How do I sign in to Whiteboard?

    Tap the Sign in button in the upper right corner and then sign in. As soon as you’re signed in, you can access additional features, such as persistent whiteboards and collaboration with others.

    I can’t sign in. What should I do?

    If you’re using your Microsoft 365 organizational account, contact your Administrator to ensure that the new Whiteboard service is enabled for your organization.

    If you’re experiencing this issue on a Surface Hub, contact your Administrator for more information or see the Microsoft Surface Hub admin guide for settings that can prevent signing in.

    If you’re using your Microsoft 365 corporate account on an iOS device and your account has any tenant-level conditional access policies or MDM requirements, please ensure you have the Microsoft Authenticator app installed.

    How do I use Templates in Whiteboard?

    Templates are available in the PC, Surface Hub, and iOS apps. Templates let you and others brainstorm and work together more easily in Whiteboard.

    Templates can be accessed by tapping or clicking the Insert button. This will bring up the template gallery, where you can scroll to browse and choose a template.

    The following templates are available in Preview, with more to be added over time:

    KANBAN sprint planning

    KWL (Know, Wonder, Learn) for Education

    Note: Templates are not yet supported in Whiteboard for the web, but will be available there in the future.

    How do I use ink in Whiteboard? What is finger painting?

    If you’re using a device with an active pen, you can use pen and touch for different things. Drawing on the screen with the pen will cause ink to appear, while dragging with your fingers will cause the canvas to pan.

    If your device is passive — meaning that the pen is hollow or your device didn’t come with any pens — you’ll need to toggle finger painting mode on and off to change how you interact with the screen. While finger painting mode is on, touching the screen will draw ink on the canvas. While finger painting mode is off, touching the screen will pan or zoom the canvas.

    You can switch among different color pens, highlighters, and erasers by selecting the appropriate tool at the bottom of the app.

    How do I use a mouse and keyboard in Whiteboard?

    Do any of the following:

    To pan the board canvas, click and then drag the canvas with the mouse, or hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while using the arrow keys.

    To quickly zoom the board canvas, scroll the mouse wheel up or down (if available).

    To select an object, click it with the mouse, or press the Tab key repeatedly until the object you want is selected.

    To insert an object, such as an image or text, click the + icon in the toolbar, and then click the object that you want to add. You can also use the context menu by clicking Shift + F10, using the arrow keys to select the object that you want to add, and then pressing the Enter key.

    To draw or erase ink, click the Pen icon on the toolbar, select a pen or an eraser, and then use your mouse to draw on the canvas or to erase ink strokes. To use the keyboard for tool selection, press the Tab key repeatedly until the Pen icon is selected on the toolbar.

    To move the ruler while it is visible, click and then drag the ruler with the mouse. To use the keyboard, click the ruler, and then move it with the arrow keys.

    To change the ruler’s angle, hover over the ruler with the mouse pointer and then use the scroll wheel — or click to select the ruler, and then hold the Alt key while you press any of the arrow keys on your keyboard.

    How do I use the ruler?

    The on-screen ruler in Whiteboard can help you draw precise, straight lines or align a set of objects on your whiteboard. To use the ruler, do the following:

    Tap the Ruler icon to make the ruler appear on the canvas.

    Position the ruler at the angle you want:

    Use one finger or the mouse to move the ruler up/down or left/right. If you prefer, you can also use the mouse to select the ruler and then arrow keys to move it.

    Use two fingers to rotate the ruler to the angle you want. If you don’t have a touch screen, use the mouse to select the ruler and then hold the Alt key while pressing any of the arrow keys on your keyboard to change the angle. You can also change the angle by hovering over the ruler with the mouse pointer and then using the scroll wheel.

    To draw a straight line, tap to select a pen or highlighter, and then begin drawing along the edge of the ruler.

    How do I use Ink to Shape?

    If you want your hand-drawn shapes to change to precise shapes, you can use the optional Ink to Shape feature by enabling it in Settings. When Ink to Shape is active, drawing a shape — such as a circle or square — will automatically change the hand-drawn ink strokes to a precise shape on your whiteboard.

    Whiteboard’s shape conversion currently works for squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, hexagons, pentagons, and parallelograms.

    Tip: You can use the Undo command if you want to revert to your original ink strokes for the last shape you drew. Shapes cannot be erased, but can be deleted by tapping on the shape and selecting the Trash Can icon from the context menu or using the Delete key. To stop automatically converting shapes from ink, turn off the Ink to Shape feature in Settings.

    How do I use Ink to Table?

    Whiteboard allows you to create organized and clean tables on the fly with just a few ink strokes. You can highlight cells and add or remove columns or rows. To begin a table, first draw a square on the canvas. Once it is recognized by Whiteboard, bisect the shape with a vertical or horizontal line to create columns and rows, respectively.

    You can add or remove columns and rows using the + and – symbols. Using the highlighter on specific cells also lets you highlight them for easier reference.

    Erasing over a table erases the content in the table before it erases the table itself so you won’t accidentally erase the table itself.

    How do I use object snapping?

    Object snapping helps you align your content by providing a visual cue. A line appears when you move an object (such as a sticky note or an image) close to another object.

    You can enable object snapping in Settings.

    How do I select, move, resize, and copy content?

    To move objects, when finger painting mode is disabled, you can select with your finger to easily move around the canvas.

    To select content, you can use your finger or pen — or you can use the Lasso Select tool in the toolbar to select several objects at once. With Lasso Select activated, use your pen to circle the content you want to select. When finger painting mode is enabled for passive/non-pen based devices, you can also turn on Lasso Select to use your finger to circle-select content.

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    If your active pen has a barrel button, hold this button to temporarily switch into Lasso Select mode and circle content to select it.

    When content has been selected, move it using your finger or pen. To resize it, use two fingers to stretch or minimize the content. To copy, press and hold the selected content, press the Copy button, press and hold in the location where you want to paste, and then press the Paste button.

    How do I add pictures to Whiteboard from a web browser?

    To copy and paste pictures from a browser or another app, press and hold (on touch devices) or right-click to copy content, and then right-click to paste it.

    See How do I use Bing Search in Whiteboard? and How do I add pictures to Whiteboard from my device? in this article for instructions on how to add images in other ways.

    How do I add pictures to Whiteboard from my device?

    To insert pictures from your device, press and hold (on touch devices) or right-click to open the context menu, and then select the  Image button. The File Explorer will appear, where you can select pictures from your device.

    How do I add sticky notes and annotate them?

    Tap the Insert button in the toolbar, then tap Text note. You can also choose a specific area of the canvas, press and hold (on touch devices) or right-click to open the context menu, and then click the Note button to insert a sticky note.

    To annotate a sticky note with ink, write on top of the sticky note and the ink will be grouped with the sticky note. To annotate a sticky note with text, click the sticky note. When the cursor appears, type on your keyboard.

    How do I lock an image to the background?

    On touch devices, press and hold the context menu (or right-click it) to open it, and then tap or click the Image button.

    In the Open dialog box that appears, select a picture from your device, and then click Open.

    If necessary, resize the image you inserted by clicking or tapping the image to select it, and then dragging the sizing handle in the bottom right corner of the image up or down.

    When the image looks the way you want, right-click it, click the . . . button on the context menu, and then click Lock to background.

    Tip: To unlock an image from the background, right-click the image, click the . . . button on the context menu, and then click Unlock from background.

    How do I look at a bird’s eye view of my whiteboard?

    Double tap or click to zoom out so you can view the entire whiteboard. You can double tap or click to toggle between a bird’s eye view (zoomed out) and a zoomed in to 100% view.

    Alternately, continuously zooming out the canvas will eventually switch you to bird’s eye view.

    Where can I find all of my whiteboards and how do I switch between them?

    When you have a whiteboard open, you can click the Back arrow get to your other existing whiteboards.

    Note: The back button is not visible on Surface Hub until you sign in.

    How do I title a whiteboard?

    You can title a whiteboard by going to the board gallery and tapping the . button for the whiteboard you want to rename.

    Titles can contain between 1 and 254 characters

    Titles cannot contain the characters » * : ? / \ |

    Titles cannot start with the

    Titles cannot contain: _vti_, .lock, CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT0, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9, or desktop.ini

    How do I collaborate with someone else in Whiteboard?

    While signed in, start a collaborative session by tapping the Invite button next to your name, and then writing or typing the name of the person with whom you want to collaborate. This will send that person an email, and they will automatically see your board appear in their list of available boards.

    Anyone you invite can be assigned either editing or read-only permission. By default, an invited user will be allowed to edit and rename the board, as well as share and remove others. They cannot delete the board or remove the owner. To change permissions, tap the people icon and then tap the pen icon next to a person’s name. In the drop-down, you can choose Can edit or Read-only.

    To generate a sharing link that you can copy and paste into Skype or into an email message, tap More options.

    Note: Users can currently collaborate only with other people within their organization. We will be adding the option to collaborate on whiteboards with guests outside of your organization in the future.

    How do I set people to read-only?

    Anyone you invite can be assigned either editing or read-only permission. By default, an invited user will be allowed to edit and rename the board, as well as share and remove others. They cannot delete the board or remove the owner.

    To change permissions, tap the people icon and then tap the pen icon next to a person’s name. In the drop-down, you can choose Can edit or Read-only.

    How can I export a whiteboard, or save it as a screenshot or a file?

    To export your whiteboard, tap the Settings button, and then select Export image (png).

    How do I use Bing Search in Whiteboard?

    Tap the Insert button in the toolbar, then tap Bing image search to bring up the Bing Search dialog. From here, you can write a search term that will return pictures and interactive content that you can place on your whiteboard. Tap the Insert button to insert selected content on your whiteboard.

    Note: Within Whiteboard, Bing’s SafeSearch filter is set to Strict.

    I don’t see Bing Search, Sign in, or Sharing options. Is something wrong?

    Administrators have the ability to change the default settings and capabilities of Whiteboard. Please check with your Administrator about enabling these features.

    Note: Bing image search is currently not supported in Whiteboard for iOS.

    How can I export, transfer, or delete personal data from my whiteboards?

    Tap the . . . button for the whiteboard you want to export, and then select Export image (png).

    This will open a File Explorer window in which you can choose where to save the image.

    Contact your IT administrator and have them change the ownership of the whiteboard you want to transfer.

    Tap the . . . button for the whiteboard you want to delete, and then select Delete.

    Warning: This will permanently delete the whiteboard.

    What is Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams meetings?

    Whiteboard integration in Microsoft Teams meetings is powered by Whiteboard for the web, which lets participants of Teams meetings draw, sketch, and write together on a shared digital canvas.

    For details about Whiteboard integration with Teams, see Use Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams.

    What compliance category does Whiteboard meet?

    The Whiteboard apps for Windows 10, iOS, and web meet Tier C, which means that they conform to global standards including SOC 1, SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and EU Model Clauses.

    For more information, visit the Microsoft Trust Center.

    I’ve got a suggestion or I’ve found a bug. What should I do?

    You can send feedback directly to the Microsoft Whiteboard team by tapping the Settings button and choosing Send Feedback. This will open the Microsoft Feedback hub, where you can enter information about the issue you’ve encountered and provide a screenshot.

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